When I Had the Best Sleepover Ever - Chapter 11

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(A/N) - Here's a key!!!
(Y/N) - Your name
(N/N) - Nickname
(F/C) - Favorite color
(S/F/C) - Second favorite color
(B/F) - Best friend
(E/C) - Eye color
(H/C) - Hair color
(POV) - Point of view
(S/N) - Ship name
(A/N) - Author's note
Italics - Thoughts
I will add more later, but enjoy!!!

Your POV

After I left Aph and Aaron's place, I went home and took a shower to get all of the chlorine off of me. The warm water felt good on my skin. I shampooed and conditioned my hair, then grabbed my body wash. When I was done, I hopped out of the shower and dried off.

I walked to my room and put on a (F/C) t-shirt and black shorts. I decided to read some fan fiction and listen to music. The fan fiction was called Minecraft Diaries - A Goddess Divine. (A/N) GO WATCH THE FIRST EPISODE ON APH'S CHANNEL! Suddenly when I finished a chapter, the song Let Me Love You came on and I couldn't help but sing.
(A/N) I put the song in the last chapter so I won't do it again in this chapter. Sorry!

When I finished, I found a picture of Gene and I and ripped it up. I'll never get back together with him. I heard a rustle of bushes outside my house and looked out the window. I saw Gene sneaking away and just screamed in my head. Gene!!! You creep!!! My phone started to buzz and I saw a text from Aph.

A - Aph Y - You

A - Hey! I invited some people over for a sleepover tonight! U down or nah?

Y - So down! Will there b any boys there?

A - 😐

Y - No matter, I'm still coming. What time should I leave?

A - Well it's 5 now so come around 6. K?

Y - K!

And with that our conversation ended. I started to pack up everything I would need. I packed my toothbrush, toothpaste, brush, and sleeping bag then put on my pjs.

(A/N) These are your pjs!

I was still listening to music and heard one of my favorite songs! It was All We Know! Score! I started to sing and I loved it!

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I was still listening to music and heard one of my favorite songs! It was All We Know! Score! I started to sing and I loved it!

All We Know by The Chainsmokers (feat. Phoebe Ryan) (A/N) Do your thang!!!

Fighting flames of fire
Hang onto burning wires
We don't care anymore
Are we fading lovers?
We keep wasting colors
Maybe we should let this go

We're falling apart, still we hold together
We've passed the end, so we chase forever
'Cause this is all we know
This feeling's all we know

I'll ride my bike up to the road
Down the streets right through the city
I'll go everywhere you go
From Chicago to the coast
You tell me, "Hit this and let's go
Blow the smoke right through the window"
'Cause this is all we know

'Cause this is all we know
'Cause this is all we know

Never face each other
One bed different covers
We don't care anymore
Two hearts still beating
On with different rhythms
Maybe we should let this go

We're falling apart, still we hold together
We've passed the end, so we chase forever
'Cause this is all we know
This feeling's all we know

I'll ride my bike up to the road
Down the streets right through the city
I'll go everywhere you go
From Chicago to the coast
You tell me, "Hit this and let's go
Blow the smoke right through the window"
'Cause this is all we know

'Cause this is all we know
'Cause this is all we know

I soon realized it was 5:59 and bolted out of the door. I got to Aph's place and knocked on the door. Surprisingly, Katelyn opened up. "Yo," she said letting me in. "Sup," I said performing a similar greeting. As soon as I walked in the living room, Aaron tackled me. "What the heck!!! Aaron get off!!!" I screamed. He then got close to my ear and whispered, "Don't get anywhere near Zane ok?" He got off me and I nodded.

I said hello to everyone then breathed a sigh of relief that Gene and Melissa weren't here. "Hey guys! Let's play Truth or Dare!" Katelyn said making everyone excited. "I'll go first!" Aaron said jumping right in. "Aph, Truth or Dare!" Aph rolled her eyes and said, "Dare of course!!!" Aaron laughed maniacally and said, "I dare you to throw Garroth in the pool!" Garroth started running, but Aph caught up and completed her task with ease.

Garroth came back in soaking wet, so we let him go before Aph. "Kawaii~Chan, Truth or Dare!" Garroth asked. Kawaii~Chan pondered the question for a while then replied, "Truth!" Garroth replied with the easiest truth ever. "Who is your OTP?" Kawaii~Chan started screaming and said, "(S/N)!!!!" Zane and I both blushed instantly. "In that case, (Y/N), Truth or Dare!" Aph said turning to me. "Dare!" I said earning a smirk from her. "I dare you to kiss Zane!" Zane and I looked at each other and blushed while Kawaii~Chan started taking pictures. Zane and I got close and before I knew it, our lips locked. This time it wasn't long because we didn't like everyone looking at us. I knew Aaron was mad, but I didn't care!

Our game continued like anything normal before Aph said, "Let's watch a movie!" We all agreed and I cuddled with Zane the entire time. Apparently Zane fell asleep during the movie, and I didn't want to wake him up, so we stayed like that all night long.



(A/N) Hope you guys enjoyed!!! 960 words!!!
Bai!!!!! ^~^

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