Chapter 5. Special Powers and Surprises (Revised)

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'Every storm runs, run's outta rain, 

just like every dark night, turns into day. 

Every heartache, will fade away

just like every storm runs, runs outta rain- Every Storm- Gary Allan 

Alright so.... being a ghost has its advantages. So far I found that I could walk through anything, make myself visible to anyone I wanted, make any light flicker on and off, and move objects with my mind. 

But, I found that I could make lights flicker when I walked through a market. I was getting angry and upset because of the situation I was in. When my mood was angry, the lights in the market started flickering on and off furiously. Eventually, I was able to control making the lights flicker with any mood I was in. 

I had to concentrate really hard in order to move objects with my mind. Took about twenty times, but I got it. 

In all honesty, I was actually excited to go back to Austin. But, I seriously didn't want him living like that. On the streets I mean. And what's funny, is that I have over $2000 from the left over change and other things I've done the past years. I had set up a bank account when I was four-teen. I had a little over $700 then. Throughout the years I kept getting more money and would always put it in there. I'd never spend it.  

But, I was able to go into a motel and order a room. It wasn't that bad. There was a bed, couch, kitchen, TV, bathroom, and dresser and closet. It was like a normal house, but smaller. I rented the room for Austin. I ordered a bed because I knew that I wouldn't be sleeping anytime soon anyway. 

He might get mad at me, but hey, it was only for $150 a night. 

Another ability that I found I could do, that was really helpful, was teleportation. I could make myself teleport anywhere I wanted as long as I concentrate and imagine on where I want to go. Which means  no more walking. Thank God!

I look out into the horizon. The sun will be setting in less then a minute. 

I smile and close my eyes. Concentrating on the tree I was at with Austin. I thought of the trees, the bushes, the horizon, the light healthy, green grass. 

When I  reopened my eyes, I found that I was at the tree I was from yesterday. 

I looked down and smiled. Austin. He was asleep, laying against the tree. He looked a bit cold. It was March anyways. His black jacket was clung tightly to his side. Since it was light, I could actually see him clearly. 

He had blonde hair, with darker shades of blonde in it, covering his eyes slightly. His cheekbones were high and a he had a slightly crooked nose, as if he had been in one too many fights. Just from looking at him, I could tell he had muscle under his shirt. His shoulders were broad and crossed against his chest. You could hear his soft snores echoing in the silence. 

Though the sun had just set, it hadn't gone down completely. There was still some light. I bent down and sat next to Austin. Just close enough to where we wern't touching though. 

I closed my eyes and swayed gently to the song that was in my head. 

"I saw you standing in the middle of the thunder and lighten'. 

I know you're feeling like you  just can't win, but you're tryin'.

It's hard to keep on keepin', when you're getting pushed around. 

Just keep spinning down, round, down....

Every storm runs, runs outta rain, 

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