Request for Kikifrost

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A/N:Hey everyone and @Kikifrost.I'm really sorry.I didn't have time to update.I got a help from @Kate-IchiSan

You should thank her.She is really great writer.Hope you like it.

You are walking around the Cair Paravel.  You kind like playing hide and seek with Edmund. Childish, I know. But Edmund find it cute to see your concern face. The only thing that you didn't know is, someone else is watching you from far. He watching your move. Every move that you made, every move that you do, he saw it. He didn't like the fact that now you and Edmund are dating. It's been like 2 months.

"Ed? Where are you?" you said  Suddenly, you heard sound. Someone is chuckling around you. You put a smirk. "I think I won't find you today. Maybe I should just give up now. You're very good at hiding."

Edmund didn't know that actually, you're walking towards him. The sound of him chuckling. You always know Edmund's voice.When you're near to him, you walk as slowly as you can. You even hold your breathe for a few minutes before finally you screamed a 'boo!' to him and laughing so hard. Edmund shout out of fear. He fall from his uncomfortable position and lay with his back and you in his stomach. The one who watching you boiled up with anger. He always think that you're his, and you're only his. He really love you, but you love Edmund.

"Liv ! You said that you'll give up! If you give up I'll get kisses." you shook your head as a no while giggling. Your eyes shining, even when you're not under the light. "Then what you want? We even can cuddle at night!" this time, you just sigh and try to relax above Edmund's torso.

"I don't know Edmund. Peter will be so angry if he knows you stay at my room, or the fact that stay in your  room at night." Edmund hug your body. He kissed your temple and smile.

"Don't be scared,Liv.Peter will understand." Edmund touch your chin and make you looking at him. Even when you already dating with him for like, 2 months, both of you still blushing, and Edmund find it cute if you are blushing. He kissed your nose, but not your lips. Both of you still haven't had your first kiss, not because you both not ready, but Edmund always said, I want it to be special.

"Ed!" you punch his arm playfully and Edmund just laugh. The things that both of you didn't realize is, the boy who watching Liv is gone. He planning something to make Liv broke up with Edmund.

This Mysterious Guy's Pov (Yeah, I put it like this until the end because I want all of you guess who is this guy. He's someone we know.!)

"Whatever happened, I'm going to have Liv. She's mine, and only mine. SHE'S MINE!" I shout and bang my hand with this hard wall. Someone knocking my door. Someone must be heard me.

"Are you okay?" that voice. There is only one person with that voice. Now, that voice is full with worry. "Hello?!"

"I... I'm.. I'm okay,Liv!" I shout back with stuttering. Then I heard her sighing and put her head on the door.

"Glad to hear that from you. Uhm... do you want to talk about it? Let me in?" she asked with a bunch of hope. I can't let her see me in this situation. Whatever happened, I'm gonna meet her tonight, in her room.

"No! I... kinda busy right now. Maybe tonight?" I suggest her. Silence. "After dinner, perhaps?" another silence. "Liv?"

"Well... actually, I had some promises to Edmund. But, because it's you who we talking about, I'm going to tell him."

"No! It's okay if you had plan after dinner." I try to be sound guilt because make her canceled her plan with her beloved one.

"Don't say like that! You always listen when I talking about Edmund, now it's your turn.I will explain him."

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