When I Almost Died - Chapter 16

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(A/N) - Here's a key!!!
(Y/N) - Your name
(N/N) - Nickname
(F/C) - Favorite color
(S/F/C) - Second favorite color
(B/F) - Best friend
(E/C) - Eye color
(H/C) - Hair color
(F/F) - Favorite food
(F/D) - Favorite drink
(F/S) - Favorite store
(POV) - Point of view
(S/N) - Ship name
(A/N) - Author's note
Italics - Thoughts
I will add more later, but enjoy!!!

Garroth's POV

Kim and I were running away from the mall as fast as we could. I was thinking about what happened and realized that the girl who was carrying the gun was Melissa. Why did she want to shoot (Y/N)? We finally reached the park, where the forest let out, and took a breather.

"Ga-Garroth?" Kim said stuttering and breathing heavily. "Where's (Y/N)?" As I turned to look at Kim, I noticed that (Y/N) wasn't there. "Oh no!" I yelled freaking out. I can't believe Kim and I lost her. Zane is going to kill me. In the middle of my panic attack, Kim found some police and told them about (Y/N)'s disappearance. They started asking us questions like, "When did you last see her?" and "What does she look like?" Basically the normal, "I need to find this person cause I'm a police officer," questions.

"We'll keep an eye out," one police officer, who's name was Castor, said. All of a sudden, the other police officer came running toward him screaming, "WE FOUND HER! THERE'S A GIRL PASSED OUT IN THE FOREST THAT LOOKS LIKE THE DESCRIPTION YOU GAVE US!" Immediately, Kim ran to the forest, and I called Zane to tell him what happened.

Zane's POV

I was at home and flipping through channels, when I came upon the news. The headline at the bottom caught my attention. It said, Gunshots Fired at Phoenix Drop Mall, No Suspects to Lead. I decided to stay on it since Garroth went with (Y/N) to the mall for Mall Day.

"Do you have any idea what happened?" a news reporter asked a shopper. "No. I was enjoying my Starbucks when I heard the gun go off. I got scared and ran off. It was rea-" "I'm terribly sorry to interrupt miss, but we've just gotten news that one shopper was passed out in the forest." What? "She goes by the name (Y/N). According to the paramedics who just arrived, she passed out from loss of blood." Oh no!

I turned off the tv and was getting ready to go the mall when my phone rang. It has to be Garroth. I grabbed my car keys, and fumbled through my pockets until I finally found my phone.

Z - Zane G - Garroth (A/N) This is the phone call, not thoughts.

Z - What?

G - Hey Baby Brother! I just wanted to tell you tha-

Z - I know. The news was broadcasting about her.

G - Oh, well she's being taken to the hospital. I'll see you there.

Garroth hung up, and I got in my car. I put the key in the ignition and prayed to Irene that (Y/N) would be ok. Don't you die on me (Y/N). Don't die.

Time skip to hospital

I got to the hospital and thankfully found a good parking spot. On the way there, I grabbed some lilies for (Y/N) in case she woke up. I locked my car and headed inside.

I walked up to the front desk, with urgency written all over my face. "Hello sir, how can I help you?" the attendant at the front desk said kindly. "I'm here to see (Y/-" "Follow me," she said, not letting me finish. We walked to the last room in the hospital, and I looked through the window and saw her sleeping. "Thank you," I said as she nodded her head and walked away.

I walked in the room and sat in a chair next to her bed. I noticed she was hooked up to life support and had a giant bandage on the side of her stomach. Please stay with me. I placed the lilies next to her, and thought about things she loved to do. She loved to laugh, have fun, sing- Wait, I'll sing to her. I cleared my throat and sang, hoping she would wake up.

Tomorrow by Mr. Fijiwiji and Direct featuring Matt Van and Holly Drummond
(A/N) <3

Hold me down
Don't let me go
'Cause I don't know what I'm doing
Save me now
'Cause you're the only one
Who can keep me from going

You'll get a taste of your medicine
I'll disappear
I'm gonna lose myself
(I'm packing up with the rest of my dreams)
And by the time that I'm gone
Maybe then you''ll notice me

(By the time that I'm gone
Maybe then you'll notice me)

Believe my love
Please don't go
'Cause without you I'm drifting
Give me time
I need some more
Our story's only beginning

You'll get a taste of your medicine
I'll disappear
I'm gonna lose myself
(I'm packing up with the rest of my dreams)
And by the time that I'm gone
Maybe then you'll notice me

I finished singing and placed my hand on her arm. She turned in her sleep, and opened her eyes a little. "(Y/N)?" I asked, letting her know I was there. All of a sudden, she starting shaking and flatlined. All the doctors came rushing in and they pushed me out. Please be ok.


Hey guys!!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! Make sure to click the link in my bio to see my new YouTube video!!! That's all!!! 949 words. Bai!!! •~•

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