He has a nightmare

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Lately, you have been worried about Edmund. He has black circles under his eyes, he became much paler, he doesn't eat a lot and whenever you came behind him and tap him on his shoulder he jumped and have a scared look on his face. But when you tried to talk to him he said it was because of stress or he isn't hungry You know that he's lying but you don't want to push him because when he is ready he will tell you.

That night you couldn't sleep so you went to the kitchen for a glass of milk. When you were returning to your room you pass by Edmund's room and you hear Edmund's voice talking. You open the door and run to Edmund's bed. He was sleeping and screaming and crying. "Edmund, please wake up!" you said and started to shake him. He wakes up with a gasp. You hugged him and placed his head on your chest. "Edmund it's alright it's just a dream, I'm here." You told him while rubbing his back and arm. Edmund just cry on your chest. You started to play with his hair and that calm his cry. Then you lift his chin and you look at him. He has red and puffy eyes, all face with tears and sweat. You almost started crying, you couldn't see him in pain."Edmund what's happened?" you asked softly.

"The W-White W-Witch." he said as tears running down his cheeks."I-I betrayed you o-once a-again and s-she k-killed you." by now Edmund started shaking."I-I'm s-sorry." he said and started crying. You hug him tightly and started whispering "It's not your fault, you have nothing to be sorry. She's gone you killed her, remember? And you are never going to betray us because you changed. This was just a dream it isn't real." You tried to calm him down and you did it. Then with your thumbs, you wipe his tears. "Is this a reason why you've been like this lately?" you asked softly. He just nodded his head."Oh, Edmund when I asked you why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know, I guess I didn't wanna bother you with my problem," he whispered.

"Ed remember that I'm here for you just like you are here for me, if something bothers you, you can tell me. I will always help you."

"Thank you Y/N. Could you stay here?" He asked

"Of course." you smiled.

You lay down, Edmund head on your chest while you were playing with his hair. After a few minutes, you hear Edmund's slightly snoring. You smiled and kissed his forehead."Good night my pretty boy." you whisper and fell asleep.

Edmund Pevensie ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now