Chapter 6. My Stacey (Revised)

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"She stood out in the crowd, was a little too loud

But that's why we love her.."- Are you Happy Now- Megan and Liz

Austin's POV

"I'll be back. I'm just going out for a bit." Alyssa replied. I turned my head, about to reply when I turned back to her, but she was gone. 


Where did she go? . 

Suddenly, I felt the small emptiness that I felt when she first left this morning. Where was she going all this time? 

In all honesty, Alyssa intrigued me. She was mysterious, and seemed shy- sorta. Last night, the first night we met, I felt like I knew her. I felt as if we had met before. Those dull brown, eyes, and dark blonde hair. She's pretty skinny- as though she hasn't eaten in weeks. Her pale, white skin was more pale then Snow White herself. 

She might be the first girl I've ever thought about besides Stacey. After Stacey's death, I was left with nothing- I was empty. 

I gave up there and then. I still had a happy, loving, family with happy, loving, friends. But, Alyssa, her life was terrible! I can tell why she doesn't believe in love. She grew up with hate and anger. She's never felt what it was like to be loved. 

She dropped out of school, but what happened after that? Does she still go to her orphanage? I hope not. I wouldn't want those people laying their hands on her again. I felt this sudden urge... to protect Ally. To see her smile and laugh. To hold her in my- No!

No Austin. You have Stacey- had. My mind reminded me bitterly. I sighed. I can't do that to Stacey. She's the only one I have ever loved, and look what happened? She was murdered! By that godforsaking man! I thought angrily. 

I pound my fist on the mattress I'm on. My eyes turn to slits as I remember the same day; the very same day I had lost all hope; the same day I lost what was mine; the same day, I lost My Stacey.


"Stacey! Please stop! I promise you, it'll be alight!" I yelled to Stacey. She was stalking off down the hallway. Tears streamed down her delicate, pale skin. She was wiping them furiously, but they couldn't seem to stop. 

 This, was the day I was going to sing her "Baby don't cut". When I had walked into the school, I could hear yelling in the cafeteria. I walked that way, just in time to see Summer Mill- Stacey's main bully- say the one thing, that would crack Stacey. 

"No one loves a little piece of shit like you! That's why your brother committed suicide! So he could get away from you,"  Summer had spat bitterly at Stacey. 

At that, Stacey, and everyone in the room, had gasped. No one ever talked about Stacey's older brother. 

Stacey's older brother was 24 when he committed suicide. Her parents died in a car accident when they were younger. Ever since then, her brother has been there for her everyday. But, one day, he just couldn't take it anymore. 

November 21st, four years ago, was when he committed suicide. Stacey came home to find her brother, dead, on the floor. A single bullet to the side of his head and the gun was laid on the ground. 

Inspectors said that his fingerprints were on the trigger and all evidence led to him committing suicide. 

After his death, Stacey became completely numb and shut out everyone but me. She trusted me and I still loved her- despite all of her flaws. 

But, at the mention of her brother, she broke. She turned and left. 

I had finally caught up to Stacey and grabbed her arm. I turned her around to face me and planted my lips on her's when she was about to speak. 

Little did I know, that would be the last kiss I ever shared with her. That, would be the last kiss I shared with my girl. 

When we had pulled away, I leaned my forehead against her's and wiped the remaining tears left on her salty-stained cheeks. 

"You're stronger than this Stace. I know you are. Please, don't let her get to you." I told Stacey slowly, planting a kiss on her cheeks. 

Stacey closed her eyes and took deep breaths. When she reopened them, I was able to see her ocean, blue eyes. They looked a bit darker because she had just been crying. 

She smiled up at me. Planting a  kiss of her own on my cheeks, she whispered, "I love you Austin."
Those last few words from her were enough to make my heart melt with love and warmth. 

"I love you too. Now, please, come back to class." I begged Stacey as I held her hand. 

She smiled and nodded at me. Her eyes held so much pain and misery, though. I just wanted to take her away and be left alone with her so I could cheer her up, make her happy, kiss her worries and scars away.

But, I couldn't. I had all the time after school... at least, I had thought that. 

She nodded and we walked our separate ways to class. 

In the middle of math, my fourth period, I had gotten a text message. 

'I love you so much Austin. I promise that I'll always love you. I'll miss you when I'm gone. But you need to promise me, that you will not mourn over me for too long. You will get over me and find another girl to love and cherish. To dedicate your life to. I love you Austin. Forever, and always'.'

Those were the words on my phone. I bolted up from my seat and ran around the school looking for Stacey, wanting her to explain what this message had meant. 

When I had ran one block from the school, I found Stacey. 

She was pinned against the wall by a man. He looked no older then 20- maybe 23. Stacey was struggling to get away from him. But he wouldn't budge. 

"Stacey!" I shouted. Her and the man froze. 

The man turned to look at me. His dark grey, eyes piercing into my soul. They were filled with hatred and... vengeance? 

I ran like hell to Stacey. But, quick as a flash, he flicked out his pocket-knife and brought it up to Stacey's throat. 

My heart was skyrocketing as I watched the scene before me. It felt like one of those slow motion movies. My heart was pounding out of my chest as I ran faster to Stacey. I was praying in my head that he wouldn't do it. That he wouldn't drag the knife across her throat. But, it was as if God wasn't on my side at all. 

As soon as I was at least three feet from Stacey, he dragged the knife, slowly across her throat. Teasing me. Making me watch the love of my life... die in front of me. 

"We're even Austin" was the last thing I heard from the man, before both Stacey and I collapsed to the ground. Stacey's throat bled out, and I slid down on my knees. Not believing that this had happened. Not believing that the love of my life had died right in front of my eyes. 

I quickly staggered over to her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her close. I stared into her once blue ocean, eyes. I watched, with tears streaming down my face, the life drain from Stacey's eyes.... my one true love. My only, true love. 

I shook the awful, everlasting ,memory out of my head. 

The man wanted to get even. And I knew exactly why. I knew why this had all happened, and it was my fault. All. My. Fault

Sad i know. It was just what happened to Austin and Stacey. Yes, there is a lot more to Austin then you think, as there is to Alyssa. I hope you liked it in his POV because there will be more in his POV. I promise you that. Anywho please remember too...



FAN!!!!!!!!    ;) 

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