When I Met My Enemy - Chapter 3

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(A/N) - Here's a key!!!
(Y/N) - Your name
(N/N) - Nickname
(F/C) - Favorite color
(S/F/C) - Second favorite color
(B/F) - Best friend
(E/C) - Eye color
(H/C) - Hair color
(POV) - Point of view
(A/N) - Author's note
Italics - Thoughts
I will add more later, but enjoy!!!
Your POV

I can't believe what I just heard. Aaron has another sister?!? I didn't know what to do. Aaron was now staring at me in the most awkward way possible.

"I'm sorry (N/N). I have a step sister," Aaron said sadly. "Ok. 1. I didn't know mom remarried and 2. I didn't know that you had a step sister," I said without freaking out. Aaron rubbed the back of his neck while Aph started staring at us confused.
"(Y/N)! AARON! COME WITH ME NOW!" Aph yelled dragging both of us to what I presumed was her and Aaron's house.

When we got inside, she pushed us on the couch and yelled, "Explination, now!"

  Time Skip till after explanation
cuz I'm lazy😐

After Aaron and I finished explaining, (B/F) pulled up her car. Man, took you long enough! I thought as I said goodbye to Aph and Aaron. I let myself out and ran into someone by accident. It was a man with midnight black hair and baby blue eyes with a mask over his face. Even though his mask was covering his mouth, I could see him blushing.

"Sorry! I'm new here! My name is (Y/N)! Nice to meet you! I gotta go, but I'm sure I'll bump into you later! Bye!" I said really fast, running to go greet
(B/F). He was so cu...STOP IT (Y/N)! I yelled in my mind.

"Hey (N/N!" She said as happy as ever. "What happened to you?" I said very confused. She was all peppy and exci...oh. "Did you see what happened?" I asked referring to when I ran into that cu...man. She could just nod her head. I sighed and told her to start moving in boxes.

Another Time Skip becuz
I lazy author

"See ya later gurl!" (B/N) said while driving off. I waved goodbye and went over to talk to Aph about that man I ran into earlier. As I was about to knock on the door I heard, "Oh Aaron, you're the best brother ever!" I didn't even knock after I heard that. I almost broke the door from my banging.

"Hang on!" I heard Aaron yell. He opened the door, saw me, and immediately started to freak out. "O-oh! He-hey (N/N)!" He said stuttering. I knew exactly why.

Melissa's POV (A/N) She is going to be mean sorry!

Aaron went to go open up the door. He was talking to me about his blood sister. I never want to meet her even though I know I will eventually. I want to be Aaron's only sister. I want to have him all to myself. I want to be the sister who has everything.

"O-oh! He-hey (N/N)!" I heard Aaron say stuttering.
(Y/N). "Hey bro! Can I meet the step sister?" She asked loud enough so I could hear. STEP SISTER?!?
She did not! "In here loser!" I yelled so she could here me. "Excuse me Aaron," she said as she let herself in.

I stood up from my seat and introduced myself. "Name's Melissa. Such a pleasure to meet you
(Y/N)," I said before I punched her. She ducked right in time and tried to kick me. I tripped and fell on the floor. I was furious.

Your POV

I can't believe her! She's a jerk! How has Aaron lasted 10 years with her? I shook that thought, but she then threw another punch that worked and made me fall to the ground. I then felt blood running from my nose and Aaron rush in between us and stop her.

"Your time is done Melissa!" Aaron yelled shoving her out of the door and slamming it shut. All of a sudden Aph and the man I bumped into earlier came running down the stairs. "Aaron! What happened?" Aph asked worried running over to clean up the blood. Aaron explained to them everything that happened with Melissa. "She is not going to stay in her house tonight!" Aph said worried. "Where can she stay? We don't have a guest room?" That is when something unexpected happened.


(A/N) ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER!!! I hope you enjoyed this part! 770 words!!! What is gonna happen? Where will you stay? We'll see in the next chapter! Bai for now!!! ^~^

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