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AN: This was just a quick update ❤bit of a filler chapter

"What are you guys doing this weekend?" Mo looked, Jacob pulled Connie up into his side happily. "This weekend we are going away to celebrate out tenth year together." he smiled proudly, she looked up at him, "You are such an idiot." she giggled, he smiled and covered her lips with his own. The others who surrounded them smiling too, "Well we best be off." he looked, they said their goodbyes and made their way to get Miyah.

They got home and Grabbed the bags, "Jay you sure you can miss tomorrow's lectures?" She frowned, he nodded "It's Friday. Fletch will let me lend his notes." He smiled, she nodded "I just don't want to mess anything up-" "Shush... I suggested it, now I believe we have a train to catch." He smiled, she nodded and smiled warmly holding Miyah's hand walking to the train station. "Where going?" Miyah looked "To see Nanny and Granddad." Connie smiled, Miyah's face lit up. "Me and Daddy are going away for a few days okay?" Connie spoke as Jacob got the tickets, She nodded "So you will stay with them and then we will get you and come home, okay baby?" Miyah smiled, clutching her teddy tighter as someone shouted. 

After the first train journey the droped Miyah off with Lynn. "Hello." she smiled warmly, seeing how happy the three looked. "Hey." Connie smiled, letting got of Miyah's hand watching her run forward to Lynn. "Nanny!" she called, Lynn lifted her up "Haven't you got big? Me, Granddad and your uncles have missed you." Lynn smiled kiss her head. The pair said their goodbyes and were about to leave, when Lynn pulled Jacob to one side. "You two okay?" he nodded, the smile growing on his face. "Not one argument to date since we moved mum... not that there were many before." Lynn smiled, "Well I know this is a big thing, but please, please, please stay safe. As much as I'd love another grandchild, I think It's still a little too soon." she smirked, he laughed "Mum. We have a two year old, trust me the most of this weekend away will be sleep." It was now Lynn's turn to chuckle. "Ten years..." she stated gobsmacked, "And you still look as beautiful as ever." he smirked "What are you after?" she laughed hugging him "Have fun... not too much though." he smiled going to kiss Miyah's head again "Be good and we will see you Sunday." "How many days?" she giggled "Three." she nodded "I love you daddy." "I love you too." he smiled.

"Now would you like anything?" Jacob smiled as the walked back inside, "Sleep." she groaned cuddling into him. "You hungry?" "Ooo... we could get sandwiches and go for dinner once we've got there." "Sounds like a plan... Room service?" she hummed, "I love you." she uttered, he smiled and kissed her deeply, "I love you-" "More?" she offered, he chuckled "You know me too well Sweetcheeks." "It has been ten years... Not bored of me yet?" she teased, only he hadn't noticed. "Bored of you?" he scoffed, "I will never, ever, ever be bored of you. No one compares to you beautiful and I don't think anyone ever will." he looked smiling. She blinked back the tears that slowly rose, "I was only messing." she chuckled, "Well I wasn't." he kissed her head. Grabbing some sandwiches they headed to their platform waiting.

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