Door - Thirteen

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I rest my body on Annie's door and think about where James went. I'm not sure if I want to go in the last door without him but he is nowhere to be seen. After some thinking I decide to go in the last door by myself.

I walk to the end of the hall to see a black with 13 written on the door faintly with blood. I put my hand on the door handle the I turn it. I open it and see James sitting on the chair his eyes are redder than ever. He was staring at me. "Thank god I thought you were gone James" I say with relief ignoring his eyes are red. He doesn't respond. "James?" I ask trying to get a response. Still, he says nothing. The room is small and there is a door on the opposite side of the room. There is also a big wooden wardrobe on the left of the room.

James gets up and walks over to the wardrobe and opens it. He looks around in there and brings out a thick metal stick with a chain on it and attached to the chain there is a metal ball with big spikes on it.

He starts waking up to me with the weapon over his shoulder ready to swing it. He swings it but I dodge it. Then he walks back to the wardrobe and pulls out a long sword. "James! What are you doing!" I yell. He doesn't respond again. I try and go exit through the door but it is locked. "Oh great so I bet I have to kill him" I say in my head so James doesn't get enraged. He swings the sword and slices my arm, probably one centimetre deep. I run to the wardrobe clutching my arm in pain, tears are running down my cheek.

I look in the wardrobe and there are terrifying things in there but the keys is in there too, so I grab it and run over to the door and start trying to unlock it. James goes back in the wardrobe and grabs a small knife, like a dagger, and throws it at me.

I feel it pierce the skin in my back suddenly I fall to the ground. I can't feel my legs. I pull the knife out from behind me, it's covered in blood. The knife is only 2 inches long but I think it got my spinal cord. How the hell am I going to get out of here now. I try and jump up but I can't I truly am paralysed.

I can just reach the door handle. I unlock it and I try and open it but James is standing there with a chainsaw in his hand. He turns it on and starts swinging it at me.

I close my eyes waiting for what's coming, but when I try to open them again.........

I can't.

The End

A/n: Hey guys I am so sorry it is so short but I wanted to leave it on a cliff hanger. I might still make another chapter but I'm not sure, it might be a bonus chapter. Anyways I hope you enjoyed it, I did. Once again I didn't mean for it to be that short I still think it is really good and I am happy with it.

Also I might edit it like put paragraphs in.

Bye Laina

Dun dun dun😱

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