2.• Down Town.

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Hi. . .

Here's chapter 2!

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I squainted slightly at the bright light peeking through the edges of the thin curtains as I woke up. Soon, the events of yesterday rushed through my mind.

We probably dropped at a friend's house, since it didn't look like a hotel room. 

I was lying on a very comfortable bed. The softness of the mattress cushioned my body heavenly. The white duvet that covered me wasn't too heavy, nor too light, just perfect.

The room was slightly beautiful.

I popped off the mattress, Exposing my bare arms and legs to the golden sunshine, and didn't only realize that it was too cold, but that my jeans were off.

My mum carried me up here probably, I wished. If not my dog. But she's too weak to hold me, even though I don't weigh much.

It was strange not to know where you are. Yeah, what if I was raped? Where was I?

My vision chifted around, analysing the room. I stepped on a black carpet, a largo one. The feanutures were black, but the ground, the walls, the curtains and the bed side lamp were a bright clean white.

My feet dragged me to the roof, feeling thirsty to the smell of the books. Books were something I loved more than anything, my escape.

My fingers ran through the covers of the books on the shelf, checking them, reading the titles.

There was one book that caught my attention, named "Into the wild". I grabbed it and went through its pages, instantly falling into my own world, unconsciously, started reading the first pages.

At the birds' calls, I came back to reality. Yuk, if I didn't have to figure out where I was, I'd instantly go back to my world.

Reality sucks man!

I skipped my way over to the welcomming window, smiling in anticipation. I looked through the glass at the snowy scene outside the house. Green, bushy trees scattered across the large spaces of freshly cut grass, numerous singing birds parking on the branchs. That was quietly wonderful. I could stay all day watching this.

I have always found nature so beautiful and overly relaxing. Just staring at a green tree would help to calm me down. As it is obvious how rough my life is, I've always tried to be positive, to see the good things in life, to obverve. But I knew that good things are hard to find. I remember one day staring at the deep blue sea, where I realized that it was all around me, around us. Beauty is everywhere, but not everyone can see it.

I was just heading to the door when I remembered my clothes. I chuckled, I couldn't believe the sound that I jusr made, suddenly feeling good for the first morning in a long time, and opened my suitcase. I got my jeans on and changed my shirt by a red sleeved one.

I let out a breath and curiosity took over me, wondering what and who was behind the room's door.

I switched the frame opening the wooden door. I was in the upper floor, just getting out of one of four rooms. So, the parents and three children, I guess. Did I take anyone's room? Or was is the guest room?

I made my way down the stairs, placing my hand on the golden banister, letting it glide across the sleek, cool material beneath. I was confused which path that could lead me to the kitchen since I found myself face to face with the front house door, and I can either take the left corridor, the right or walk behind the stairs. I wondered how big this house was and how it looked like from the outside.

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