Chapter 7

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"You have to wear something that shows off your mark." Mia repeated for the hundredth time and I shook my head 'no'. "Why not?" She asked a bit agitated now we have been at this since seven. I picked up the dress that I had chosen it was a white dress that covered everything. "You can't." She was frustrated but I started ignoring her. She hissed her teeth and gave up telling me to do whatever I wanted she was in a sour mood.

She looked down at her phone texting away smiling and having a faint blush. I looked over at her screen and what I saw terrified me and I looked away so fast I gave myself whip lash. My eyes my poor innocent eyes one can't come back from that. I opened the bathroom door and slipped off the robe and just like the times before I stared at the burns and lashes that seem to never fade.

I had already had my shower and did all my hygienic duties it was time to put on the dress. I slipped it on but I couldn't handle the zipper on my own. I opened the door and Mia was still sitting on the bed giggling at her phone from her crude text messages. I walked up to her slowly and her head shot up and she continued smiling.

"You look stunning." She admired me. I nodded a thank you and then I turned my back for her to zip me up. She stood and her finger grazed a scar and I jumped slightly. "I'm sorry." Her words had double meaning. Everyone was sorry, but why it's not as if they knew me when this all happened. "All done." She stepped back and I turned to her running my hands over the dress. We had about thirty minutes left to get ready, it was a long drive according to Derick.

She did a little makeup wise and then she escorted me downstairs where Derick had been waiting for us patiently. When I descended the stairs he smiled and stood from the couch.

"You look amazing." He smiled at me.

"Thanks." Mia said.

"I wasn't talking to you." Derick flared at her.

"But I was talking to you." She fired back. They bickered a lot but they loved each other and that was a good thing. "Go warm up the car." She shooed him and he went away shaking his head and smiling.

She bent down and whispered in my ear. "Follow me." She dragged me behind her. "Listen I don't know what the hell you are." She spoke in a hush tone when we reached a room near the gym. "But I know you're in danger so does Derick but he thinks he can protect you at all time." She had pushed open the door and they had weapons that could kill an entire population. "A woman should have her own, just in case." She smiled and she took a silver blade from one of the shelves. Thought silver burnt wolves.

"I have seen you use a knife and your skills are incredible." She bent down, lift my dress and strapped and few knives to my thigh. "I need you guys to come back alive." She stood and hug me. What was this all about she was hiding something from me. They all were, but why?

She led me back down the hall and out the door where Derick leaned on the car his hands folded over his big broad chest. I smiled at him and he pushed away from the car and walked over to me holding my hand as I made my down the stairs.

"No hanky panky while driving!" Mia yelled at us and I flushed and he groaned. He should be more worried about her hanky panky than ours. He opened the passenger door for me and I slid in gracefully he walked around and we started the journey. Since my voice was defective we rode in silence, but I could feel that something was wrong and even though he was driving he was in deep thought.

It wasn't as far as I suspected or was told it was like fifty five minutes and all those fifty five minutes were spent in silence. We pulled up at a grand hotel that was well lit the top had Animalium displayed on the sign outside. Derick had gotten out of the car and opened my door and we made our way inside and my heart pounded. I was nervous and I felt queasy I wanted to puke.

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