When I Knew My Angel Was Always There - Chapter 17

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(A/N) - Here's a key!!!
(Y/N) - Your name
(N/N) - Nickname
(F/C) - Favorite color
(S/F/C) - Second favorite color
(B/F) - Best friend
(E/C) - Eye color
(H/C) - Hair color
(F/F) - Favorite food
(F/D) - Favorite drink
(F/S) - Favorite store
(POV) - Point of view
(S/N) - Ship name
(A/N) - Author's note
Italics - Thoughts
I will add more later, but enjoy!!!

(A/N) Most of this chapter is going to be in italics because it is a huge flashback. Only the end is normal. Also, this will contain some detail that have to do with abuse and suicide. Thank you and enjoy.

Your POV

I walked up the stairs to Phoenix Drop High literally shaking. Yesterday, Gene beat up behind the school with his stupid gang, The Shadow Knights. I wish I could stand up to him, but I never have the courage to because of my abusive dad. My life is basically terrible so I live with it.

As I got through the door, I could see my class with no sign of Gene and the idiots. Yes! Finally I'll be safe for one day. But of course, I was wrong. As I was almost through the door, a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me around a corner. I was forced on the wall, and the person was holding my wrists while leaning on to me.

"Well Kitty, I didn't think I would get to see you this morning," Gene said in a low voice, nibbling my ear. I tried to struggle and break free, but my body just wasn't strong enough. "Tch, tch, tch.......you are such an idiot. You think you can struggle to break free. Ha! I mean just look at you," he said, looking at me up and down. I felt so helpless and weak. What did I do to deserve this? "Come on Kitty," Gene said pulling on my necktie, "We're going on a field trip."

1 Hour Later

Gene, Sasha, Zenix, and I were all sitting in the park. They made me skip class because they knew about my dad. When I made good grades, I would get beat slightly. When I made ok grades, I would get beat a little more, but I wouldn't bleed. When I made bad grades or skipped class, I was basically going to my death bed. You know what they say though, cats have nine lives.

"Hello! Earth to Kitty!" I heard Gene yell in my ear. Guess I was lost in thought. "Geez.....don't be so hard on her. She might run away like the last one," Zenix said. Sasha just sat there in silence like usual before Gene said, "Shut up stupid! Do you want me to break your neck?" Everyone was quiet after that. Gene started to whisper things to Zenix and Sasha when I got a plan. I can run away, I thought. I tried to build up all my courage to run, but when I tried to move, something bolted me down.

"You dare try to run away?" Gene asked in a low voice. As I turned to look at him, I noticed Sasha and Zenix had left. The only thing that came to my mind was fear, nothing else. "Gene.......please," I begged in a quivering voice. He started to laugh maniacally, and then Gene picked me and said, "We're going to your new home, (Y/N)." I thought he was going to carry me there, but he dropped me on the ground so forcefully, I passed out. "Sweet dreams, my precious little Kitty," Gene said before I closed my eyes.

Another Time Skip to Your New "Home"

I woke up on a very cold, hard floor and in a dark, empty room. I couldn't help but wonder where I was. I tried to get up, but I couldn't. I felt nothing. I could at least tell I was on concrete, and judging from what that creep said, I was probably in his basement.

I heard a door creak open and ominous footsteps came towards me. "Well look who decided to open her eyes," Gene said like a psychopath. I started to shake again and tried to yell for help, but my voice was lost. "Oh poor, poor you. You act like this is a bad thing. Little do you know how much I care for you," he said, getting close to my face. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw he was holding a knife. Come on (Y/N), I told myself. Take the knife, stab a part of his body, and run. Simple.

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