Bonus Chapter

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All I see is black but I feel a cool breeze. I force my eyes open. They actually open. I am still where I was before.

I look down and all I see is a pool of blood around me. I have no wounds just blood. I look around me and I see a heap of corpses around me.

I get up and walk to the door I entered through, I look behind me but I am still lying on the ground. I look at my hands and they are grey and transparent.

The door is slightly open. I peer through the hall and all the doors are open. I don't go in any I just go back in the thirteenth room and go to the other door. Everything is so quiet.

I open the other door and just see a black room. It's like it's just the void. I try step in it but I can't my foot just falls.

I decide to go back to door 12 and see Annie.

I walk in the open door and Annie playing with the doll I got her. She looks up at me confused but the her expression changes. Then she runs up and hugs me. I can actually touch her.

We talk for a while and I tell her what happened. She told me how I must have died. I am sad because I won't be able to see my family.

Annie tells me that there are other ghost like me in the house, I just hope Skye is one of them. I get and look around in the other doors while Annie keep playing with her doll. There are so many corpses in each of the rooms.

I don't look in room 13, I'm not sure why I just don't want to see myself lying there, dead.

I go back to Annie. I tell I can't find any other ghost so she tells me to go back to door 13. I tell I don't want to but she says to trust her.

I get up and walk to door 13. She stays behind me and tells me I can come and see her any time. I get confused but I keep going.

I enter the door and see a big room. I stay in the one spot while looking around by turning my head from side to side scanning the room, well more like a hall. There are ghosts everywhere.

The room is bright with marble pillars. Gold, red velvet sofas and even a little table at the entrance with a man standing behind it looking at me.

This place looks like a hotel... 

a hotel for ghosts.

A/n: Hey guys so I made another chapter be cause I got:
Thank you so much for that, I really appreciate it! So I might make a sequel called hotel for ghosts idk but it would be Ava doing quests and stuff like that. I really hope you enjoyed sorry it took me a while and sorry it's short but still ENJOY!!!

Bye Laina 🛎4️⃣👻  <-- idek

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