Chapter 2

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"Hey gorgeous." Jacob smiled brushing some hair from her face, "Hey." She yawned. He smiled down at her as the door went, Connie rolled her eyes with a sigh before pulling herself out of bed and grabbing a pair of pyjama shorts and a vest top. She quickly grabbed her robe and trailed off down to answer the door. She looked at the young male who stood facing her, "Sam." She sighed, "Connie! I wanted to check you were okay as I know you family have gone away." He smiled, she looked at him vacant, she hated this guy with the passion. He lived next door and went to private school, "So are you?" He added, Jacob came down the stairs after hearing Sam's voice. He snaked his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek "Pancakes?" He whispered, "Sam I'm fine and please... just stay away." "I was just checking." "Yes I am now goodbye." Connie shut the door and turned to face Jacob, "Why is he such a creep?" She laughed "Oh and pancakes sounds good." She smiled.

Jacob made pancakes while Connie went for a shower. He smirked as she came down in nothing but her white silk robe to cover her slim frame, while she had a towel around her head which held all her hair upright. "What are you staring at?" She smirked as she took a seat at the table, "Oh nothing." He smiled placing the pancakes infront of her. The pair ate in a comfortable silence for a while, "This is lovely Thank you." She smiled "Anything for you Beauchamp." Connie smiled as he phone buzzed she glanced at it and sighed, "Con?" "Just Zoe... she's leaving." Jacob's eyes widened "What? Max? Leaving?" "She's leaving and Max has no clue." Jacob nodded "You alright with that?" "She's one of my best friends course I'm not." She sighed and moved to sit on his knee. "We could visit." He smiled moving his arms around her "America. She's moving to America her mum and dad feel she'd be better over there." Both sighed "One day." He smiled Connie nodded, "Now I'm going to get dressed, fancy Joining?" She smirked "I'll take you up myself." He smirked as he lifted her up, her legs moved around his waist while her hands cupped his face as she kissed him.

After their eventful morning the pair were ready for the day when Connie felt a wave of nausea. She ran to the bathroom and threw up as she felt Jacob hold her hair back, he gently rubbed her back till she sat up. "Oliver must have given me a bug." She sighed, he nodded "Well bed." "I thought we were going to yours?" "Not when you are like this, my family is too chaotic." He laughed, Connie smiled and went back to bed. Jacob came up with an array of medication and a glass of water "Take these." He smiled "No. It's fine." She smiled "I'm feeling better, please can we go to yours." She begged "Fine come on." He smiled.


Jacobs house was pretty quiet, his dad had took his siblings out. "I'm just going to get a drink." Connie smiled, Jacob nodded and continued upstairs. Connie walked into the kitchen where Lynn was, Jacob's mother. She closed the door making Lynn turn around. Lynn and Connie were very close, she was closer to her than her adoptive parents. Connie ran over and hugged her tight while crying "Connie, what's he done?" She looked "Nothing really." She sobbed. After calming down they took a seat at the table, "Go on you can tell me." She smiled, Jacob came down "I thought you were getting a drink?" He smiled "Jacob upstairs, this is a private conversation!" Lynn looked "Alright." He smiled slightly worried about Connie.

Connie looked at the older woman, she took a deep breath. "I'm late... and I was sick and I don't know what to do. Sarah will kill me." She cried, Lynn came and hugged her, "What did we say about being safe Connie." "I'm know I'm so sorry-" "Does anyone know?" Connie shook her head "Jacob thinks I've got a bug." She sighed wiping her cheeks "Upstairs tell him now. I'll go to the shop." "You aren't mad?" "Yes but we cant change the outcome... I thought you were on the pill?" "I missed a few days and it was heat of the moment-" "Okay too much there." Both laughed "Go on. If you are, I'll deal with Sarah." Connie nodded "Thank you." She smiled

"Connie, what's going on?" Jacob looked as she entered the room, she came and sat down facing him. She took his hands "Jacob I've not got a bug... I'm late." He looked shocked "Pregnant?" "I don't know... your mums gone to buy me a test." She looked up "If you want to leave me that's fine but just do it now-" He pulled her into a hug as she cried "Shut up you idiot. I'm not going to throw away eight years, with the woman I love because of something that we both did." Connie looked up "Sarah's going to kill me. What I'd she stops me from seeing you Jacob." "Not happening I'll make you move in here if I have too." She laughed. "If I am... I'm keeping it." He nodded "I'm here no matter what."

The pair sat in an embrace for what seemed like hours when Lynn came back, "I'm seriously not happy that you couldn't bag it up." She looked at Jacob "Mum I'm sorry but, I wasn't planning on this." "Your Lucky me and your dad are calmer that what Sarah's going to be." Jacob nodded as he watched Connie walk to the bathroom, "Jacob that poor girl has been through enough-" "Mum I know! I've known her for ten years and we've been together of eight. It takes two you know." "I'm not on about her possibly being pregnant, the fact that Sarah is going to lose it! Where will she go Jacob?" "I haven't worked this out have I but I will, just drop it we have two weeks to plan this mum." He sighed. Both sat on the bed, Connie came back in and nodded before she fell to her knees crying Jacob came and hugged her as they heard the noise from his family downstairs, "I'll tell your father. I'll tell everyone to stay away for now."

It was an hour before Connie spoke, "Jacob what are we going to do... we are children, I don't want to relay on everyone for everything." "I'll think of something, I'll get a part time job till we leave school then I'll make it a full one." Connie looked up "You do realise that Sarah will throw me out." He sighed, "Look we will face that when they get back... I'm so sorry Sweetcheeks." She shook her head "It's my fault too. I don't want you blaming yourself." "I'm going to keep you both safe whatever it takes." She smiled and kissed him "I love you." "I'm love you too." A knock came through the door. Jacob sighed as it opened showing both of his parents.

Steve closed the door, "I know and least to say is I'm mad but shouting won't solve any of this. Also Jacob, you over Mike-" "Mike sleeps around you probably already have ten grandkids." "Jacob shut up." Lynn glared, he sighed "Look this is bad we know that." Steve nodded "I'm glad you notice-" "Steve!" "Sorry... right two weeks you two need to live together. You haven't done that yes eight years we know but, you haven't been together in all your home life so back to Connie's two weeks." Steve looked, all Connie could do was nod she grabbed her bag and placed her shoes on. "Dad stop being a dick about things-" "Jacob!" Connie looked, "No, I get you aren't going to be all nice about it but being like this isn't helping... at least mum is acting like she's supportive." "Jacob his point makes perfect sense." She sighed and walked out, "Brilliant way to go dad!" "Don't just blame me." He shook his head and walked out, "Jay it will be the Hormones and the entire situation just go after her." Lynn forced a smiled as Jacob ran out after her.

She was on her Street before she heard him "Con!.... Sweetcheeks." "What?!" He walked closer and hugged her, she tried to pull away but he pulled her closer she eventually gave up, "Sorry." He whispered in her ear as he kissed her temple, "It's okay... I just don't like causing your family arguments." "It's fine but, my dad was being a dick." "Jacob!" She frowned "Sorry but, it's true." Connie sighed "and you are stubborn." "True." He laughed. They walked into the house, Jacob went to make then both some food when the door went, Connie sighed.

"Connie I know you are in there, I heard you yelling are you okay?" Sam spoke through the letter box, "Sam I'm ignoring you and yes I'm perfectly now please leave me alone." "What has he done to you?" Connie opened the door "Nothing! Don't talk about him like that nothing! He has done nothing now leave me alone!" Jacob came over "Con?" "Jacob I'm fine. Just get him away." She sighed Jacob came to the door and glared "You heard her." "I'm not the one who made her upset." Connie scoffed "He didn't upset me! But you are." She glared, Sam sighed and walked away.

Connie threw herself down on the sofa, "Can we please just forget about today?" He nodded "Yeah, lift your head loser." She lifted her head "Im not a loser." She protested. He laughed and sat down as she placed her head on his lap, "You so are... how many weeks Con?" "Ten. This is our secret Jacob, I'm not ready for everything that's going to happen. I don't want people calling me a slag-" "That all fine but, you aren't a slag. I'm the first and only person you've ever slept with if anyone calls you that I swear I will lose my shit Connie I'm not having that being said about you." She grabbed his hand and smiled, "I love you." "I love you too." He smiled

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