7.• No food for Fox?

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Gathering my books at the sound of the final school bell, I headed to the parking lot of the buildment. Dylan was already in his car, probably waiting for me. His eyes were searching around and when they found mine, he smiled, waving and gestured for me to join the passenger seat of his vehicle.

It's constantly in my case that going home after school, I will always be home alone. Until someone joins me hours later.

I bid Dylan goodbye and thanked for the lift then entered the empty house, instantly rushing upstairs.

I was weirdly and suddenly feeling so empty inside. I felt like more vacuous than this house.

And trust me, boredom is better than this.

Which is why I decided to reach for my books, tuck my phone into the charger, turn the music on and start with my homework.

Fortunately, it worked. The blankness vanished off my mind and my thoughts begin with the drifting thing.

But unfortunately, my mind couldn't think about no one but the new boy, Caleb.

His smile, his hard cheekbones, his hair, his hazel-green eyes and his husky voice. Something was special about him. I couldn't figure it out. But I did feel this strange and mysterious connection to him, like we're going to last, either as friends or more.

Hopefully not enemies.

Leaving the unwritten sheets on the mahogany desk, I stalked my way toward the window opening it. Twilight was falling and the strees below were bathed in a reddish purple glow. Actually, I didn't realize that the sun has rose until now. All the cold of the morning mouldered.

Fox caught me from the garden below and immediately started barking.

Believe me, if there's someone who'll miss me a second after I leave, it'd be my lovely dog.

I climbed downstairs, crossed the kitchen and opened the back door, to find Fox there jumping on top of me.

After a moment of hugging and cuddling and kissing.

No, not kissing.

I headed back to the kitchen, searching for Fox's food, but I couldn't find it.

"You should learn how to keep a dog alive" A shiver ran through my lungs as his voice echoed in the room, and next moment, I could feel my cheeks warming so I decided against swinging and facing him.

"I can take care of my dog" I spit, crossing my arms together.

"That's why you left him for hunger this morning. Sorry, but I fed him what's left" Hunter answered in a tone of victor.

"But I recall that what's left is a whole bucket" I however turned and glared into his eyes, my lips curling up into a daring smile.

"Well" He sighed, looking around then back to me. "Fox ate it all, and for the record, dogs don't care if they gain some weight" He added in a fair degree of mock sarcasm then smirked, knowing that what he said did utterly get me.

Yes, you win, Hunter. I'm a loser and I abondoned my dog.

Congrats, here I am hating my stupid self.

I opened my mouth to speak, but unfortunately, I found myself in a loss of words. Of course I would. I had nothing to say except admitting that what he said is true. And that kind of makes me lose my 'Pride' So whatever.

"I'm going to buy his food, so-" He straightened up off the wall and tucked his hands in his jean pockets, letting his thumbs out, his smirk never faded, and he never broke the eye contact.

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