When I Had The Best Night Ever - Chapter 13

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(A/N) - Here's a key!!!
(Y/N) - Your name
(N/N) - Nickname
(F/C) - Favorite color
(S/F/C) - Second favorite color
(B/F) - Best friend
(E/C) - Eye color
(H/C) - Hair color
(F/F) - Favorite food
(POV) - Point of view
(S/N) - Ship name
(A/N) - Author's note
Italics - Thoughts
I will add more later, but enjoy!!!

Your POV

I looked over my shoulder. I was so surprised to see who it was. It was Aph and Aaron! That is so ironic. They made their date night the same night as me and Zane and at the same restaurant. I hugged Aph while Zane and Aaron said hello and chatted with each other. "Really ironic huh?" Aph said while I was nodding my head. "Yeah and also I love your dress!" I said complimenting her. "Thanks! You too!" Aph said replying.

We talked a tad more until we heard, "Ro'meave for 2." Zane and I started walking to our table. We were sat outside, completely alone. Don't mess this up
(Y/N)! "Thank you!" I said as the hostess sat us down. I looked to my right and admired the view. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Zane admiring me. That's so sweet!

Zane's POV

As we sat down at our table, (Y/N) started admiring the view. I couldn't help but stare at her. Wow. "Hey (Y/N), you look really beautiful tonight," I said blushing a little bit. (Y/N) did too. "Thanks. You look very dapper," she said complimenting me. I chuckled at her comment. She started laughing a little too. "Who uses dapper anymore?" I asked while she was still laughing. (Y/N) shrugged and continued laughing for a bit.

"May I get you anything to drink?" I heard the waiter say. "A Shirley Temple (A/N) A Shirley Temple is sprite and grenadine. It is really good so try it in real life! and a water," (Y/N) said. "For you sir?" the waiter asked. "Just water," I said before he walked away. I looked at (Y/N) again and noticed all of her features. Her (H/C) hair, her (E/C) eyes, her dimples. She was beautiful.

Your POV

Zane started to stare at me. I couldn't help but blush. He is so adorable. "What would you like to eat tonight?" the waiter said coming back. "I'll have the (F/F)," I said waiting for Zane to order as well. "I'll have the same thing," he said handing the waiter our menus. This is going to perfect!

"So, (Y/N)," Zane started, "why are things so terrible between you and Gene?" I looked down at the table and said, "He almost caused me to do suicide, but someone saved me." Zane blushed and his eyes lit up. "What?" I asked curious as ever. "N-nothing!" Zane replied. I blushed at the stutter. So kawaii!!!

After a couple more minutes, the hostess came outside with another couple. The woman I saw was Melissa. Great. Melissa decided to have her date tonight to. The man was............GENE! No! Not tonight! Please! I turned my head to Zane. I noticed his hand curled in a fist. I immediately placed my hand over the fist. He looked up and I smiled at him. Not yet Zane. Finally, our food came and we totally forgot about Melissa and Gene.

After dinner

"Any dessert?" the waiter asked picking up our plates. "A strawberry cheesecake," I said already tasting it. Irene's Kitchen was famous for them. Zane and I have had a great time. We've gotten to know each other so much better. This was the best decision of my life. "Thank you so much for this Zane," I said blushing. He took my hand in his and kissed it. I kept on blushing.

The waiter came back with the cheesecake and just as I was about to take a bite, a shadow appeared over it. I looked up and noticed it was Gene. Great. "Hey Kitty! Fancy seeing you here huh," he said putting on his fake niceness. "Yeah it is," Zane said annoyed. I wouldn't blame him. If we weren't at this nice of a restaurant, I would punch him right to sleep.

I quickly ate my cheesecake while Gene and Zane had a stare down. When I was finished, I flagged the waiter to get the check. I nodded my head at Zane, and he was ready to pay. "By the way Kitty, you look absolutely gorgeous tonight," Gene said. I looked over at Melissa and said, "Shouldn't you be saying that to your date?" He looked over at her and shrugged her off. "Who cares about her. Everyone cares for you, so why can't I?" Gene said making me beyond mad. "(Y/N), the bill is paid. Shall we go?" Zane asked extending an arm to me. "We shall," I replied, flying right past Gene, taking Zane's hand.

We waved goodbye as we passed Aph and Aaron. We got in Zane's car and I took a deep breath. Zane held my hand and squeezed it tightly. "Thanks again," I said. He nodded and started to drive off. I put on the radio, and heard the song Sledgehammer by Rihanna come on. I started to sing my heart out because this song was my favorite.

Sledgehammer by Rihanna (A/N) Howl!

I hit a wall, I never felt so low, so low
Like a waterfall, my tears dropped to the floor, the floor
They left a swimming pool of salted crimes, crimes
Oh, what could I do to change your mind?

I'm bracing for the pain and I am letting go
I'm using all my strength to get out of this hole

I hit a wall, I thought that I would hurt myself
Oh I was sure, your words would leave me unconscious
And on the floor I'd be lying cold, lifeless
But I hit a wall, I hit 'em all, watch the fall
You're just another brick and I'm a sledgehammer
You're just another brick and I'm a sledgehammer

Yeah I hit a wall, I prayed that I would make it through, make it through
I can't survive a life that's without you, that's without you, yeah
And I will rise up from the ashes now, the ashes now
Oh, the sparrow flies with just the crumbs of loving spilled, yeah

I was bracing for the pain and then I let it go
I gathered all my strength and I found myself whole

I hit a wall, I thought that I would hurt myself
Oh I was sure, your words would leave me unconscious
And on the floor I'd be lying cold, lifeless
But I hit a wall, I hit 'em all, watch the fall
You're just another brick and I'm a sledgehammer
You're just another brick and I'm a sledgehammer
You're just another brick and I'm a sledgehammer
You're just another brick and I'm a sledgehammer

I was so happy! That song was all about breaking away from something holding you back. Goodbye Gene and hello Zane! Zane was happy for me, I could tell. I knew I didn't like him anymore. I loved him and I didn't want to be with anyone else but him.

We soon pulled into my driveway and he opened my car door for me once again. He held my hand all the way to the front door. "(Y/N), I want you to know I had the best date ever with you. I don't want you to worry about Gene because I'll always be here for you. I love you," Zane said. Soon, I felt his lips on mine. I melted into the kiss because I loved Zane to, with all of my heart. The kiss ended and Zane backed away. "Goodnight," he said getting in his car and driving off.

I opened my door and walked inside. I went up to my room and got ready for bed in what felt like a second. I lied down and only thought about Zane. I quickly fell asleep and decided something. I just had the best night ever! Nothing could change that! Not even Gene.


Hey guys!!! I told you I would update this book! I hope you guys liked this chapter! Also, go check out my new Mystreet x reader book! That's all for now!!! 1404 words!!! Bai!!! ^~^

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