When I Met Kawaii~Chan and Her Shrine - Chapter 5

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(A/N) - Here's a key!!!
(Y/N) - Your name
(N/N) - Nickname
(F/C) - Favorite color
(S/F/C) - Second favorite color
(B/F) - Best friend
(E/C) - Eye color
(H/C) - Hair color
(POV) - Point of view
(A/N) - Author's note
Italics - Thoughts
I will add more later, but enjoy!!!

Your POV

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. I love this neighborhood. As I was about to get up, I felt an arm around my waist. I then remembered Zane coming in last night and falling asleep next to me. I turned and tried to take off his arm gently, but I stopped. He's so cute! I decided to just go ahead and fall back asleep.

Kawaii~Chan's POV (A/N) Irene help us all!

When I woke up this morning, I decided to make Katelyn~Sama some breakfast. While I was in the middle of putting the cheese in her omelette, someone knocked on the door. I decided to answer it and to my surprise it was Aphmau~Senpai!

"Good morning Aphmau~Senpai!" I said as cheerfully as ever. "Good morning Kawaii~Chan! Have you met the new neighbor?" Aphmau~Senpai asked. I immediately dropped and turned off everything, literally. "Kawaii~Chan must say hello!" I yelled probably waking up Katelyn~Sama. Aphmau~Senpai just giggled and said, "Ok! She's at Garraoth, Laurence, and Zane's house. Let's go!"

Garroth's POV

"Thanks Laurence," I said as he passed me my coffee. He wasn't awake yet, so he didn't answer. After I took my first sip, someone knocked on the door. I went to open the door and saw Kawaii~Chan and Aph.

"Hey guys! Why are you here so early?" I asked realizing it was only 8 AM and a Sunday. "Kawaii~Chan wanted to meet (Y/N)," Aph said smiling. "Well ok. She's in the guest room," I said leading them upstairs.

When we got upstairs, I saw the door to the guest room opened. There was no (Y/N). I decided to check in Zane's room next. As we opened the door quietly, we saw Zane and (Y/N) cuddling! It was so cute. I immediately took pics before Kawaii~Chan could scream.

Kawaii~Chan's POV

As Garroth~Kun opened the door, I saw Zane~Kun and the new neighbor cuddling. "EEEEEEHHHH!!!" I yelled. I grabbed my phone and taking a million pics then ran away. I asked Aphmau~Senpai to text me her name so I could make an adorable shipping shrine! Her name was (Y/N)~Sama. Puurrrrfect!!!

Your POV

"EEEEEEHHHH!!!" I woke up to a scream and fell out of the bed with Zane. Before I knew it a girl with pink hair, cat ears, and a tail ran out of the room to another house. I grabbed my head from the throbbing pain I had from falling on the floor. I noticed Zane was still holding on to me, so I scrambled away.

"Oh! Good morning guys!" Garroth said as if nothing happened. "Ga-Garroth! What are you doing in here!" Zane yelled really annoyed. Garroth ran out of the room before he had to explain and of course Zane chased after him. "Hey Aph, who was that girl?" I asked paying no attention to the boys. "Oh! Her name is Kawaii~Chan. We should go have breakfast with her!" Aph said excited. "Ok! Let me go home and change first," I said bolting out the door.

When I got home, I took a shower then put on a
(F/C) t-shirt and a (S/F/C) skirt with black leggings and Uggs. I then ran out of my house and saw Aph in front of her house. "Hey!" I said panting heavily. Aph laughed and we knocked on the door.

Aph's POV

I was surprised to see Katelyn open the door. "Pretty early for you huh?" I asked her receiving a glare. "Don't be like that! Say hello! This is (Y/N). (Y/N) this is Katelyn," I said introducing them to each other. "Nice to meet you!" Katelyn said really peppy. Something is definitely going on. "You too!" (Y/N) said giving her a high five.

We walked into the kitchen and heard Kawaii~Chan
humming. Of course, (Y/N) knew the song and played it loud on her phone and sang every word.

I Need Your Love by Calvin Harris (feat. Ellie Goulding) (A/N) Sing gurl!!!

I need your love
I need your time
When everything's wrong
You make it right
I feel so high
I come alive
I need to be free with you tonight
I need your love

I need your love

I take a deep breath every time I pass your door
I know you're there but I can't see you anymore
And that's the reason you're in the dark
I've been a stranger ever since we fell apart
I feel so out of sea
Watch my eyes are filled with fear
Tell me do you feel the same
Hold me in your arms again

I need your love
I need your time
When everything's wrong
You make it right
I feel so high
I go alive
I need to be free with you tonight
I need your love

I need your love

Now I'm dreaming, will ever find you now?
I walk in circles but I never make it out
What I mean to you, do I belong
I try to fight this but I know I'm not that strong

And I feel so helpless here
Watch my eyes are filled with fear
Tell me do you feel the same
Hold me in your arms again

I need your love
I need your time
When everything's wrong
You make it right
I feel so high
I come alive
I need to be free with you tonight
I need your love

I need your love

All the years
All the times
You were never been to blame
And now my eyes are open
And now my heart is closing
And all the tears
All the lies
All the waste
I've been trying to make it change
And now my eyes are open

I need your love
I need your time
When everything's wrong
You make it right
I feel so high
I come alive
I need to be free

She was amazing! I clapped and cheered for her! I then realized, Kawaii~Chan was gone. I also realized (Y/N) was gone! I ran all around the house and saw the basement door open. "Irene help us all," Katelyn said.

Your POV

When I was done singing, I realized Kawaii~Chan was gone. I decided to look for her. I saw the basement door open and went down to look for her. I got down there and heard...........fangirling? I went around the corner and saw a shipping shrine of me and Zane?!?!?! "Kawaii~Chan?" I asked staring at the shrine. Before I knew it Aph brought me back upstairs and let me lay down on the couch.


(A/N) WOW! Why Kawaii~Chan does these things, no one will ever know! 1213 words!!!Find out your reaction in the next chapter! And also be expecting some hints about your...not gonna say it. Bai!!!^~^

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