When I Ran Away and Found a New Home -Chapter 1

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(A/N) - Here's a key!!!
(Y/N) - Your name
(N/N) - Nickname
(F/C) - Favorite color
(S/F/C) - Second favorite color
(B/F) - Best friend
(POV) - Point of view
(A/N) - Author's note
Italics - Thoughts
I will add more later, but enjoy!!!
Your POV

"(Y/N)!!! GET BACK HERE BEFORE I HAVE TO BEAT YOU!!!" I heard my dad yell. He was definitely under the influence of alcohol. Ever since my brother, Aaron, [(A/N) I'M MAKING AARON YOUR BROTHER SO DEAL WIT IT!!!] moved out with my mom, when my parents divorced, it has been terrible. My dad started drinking right after my mom left him. He does it 24/7 and the smell is TERRIBLE. My dad also has been abusing me so whenever I go out to the store I'll have cuts and bruises all over my body. Most nights I'll also cry myself to sleep because I feel so alone. I decided to march right up to my dad and knock him out cold. Except when I tried to punch him he stopped my hand.

"Nice try, (N/N), but you won't be able to stop me just with a knock out," he said in a stupid baby voice. I instead used my other arm knocked him out. I spit in his face and dragged him to his room.

Our house was built in a wired way where all the doors locked from the outside, so I grabbed the key and locked him in. I then popped it in my pocket and walked upstairs. That'll teach ya to mess with me! I told myself doing a mental hair flip.

I grabbed my suitcase from my closet and started filling it with everything. When my mom left we didn't have much money so I had to sell most of my clothes to pay for rent, electricity, food, water, and extra things a girl needs. I grabbed my toothbrush, toothpaste, some makeup, perfume, tampons, and bathing soap for my toiletries. I then grabbed all of my shirts, pants, skirts, dresses, shoes, money, my phone, and my charger and placed them in the suitcase.

I checked my phone to see the time since I frequently forgot it. It was 2:00PM so I decided to run away right then and there and not wait for tomorrow. I grabbed everything and ran outside. I smelled in the fresh air, extended my suitcase and started my long journey to a new home.

While I was leaving my BFF, (B/F), stopped me. "You can't leave me," she [(A/N) I'm making your BFF a girl but if you have a guy BFF sorry!!!] said with tears in her eyes gripping on to my arm. "I'm done dealing with this. I have to go," I told her about to cry myself. She took a deep breath before saying, "Text me your new address as soon as you move in, ok?" (B/F) asked loosening her grip on me. I nodded and started to walk away. "I'll be back," I said before she replied, "(N/N) always comes back."

3 Days Later

I haven't seen any other nice neighborhoods to move into. I'm really proud of myself thinking to pack money so I could buy food. I have to keep going. I have been telling myself this for the past 3 days and nothing has happened. I'm kinda getting annoyed with myself and I kinda want to give up and become homeless. I just can't find a neighborhood.

I suddenly get a text on my phone and see it's from (B/F). I decide to start a conversation.

(N/N) - You - (B/F) - Best friend

(B/F) - any luck?

(N/N) - nada. anything new over there?

(B/N) - not much. unless you count a car running over a squirrel.😒

(N/N) - 😜 hang in there ok?

(B/F) aight. ttyl.

(N/N) bai.

I put my phone up and decide to walk another couple blocks. Ok. If I don't find a nice neighborhood with some nice neighbors soon, I'm becoming homeless. I decided mentally.

After about five minutes of walking I came up to a beautiful street called Mystreet. It looked like a nice neighborhood and just because I didn't want to be homeless, I started looking at houses.

I found a nice (F/C) one with (S/F/C) glass panes and immediately called the house attendant.

  After the House Deal was Done

I shook his hand and bought the house. I can't believe I had enough money for it! This was the best thing that has ever happened to me that I was actually jumping for joy. I texted (B/F) the address so she could help me move in. After that I took a deep breath. I couldn't wait to start a new adventure on a new street. Specifically, Mystreet.


(A/N) First chapter done!!! Woo hoo!!!
821 words!!! See you guys later!!!
Bai!!! TTYLXOX LBrox189 ^~^

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