Request for wolfgamergirl2101

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A/N: wolfgamergirl2101 I'm so so sorry. I just didn't have time. School started and I have a lot of homework to do,but I did it. Sorry for grammatical errors and hope you like it. Everyone else requests are always open so you can always request.

"Come on Lucy! I know you can better than that."Y/N teases Lucy.

"I'm sorry,but it went almost in the bullet."Lucy said and smirked. Y/N and Lucy were practicing with daggers. They were practicing beside river. Lucy once again throw her dagger but just then a splash of water hit her. She gasped.

"Y/N!"she shouted. Y/N was nature spirit and she got an idea to move her dagger with water but she still doesn't know how to control her powers very well.

"Lucy I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. Forgive me please."Y/N said.

" You are sorry? Come one Y/N,this is fifth time this week. First you made bees to sting me. Then you put me in danger with lively mud. And let me not tell you about tying us with vines. That squeeze us until we couldn't breath. I'm sorry I'm telling you this but this need to stop. Stop using your powers for teasing us."Lucy said. She didn't want to hurt her,but she had enough.

"So you think that learning how to control powers is easy. Believe is not. I don't do that on purpose. It was an accident."Y/N said. She was hurt. She couldn't believe it that Lucy will ever be mad at her.

"Accident you always repeat?"Lucy said.

"You know what? Just leave me alone now. I don't want any company now."Y/N said and Lucy went in the castle.

Y/N sat by river. She was playing with water. She was making circles and other shapes. She was sad because she know that she can't control her powers very well,but she really try her best. Even a few tears escaped from her eyes. She hated when she cried. She thought it made her weak. Then she felt someone sit beside her. First she jumped a little,but then relax when she realize it was just Edmund.

She has a crush on Edmund since she met him. They immediately became friends. She open up to him and he open up to her. They share their secrets,fears,everything. She told him everything about her. But she didn't tell him one thing. And that is her love per him. She was afraid to tell him.

"Y/N what happened?"Edmund asked as he took her hand in his.

But she didn't tell him anything. If she try to speak she will started crying.

"Come one Y/N. You know you can tell me everything. Lucy didn't want to tell me. Is something happen between you two?"

"It's just, I accidently splash Lucy with my powers and she got mad. She told me I should learn how to control them and that I shouldn't use them for teasing you."by now Y/N was sobbing. She tried to calm down but she couldn't. Edmund pulled her in a hug.

"Hey it's ok."Edmund said as he rubbed my back.

"No it isn't. Because it's hard to learn how to control them. Sometimes I wish I don't have powers."she said.

"No,why are you thinking like that? I love your powers. I love you."he said and Y/N looked at him.

"You love me?"

"Of course I love you. You make my day like no one ever could. You make me happy. The first time I saw you,I instantly fell in live with you. You are perfect. I love your laugh. It's so cute and sound so angelic. I love your eyes. They are the most beautiful thing in whole Narnia. I love your creative side. I love the way you concentrate when you draw. And even if you put us in a danger with your powers,I still love them and I still love you. You are my sunshine. I know one day you'll learn how to control your powers. Because you never give up. You are my favorite fighter. You are my everything."he finish his line.

"Ed... I'm speechless. No one ever said that to me. I love you too. So much. I can't imagine a life without you. Even if it just like friends."Y/N said and they look at each other.

"So,my lady can you give me a permission to kiss you?" He smirked.

"I give you permission my king."she chuckled and he slowly lean until their lips touch.

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