I Never Said I'd Lie and Wait Forever

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"What's up killjoys? 'Tis I, the amazing and fabulous Frank Iero! (Fun Ghoul to be exact). So, I'm guessing that you all wanted to know what happened after the gang and I left Killjoy headquarters so here we go.

I was in bed, confused when Gerard stormed into our room, ripping the clothes from out cabinets and stuffing them into two book bags. He was sweating and his hands shook out of control. I stood up and rubbed circles in his back. "Baby what's wrong?" I asked, careful to keep myself calm.

"We're leaving." Gerard told me in a melancholy tone.

I frowned. "Gee why are you doing this?"

I suppose, I was just being selfish. I had no clue as to why Gerard was this upset, besides the fact that he hurt me. But that was an accident. Could I have made him like this?

"I'm going crazy in here... Just.. come on Frank. Do this for me." Gerard said. He avoided my gaze.

Suddenly, Mikey and Ray ran into the room.

"What's going on?" Ray asked, confused as to why Gerard was packing up our things.

Gerard sighed and zipped up his bag. "Pack up your things." He told the boys. "We're getting out of here."

Mikey and Ray stood in the doorway, dumbfounded. I don't blame them. I was just as confused as they were yet, Gerard needed me. I'm not gonna leave him hanging.

"Frankie can you do me a favor?" Gerard asked me.

"Anything." I responded.

"Get Grace for me. We're not leaving her behind." He said.

I hesitated. "Gee do.." my voice trailed off. "Do you think that's what's best for her?"

Gerard stopped what he was doing, his hazel eyes flicked up to mine. "What do you mean?"

"I-I mean.. don't you think Grace is safer here.." I faltered. "p-protected and all.."

Gerard scoffed and shook his head. "No. the reason I want to get out of here is to keep us safe. If I thought that we were okay, we wouldn't be leaving, now would we?" Gerard told me sassily.

I shook my head. I don't know why Gerard is acting so bitchy. Ray and Mikey seem to know.


I shook my head and made my way over to Grace's room. She was sound asleep. I quietly picked her things and slung the bag over my shoulder. I then scooped the brown haired girl into my arms and proceeded to carry her outside of the steel doors, meeting the others in the dark corridor.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Tyler asked us, leaning against the doorway.

Gerard nodded but kept his eyes glued to the floor.

"Well.. okay," Tyler sighed. "If it helps, we've got a old Trans-AM parked just outside the city," he told us while tossing the keys to Gerard. "Call us anytime if you need help."

"Thank you.." I told him.

Tyler nodded and shut the door behind him.

"Freedom at last." Gerard spoke as he began to make his way down the dark corridor.

I shook my head and followed him, Mikey and Ray trailing closely behind. "So what's your plan?" I asked.

Gerard shrugged. "We get the the car and then we get the hell out of here."

"To where exactly?" I said, keeping my voice low enough to not wake Grace but harsh enough to let Gee know that I was angry.

"Out of the zones. Away from the city."

"And then what," I scoffed. "Get eaten alive by zombies?!"

Gerard shook his head and sighed. "Lay off Frank."

What the hell is that supposed to mean?
After a few more minutes of silently navigating through the tunnels, we reached the exit. Even though it was barely dawn, our eyes burned and struggled to adjust to the sun we had "missed" ever so dearly.

Mikey was the one who spotted the car first. It was an old white Trans-AM. The paint was supposed to be white but, I suppose, dirt and grime were baked in after a whole year in this burning sun. Did the car even work? I wondered to myself. Only one way to find out.

Gerard unlocked the doors and slipped into the front seat. One he stuck the key into its slot and turned it, the old car rumbled to life. How? I have no idea but fuck it. We have a car!

We packed our bags into the trunk and piled into the car. Mikey and Ray sat in the back, Grace in between the two. Gerard was in the drivers seat and I was in the passenger side.

I glanced over to my red headed boyfriend and sighed. "Gee I'm.. I'm sorry.." I told him, feeing extremely guilty.

Gerard glanced at me then focused his eyes on the dry, crackling road ahead of him. "Don't apologise.." he sighed. "I'm fucked up. None of that is your fault."

I scoffed. "If you're fucked up then I must be a mess."

Poison glanced at me, his lip curled into a smirk.

I knew I'd won.

At that moment, Grace shifted in her sleep then slowly opened her green kaleidoscope eyes. The look of dismay and confusion spread across her face. "Where are we.." she asked.

"A car." Gerard told her, looking at her through the rearview mirror.

"No shit." Grace answered instantly. She had balls.

Gerard raised his eyebrows. "Excuse me?"

"I-" Grace caught herself. "sorry.." she said. "It's just- why aren't we at the bunker anymore?"

Gee sighed. "It's for the best, kid."

"I thought they were going to help me find my brother.." Grace admitted.

I bit my tongue. How are we getting out of this one? We need more time.

Gerard nodded, suddenly becoming quiet as ever. "Yeah.. sorry.."

Blunt answer.

Gerard won't ever tell Grace about Tyler would he? It's like, the guilt is tearing him apart and I can't do a single thing to help him. How do you save someone from their own mind?

The drive to nowhere land was spent in silence for the next few hours.

A majority of us fell asleep, all except Gerard and I. Gee was carful to avoid any bumps in the road so the others could sleep fine. At least, he made an effort to.

I prayed that what Gerard and I have isn't broken. I want so badly to fix him and save him from himself. Perhaps he'll heal over time.

Speaking of time, seems like we're all out. I've got to change the batteries this stupid recorder. See ya later killjoys.

Fun ghoul, out."

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