Wouldnt It Be Great If We Were Dead

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"Gee here.

Didn't expect me to pop up again did ya?

Don't worry, you're not dreaming and this isn't heaven. I'm actually alive.

So, you may be confused. Allow me to explain.

I was shoved up against the wall by Korse. His body weight had me pinned. I was frantic. My mind went in every possible direction, trying to find some way to save myself. To save the others.

It was pointless.

Korse grinned at me, the look of victory spread across his face. After the countless times that I had killed him, over and over and over again, he had finally won.

My breath hitched as Korse pressed the cold barrel of his gun under my chin. There was a flash of light, then I felt myself fall limply to the floor. My racing heartbeat began to slow as the world around me became foggy. The last thing I heard was Mikey screaming my name before the light in my eyes went out.

I was then thrown into the subconscious reality that was my head. Memories, conversations, and events that hadn't even happened yet sprung into my brain, sending an array of colors into my perception.

Is this what death felt like? If it was, I didn't want it. I didn't want to leave so many things undone. What happened to Ray? What about Frank and Grace? Did Mikey make it out alive? My head swarmed with thoughts and memories until, in a split second, I was pulled out of my head. I jolted up, yet I saw nothing. The air was stale and it smelled of death. I realized that I was in a body bag.

My anxiety kicked in and I started to hyperventilate. You know, it's pretty hard to stay calm when you're supposed to be dead.

"Gerard?!" I heard my little brother yell from beside me. His voice, muffled by the thick layer of plastic which surrounded me.

The faint sound of something being unzipped caused me to flinch. Next thing I knew, I was free. I took in a deep breath of fresh air and scanned my surroundings. Mikey and Ray stood over me. My eyes wandered over to a blonde haired, blue eyed man. He look about twenty three or so. He was dressed in all white, much like the Draculoids.

"Who.. are you?" I asked, my voice raspy and hoarse from sleep.

"His name is Bob." Interrupted Mikey. "Gee, he saved us."

I turned to Bob, studying his features. "How?"

Bob shrugged. "I set all of the guns to 'stun' instead of 'kill'. It's simple, really, all you have to do is-"

"Wait." I interrupted. "Why did you save our lives?"

Bob looked around, studying our faces. "You don't know, do you?"

"Know what?" Ray asked.

Bob chuckled. "You're famous! Survivors all over the world tune in and listen to your recordings. You give them hope! People who look up to you. I had to save your lives. Doctor D would be very upset if his favorite boys died. We need listeners, ya know?"

"Wait wait wait.." Mikey proclaimed. "You saved us for views?"

"Generally, yeah." Bob added.

"Wow.." Mikey said sarcastically.

I shook my head. "None of that matters!" I yelled, my anger boiling into my face. "Grace and Frank are out there, alone and scared! Possibly dead!" I swung my feet off the metal table and stood up, running towards the door.

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