When I Was My Old Self - Chapter 19 Part 2

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(A/N) - Here's a key!!!
(Y/N) - Your name
(N/N) - Nickname
(F/C) - Favorite color
(S/F/C) - Second favorite color
(B/F) - Best friend
(E/C) - Eye color
(H/C) - Hair color
(F/F) - Favorite food
(F/D) - Favorite drink
(F/S) - Favorite store
(POV) - Point of view
(S/N) - Ship name
(A/N) - Author's note
Italics - Thoughts
Enjoy the story!!!

Your POV

Immediately, I regret saying that. Everyone was looking at me like I was crazy, even Zane. I didn't know what to do except speak from my heart. "I'll start with the bad," I said, making everyone concerned. "He does deserve to go to jail. He's done everything to hurt me, but it wasn't his fault. My mom, Rachel Liken, left us in a terrible financial state. She had an affair with a man, Derek Liken, and then left my father and me after having two other kids. Melissa and Aaron Liken are my sister and brother, and I love them, even though I shouldn't. I also love my mom, Derek, and my dad. So please, if you have any ability to help him stay, please do it."

Everyone stared at me with wide eyes. At first, I thought it was because of my speech, but then I noticed my head was itchy. As I went to scratch it, I felt my ears. Oh no. What have I done? I quickly hid my ears and tail, hoping everyone would forget, but the image was burned in everyone's brains. I heard someone clear their throat, and everyone turned that way. It was Aaron, with his wolf ears and tail showing! He cleared his throat once more and started to speak.

"I agree fully with (Y/N). We never grew up together, but ever since we met a couple of months after our mom left her dad, we've been best friends. I love her and Melissa both so much. I don't want to lose them. That goes the same for my dad, stepmom, and my other dad. I don't want him to end up behind bars," Aaron said, sticking up for me.

I had tears in my eyes. Why do I even deserve this kind of love? I looked at the ground and started to bawl silently. I had never felt this loved in my entire life. I have Zane, Aaron, everyone on Mystreet, and now, my dad again. I heard a laugh, but it wasn't a laugh of happiness. As I glanced up, I noticed Maria was basically dying. The other cop, standing next to her, was doing nothing except watching.

"Sorry, but I can't help you," Maria started. "It's not in my code to. You know, orders are orders." I couldn't help but let the tears fall even more. I was shaking and felt dizzy. I'll show her who she's messing with. I started to slowly trudge over to her. As I was about halfway, my legs gave out underneath me and I fell to the ground. I started to see the blackness consume me as I heard gunshots being fired and my friends yelling. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Zane's POV

After (Y/N)'s speech, her wolf ears and tail were showing. They were (F/C) with (S/F/C) tips and shimmered in the sun. Quickly after she noticed they were there, she hid them trying to help everyone forget. They were beautiful. Why did she do that? I was so lost in thought that I didn't even notice Aaron had spoken up for her. He had his ears and tail out now too. His were black with red tips, almost like
(Y/N)'s. I had no idea they were werewolves. They acted exactly like humans. Why are they just showing us now?

Maria started laughing and said she couldn't do anything about the current situation. That made me more than mad. As I was about to walk over and give her a piece of my mind, (Y/N) started walking over. Come on! Show her who's boss. When she was about halfway, (Y/N) collapsed. Her dad was trying to rush over, but Maria was holding him back. Suddenly, the second cop there, who hadn't said a word, shot Maria in the leg multiple times. (Y/N)'s dad ran over and started checking her pulse. Everyone on Mystreet were so shocked but also happy the other cop did that.

"Wait.....Blaze?" Aaron asked the cop. He nodded his head and revealed his ears and tail. Everyone turned their attention to Blaze, hoping he would say something, but he picked up Maria and put her in the police car. He then got in the driver's seat and took off. After the moment of confusion, everyone rushed to (Y/N). Nobody said a word. We were all just staring at her passed out on the street.

"Is she breathing?" I asked because the silence was killing me. After a couple more seconds, he nodded his head. Thank Irene! I kneeled next to her and held her hand. "Don't worry (Y/N). You'll be ok," I said to calm everyone down, but mostly me. I remembered how much she loved singing, so I decided to sing for her. I decided to sing one of her favorite songs, Nevada. Here goes nothing.

Nevada by Vicetone featuring Cozi Zuehlsdorff (A/N) This is actually one of my favs!

I've been painting every fence I know
Every color bleeds into the same
Cause before you go and walk away
Yeah, you better know where you're going

Hey yeah, hey yeah
You're a wanderer just like me
Hey yeah, hey yeah
Yeah, you better know where you're going

Yeah, you better know where you're going

I've been painting every fence I know
Every color bleeds into the same
Cause before you go and walk away
Yeah, you better know where you're going

Hey yeah, hey yeah
You're a wanderer just like me
Hey yeah, hey yeah
Yeah, you better know where you're going
You're a wanderer just like me
Yeah, you better know where you're going

Hey yeah, hey yeah
You're a wanderer just like me
Hey yeah, hey yeah
Yeah, you better know where you're going
Yeah, you better know where you're going
Yeah, you better know where you're going
You're a wanderer just like me
Yeah, you better know where you're going
You're a wanderer just like me

I let out a loud sigh. Why can't you just wa- Suddenly, I felt a pair of lips on mine. (Y/N). She wrapped her arms around my neck, and I wrapped mine around her waist. Everyone just stared at us awkwardly, and Garroth even ran away. The kiss lasted for a lifetime. I didn't want it to end, but of course stupid life needs air so (Y/N) and I both pulled away gasping for air. "(Y/N), I-" I started to say, but she kissed me again. "I know Zane. I love you too," (Y/N) replied after the kiss, making me smile.


Hey friends! So I finally finished this chapter. The Watty's close in 3 days so I'm finishing the book before then. I'm trying to decide whether I should do a sequel, so if you guys want one please comment. Thank you so much for reading my book. Love ya! 1,235 words!!! Bai!!!!

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