Door - Twelve

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We finish brushing ourselves off. "Ok well should we go to the next door?" I say taking in a deep breath. "Yeah ok let's go, we are nearly done" he says to me.

We walk up to the door and it looks like it used to be painted pink but the paint has flaked off and there is a white flag next to the door. We walk in and the walls have a cheap wallpaper on them which is peeling off and I see a old worn out mattress on the floor, a little collapsed table and chair and what looks like a toy box.

I walk in more and stand by the the mattress. I look over at James he isn't looking at me he is looking over at the wall opposite to where he is. His eyes are red once again, but I don't say anything. I look at the trying to see what he is looking at, there is a little drawing. We give each other a look and walk over to it. It looks like a child's drawing, but I can't really make out what it is of. What I can make out is a little girl but there is a weird thing looking over her. It looks like a man with a beak. (A/n: idk if you guys can tell where I am going with this. It's kinda based off a real historic story.)

I start to feel someone tugging on the left side of my shirt. But James is on my right and he is not reaching over tugging at my shirt. I look down and see a little girl, she looks like a ghost and it looks like she has been crying.

"They left me and they took her" she says starting to tear up. "who left you and who did they take?" I ask her bending down looking in her eyes. "My parents left me here and they took my dolly, they left me with nothing" she says and starts to ball her eyes out. "It's ok, why did they leave you?" I ask her. "They l-left b-b-bec-cause I-I have t-the p-plag-gue" she says in between sobs. "Oh ok, we won't catch it though will we?" I ask concerned. "No I am ghost" she says. At that moment I realise she is the girl I saw when I first came with the blood all over her. "I want my dolly" she says looking at her feet. "I don't know how to get your dolly, but I could get you a new one" I say trying to cheer her up. "I would like that very much" she says smiling.

I look around the room and I see that the door we came in is gone. My neck is still sore. I see that there is a window that I can climb out of. "What is your name" I ask her sweetly. "Annie, what is yours?" She asks back. "Ava nice to meet you" I say then I climb out. James really hasn't been getting involved in these situations it's kinda rude so I ask him to stay with Annie.

There is an ally way it's like it's under ground. I am looking around and I keep seeing the things we have come across in the house I mainly keep seeing the clown with a creepy smile. But thankfully we are in modern times. I see a girly shop. I buy a barbie doll and a drawing pack with crayons and paper.

I see Annie in the corner of the room looking at that drawing but no James. "I am back" I say startling her. "Oh I was looking this picture he never came to me" she says sadly. "Who" I ask full of curiosity. "The plague doctor, he helps people with the plague he never helped me though" she says looking down ant her feet. "I got you a dolly and a drawing pack" I say cheering her up. "Really! Oh thank Ava!" She sounds very happy.

The door appears and opens, I know I have to leave her. "Goods bye Annie" I say. "Good bye I will miss you Ava" she says playing with her barbie. I leave and shut the door behind me. "Dammit, I forgot to ask her where James is" I say to myself in frustration.

A/n: Hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you ever go to Edinburgh go to the Mary kings close tour I went and I loved it, oh and it also explains Annie. So yeah kinda true story. (Kinda) hope you enjoyed and are wondering where James is. (Picture is Annie's toys when people go to Mary kings close they can donate toys to Annie 😊 she is quite loved)

Bye Laina

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