Chapter 24

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AN: because I suck at writing things when children and basically babies it's being skip too Miyah being six months old.

Jacob was the first to wake, that morning. He'd found that with his results coming up he was struggling to sleep. He sat up and sighed as he checked the time, he hated having to work Sundays. He had a brief shower before changing into his work clothes, he crept into Miyah's room to see her sitting up babling away to her teddy. He couldn't remove the smile of his face watching his daughter, the past few months had been tough, but both Connie and Jacob delt with it all really well. "A good morning princess." He cooed lifting her out the crib "Da-da." She gurgled, he kissed her cheek before taking her into the kitchen where her high chair was, he placed her in it as he quickly warmed her breakfast. She squeeled a stuck her arms in the air clenching her fits as she saw the bowl, "Is Miyah Hungary by any chance?" He looked as he pulled up a seat, placing a bib on her and fed her. Miyah had both her bottem and top two front teeth, which everyone found adorable, especially with her tight curly hair.

He crept into the bedroom placing Miyah down on the bed along with himself, "Sweetcheeks." Jacob spoke softly, she hummed sleepily. "I have to go now." He looked as Miyah crawled up the bed next to her mum, he smiled as she sat back, catching her quickly as she nearly fell backwards. "Con." He spoke louder, she rubbed her eyes "I'm up... I'm up." She muttered, Jacob rolled his eyes with a smirk knowing she'd fall back asleep, he picked Miyah up and placed her on top of her, staying close to the edge as Miyah crawled up her, Connie groaned "I'm said I was up-" "There is a difference with saying it and actually being it Sweetcheeks." He laughed before grabbing Miyah so she could sit up. Connie looked at him and rolled her eyes, "Good morning baby!" Connie smiled watching her daughter figit in Jacob's arms trying to get to her. He handed her over, "Do you have to go to work?" Connie groaned as she lay Miyah in between her legs tickling her, giggles erupted from her making the pair smile. "I'm afraid so... I'll be back later." He smiled leaning down, she kissed him gently before he kissed Miyah's cheek. Connie sat her up "Say bye bye daddy... we love you." Connie smiled as Miyah waved her hand "I love you both too." He smiled before leaving for work.

Connie got out of bed with Miyah "What shall we do today baby?" Connie looked as she took her to her own room to get her dressed for the day, Connie settled on some black leggings, a pink top that fell just over her bottem with little black heart's all over it. Adding a pair of black shoes. "Don't you look pretty?" Connie smiled taking her back to her own room, so she could get herself ready. She placed Miyah on the floor after shutting the door, quickly going around checking there was nothing she could hurt herself on before going to look for something to wear. She wore a simple black, floaty strappy top, with some black denim jeans that had rips at the knees. Along with her everyday make up, which she managed to do pretty easily as Miyah found it very interesting to look at herself in the mirror that was on the wardrobe door. She grabbed her phone as it rang,
"Connie, you free for a bit of a lunch date?"
"Yeah, Jacob's working so Miyah will be joining."
"No problem... I really need to talk to you." She spoke in a whisper
"Everything alright?"
"Yeah... meet me at mine?"
"Yeah, I might be an hour or so."
"No problem."

Connie put the phone down frowning, confused at what Zoe would want to talk about. Taking Miyah to her crib, she gathered everything together. Placing Miyah in a coat and hat, she put her in the Pram. Adding a pair of black heels to her feet, and a brow swade style jacket that fell to her hips and see ruffled the sleeves up. "Shall we go and see Aunty Zoe now?" Miyah let out a small giggle and squeezed her thighs before heading off to Zoe's.

"Well aren't you two looking stylish." Zoe laughed as she left the house, Connie frowned notcing she seemed a little too happy. "So where shall we eat?" Connie looked dismissing her comment, "I was thinking that little café." "The one near Starbucks?" Connie smiled, "Yeah." Connie nodded as they began to walk, Zoe exhaled. "You alright?" Connie looked "Everyone's growing up... now Max is moving away." "What?" Connie's eyes widened "Yeah... it'll be closer to the collage he wants to go too." She mumbled, "Well I'm sure you can meet up-" "It's not the point though is It?" "Has he made a final decision." "No but-" "give him a little time." Connie smiled handing Miyah her dummy back as she began to cry. "How do you know what she wants?" Zoe looked intrigued, "At first it was difficult, but you just end up knowing... it comes naturally." "What if it didn't?" "I don't really know... you sure you're alright?" "Yeah."

They sat down at the café, ordering some food and a drink. Connie took Miyah out of the Pram placing her upright on her knee, "She's getting so big." Zoe smiled, "Tell me about it." Connie laughed, "How's Jacob?" "Stressing about results... he thinks I don't know, I swear he thinks I'm an idiot." Zoe laughed "I don't know what the world would be like without you too." She smiled, Connie smiled back "What's it like him working?" "I get a bit bored." She sighed, Zoe nodded "How are all your other mummy friends?" "Good... some go back to work and things now." Zoe nodded and smiled "What about your exams?" "I work while she naps so I'm ready to take them as soon as possible." They sat eating and talking aimlessly before they were about to depart, Zoe just looked at her and began to cry. Connie pulled her into a tight hug, "Zo?" "I brought you out and didn't even tell you what I wanted too." She sobbed, Connie rubbed her back "Oh Zo, you can tell me now." "I'm late." She whispered. Connie instantly clocked on, "Right... remove those tears what will be will be." Zoe nodded, before Connie took her hand and pushed the Pram into town to buy a test for her.


Zoe walked into the living room where Connie stood waiting anxiously while Miyah napped. Zoe nodded and cried Connie hugged her "It'll be okay-" "How my parents aren't like Jacob's." She sobbed, "Zoe talk to Max first... deal with together." "What am I going to do?" She looked, "Do you not think I thought the exact same thing." She smiled warmly, Zoe nodded. "Look you have nine months to work everything out... you can always talk to me or Jacob, I know it looks hard, I know but it works out and yes I'm not going to lie to you, there are days I really, really just want to curl up and cry, but you can't and something as a mother makes you keep going." Zoe nodded and just hugged her. After talking for a while, Zoe went home to phone Max.

Connie lay on the floor playing with Miyah as Jacob came home. He smiled watching them, she hopped up and came and kissed him. "A good evening to you Miss.Chase." Connie smiled "How was work?" "Same old same old." He smiled, she nodded "How's my little princess?" He smiled picking her up holding her above his head as she giggled, "Good as always." She smiled, "Do anything nice?" He looked as held Miyah pulling faces at her, "Say we had some lunch with Aunty Zoe?" Connie smiled as she looked at Miyah. He kissed her cheek and placed her down going to the bathroom, he frowned seeing the box from the test. He finished up and came out holding the box "Con?" He looked as he entered the kitchen where she stood cooking.

She spun round, "Jacob that's not mine." She looked, "So who's is it?" He frowned, "Promise to keep your mouth shut Jacob Masters." He held his hands up defensively "I promise." "Zoe's." "What?" "You heard me." She sighed turning back round to continue on cooking. "Max is thinking of moving away-" "Exactly... she's a wreck." The pair sighed together, they both laughed "We spend too much time together." She smiled, "That a problem?" He smirked, "I never said that." She smiled, "You know it made me realise how lucky we are that your parents are so understanding." He nodded wrapping his arms around her waist, keeping one eye on Miyah through the arch way, "Not going to lie to you my heart was racing for a second then." She laughed "Jacob... I'm not that stupid-" "and I am?" He frowned, "A little... and if I was do you think I'd be that calm about it?" He shrugged and smiled as she kissed him. "Bring Miyah through, dinners ready." She smiled.

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