Chapter 1. Ending It All (Revised)

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'And if you feel the need to say you're all 'outta luck

I'm just a call away when things get rough!

The fact of the matter is I know you're enough!

So, please don't cut, please don't cut'- MikeIWJ Please Don't cut

I could hear the snickers and laughs all around me as I walked that school's hallways to class. 

Not like I could care though. I'm used to it by now. The name calling, the laughs, the snickers, the humiliation! I'm used to it all! It's been going on for four years straight. Ever since I was in the 7th grade. I'm in 10th grade now. 

And my family? Don't even get me started with that crap. Parents: gone. Easy as that. My dad left before I was even born. My mother gave me up for adoption. To sad to look at me, because I apparently reminded her of what she used to have. 

No siblings either. I live in an orphanage. Few people have tried to talk and make friends with me. But, I shut them out, 

My motto: If no one cares about you, you can't get hurt. 

Hell, I'm pretty sure no one would even notice if I was gone. No one ever notices me. 

"Hey freak, watch where you're going"! Some blonde bimbo shouts when I accidentally bump into her. 

I roll my eyes. I don't blame her though. I have dull blonde, hair with broken, dull brown, eyes. My figure is skinny, because I hardly eat. I choose not too. If I eat I'll think I'm fat, if I don't eat I'll think I'm a skeleton, so really I'm ugly either way. 

All I do is nod and go around the girl. Everyone here thinks I'm mute. I don't talk, I show no emotion, and I simply don't care. I've even been called a robot because whenever someone physically hurts me, I still show nothing. 

I don't see the reason why. I already feel numb. I feel no pain. Then again, death doesn't seem like such a bad option anymore. 

I mean, I won't feel anything, no one will care so I won't have to worry about that guilt trip. I have nothing to lose really. 

With those thoughts in my mind, I make my way to my seat for the last class.

Just as the bell rings, Jaden Flee strides in. He has dark, brown hair with brown eyes. Now, I know I'm not supposed to care, but I sorta feel something for Jaden. Only because he seems like the only one who sees right through my muted phase act and wants to help. Still, I do nothing. 

I've been thinking about telling him. Maybe it'd be nice to have a friend to really talk to, to hang around, and be there for you when you need them. 

As the last bell of school rings, I walk up to Jaden. 

He's at his locker when I'm there. But, before I could even open my mouth, he rudely cuts me off. 

"Listen, I get it okay: Stop trying to help you. Really though, I was never trying to help you. I just wanted to see if I could bed the muted girl. Now that I see how hard that is, you can just leave will 'ya freak". Jaden said, with a hint of sadness in his eyes. 

By the time he was done, the tears were already in my eyes. My heart felt like it somehow broke a bit at his harshful words and tone. 

But, that was it. That was the last straw. I mask my face and emotions as I look up into his dark, brown eyes. So much for friendship! I think bitterly, before I walk out of the school. 

I don't even bother getting my stuff. I know I'm not coming back. I know that my mind is set. I'm never coming back to this hell hole people call earth, again. 

A couple minutes later, I make it to where I wanna be. My heart is racing with each step I take further. Knowing that if I go through with this, that'll be it. Knowing that if I do this, there will be no going back. 

I shake all thoughts 'outta my head as I climb the railing to the bridge. Cars are rushing down below me on the streets. 

Suicide. I know what it's called. I'll be committing suicide if I go through with this. But, I could care less. 

I close my eyes and listen to the wind as it blows through my hair. The sun is still clear in the sky when I look down below me, again. 

It's at least 40 ft. in the air. I take a deep breath, looking up at the sky. 

"Good 'riddens world". I whisper, before diving off the bridge. My eyes are tightly closed as I fall. Everything seems to go in slow motion. 

The closer I get, the louder I hear all of the cars and horns blare. 

And than,  I feel myself plummet into the ground. The agonizing pain searing through my body. I feel like I've broken every bone in my body. I can feel the warm, liquid seep 'outta the back of my head as I keep my eyes closed, refusing to see the chaos I have just caused. 

Pretty soon, I hear the sirens, and than, the distant voices of people.

"...Miss. Miss. Please, stay with us. You're going to make it. I promise". I hear a male voice shout calmly. 

But I don't want to be saved! I wanted to scream it out. But, I keep my eyes shut. I can still hear the distant voices of people shouting, too. 

And than,  I can hear nothing but the slowing of my heart beat. My vision begins to blur and all I see is darkness. Pretty soon, I hear nothing at all. My heart beat stops, and I give into death completely.

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