Chapter 8: Discovering New Things (Revised)

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'If I die young, bury me in satin. 

Lay me down on a bed of roses, 

Sink me in the river

 At dawn

Send me away with the words of a love song'- If I Die Young by The Band Perry. 

Alyssa's POV

I was in a shell-shocked moment right now. Well, what was I supposed to do? I couldn't exactly touch him- I think. I still wasn't going to try though. My hands were clamped over my mouth as I watched Austin lay on the ground- eyes closed and wrist bleeding out.

Finally snapping out of my trance, I thought fast and looked over to the phone on the night stand. With my mind, I punched in 9-1-1 and waited for the police to pick up. 

"911 emergency, what is your emergency?" a women's voice asked. 

"Please come quick! My friend is bleeding and passed out on the ground!"  I yelled frantically. Wait... could she even hear me? 

"Hello? Anyone there?" The women asked. 

Shit! No, she couldn't. 

"Stupid kids..." was the last thing I heard before she ended the call. I rolled my eyes. 

"Stupid operator." I mumbled angrily to no one in particular. 

I looked back at Austin. I swear I was gonna kill the boy if he made it through this! 

I slowly walked over to his sprawled out body and examined his cuts. From what I could tell, they were deep, but gladly, he didn't hit a vein.  Otherwise he would've bled out quicker. 

I shook my head and, with my mind, got a wet rag and placed it on his cuts, making sure to add pressure to the cuts to try and stop the bleeding. Hey, having mind powers can come in handy. I just sat there silently, watching as Austin's face slowly turned back to its original color, and not the pale color it once was. 

I could see his chest slowly move up and down- confirming that he was still alive. 

I breathed out a sigh of relief and moved him so that he was laying comfortably on the bed. I got up and went into the kitchen to make some food for him. Just because I'm a ghost doesn't mean I can't cook. I've spent years cooking for people so I have plenty experience. 


Austin's POV

My head was killing me! It felt as if 100 pounds was just laying on my head. It was throbbing painfully, but I guess I could say what hurt the most right now was my arms. 

I wanted to open my eyes, I really did. But my eyes just didn't want to open at all. My arms and wrists were numb with pain. After what seemed like minutes, my eyes were finally able to flutter open and a blinding light seared through the blinds. I quickly shut my eyes again and slowly opened them again, adjusting to the new room and bright light around me.

I remember being in the motel and falling asleep, and when I woke up, Alyssa was back, only to leave once again. My memory of Stacey flashed through my head and then.... nothing

"I swear your ass gave me a damn heart attack!"  A familiar, female's, voice said from beside me. 

I whipped my head around and saw Alyssa with her arms crossed and foot tapping on the floor- much like a normal mother would be doing when they're scolding their children. I looked down and my eyes widened. White bandages were wrapped tightly around my wrists and two warm blankets covered me. I was in a bed and really comfortable. 

"What do you remember?"  Alyssa asked as she stepped forward, her eyeborws raising. 

I shrugged. "The only thing I remember was thinking about Stacey and then... nothing." I told her honestly. 

Alyssa took a deep breath and closed her eyes tightly, as if she were controlling her anger. When her eyes opened, they were filled with a number of emotions: Rage, concern, anger, pain.... and something else I couldn't detect. Suddenly, she snapped- 

"You stupid idiot! Do you know how worried you had me? Do you know what I had to go through after your stupid decisions?" She yelled at the top of her lungs. I flinched back. Why was she yelling? What happened? "Austin! You had me thinking that you were about to die! Why would you ever make a stupid choice like that? At least wait for me to come back and we could've talked about it, before doing that!"  Ally continued rambling on with her yelling. 

She was pacing the floor, throwing her hands around like some mother would do when scolding her child. 

"Ally"! I yelled in the middle of her rant. "What. Happened?"  I finally yelled. 

Her eyes turned to slits as she glared at my wrists. Confused, I let my eyes drift towards my arms and my jaw almost touched the ground. 

I knew that white bandages were covering them, but I didn't look closely. I  could still see a dark red, liquid that was on the bandage. Blood?

"Yea. You cut yourself Austin. You self-harmed." Ally spat. She threw her arms in the air and continued pacing. "I mean, if something was going on in your head, you could've been smart and, I don't know, told me." She said like it was a 'duh' idea. 

I shook my head in disbelief. The last time I cut myself was before I met Stacey. Stacey was the one who made me stop, and gave me a reason to keep fighting everyday. I guess she was my medicine- now that she's gone.... I've gone back to cutting. 

"Y-you scared the crap outta' me Austin...." Ally whispered. I looked up. Her face was really pale and tears stung her eyes, but they never fell. Her chocolate, brown eyes became a duller color'; no longer filled with happiness, joy, and laughter. Just... sadness, depressed, and dullness

"I'm.... sorry Ally. I don't know what came over me..." I started out.

"No." Ally cut in with a shake of her head, almost as if she was disappointed in me. "There's some pain killers and a glass of water on the table next to you. There's also a turkey and cheese sandwich on a plate. Eat up, get some actual rest, and do. Not. Move." Ally demanded with a deadly glare my way. 

"Wait, where are you going now?" I shout. My voice actually cracks a little. Guess I've been out for some time then. 

I see her roll her eyes. "I'll be back, hopefully, before you wake up. I'm just going to visit someone." She mumbles as she walks away. 

After that, I hear nothing. Silence. I let out a frustrated sigh. It was getting annoying with all her missing whereabouts. Like, really, does she even sleep? Where is she always going? Why is she never here? 

I understand that she's mad at me for my stupid choice, but I never knew she'd be this mad. 

With a new set of determination coursing through my body,I slowly get up and walk out of the door. I'm planning on finding where Ally is always going. I mean, she could be in trouble or something....

Merry Christmas guys! Just a short update i wanted to get in. I'd like to say a 'thank you' for those of you who are still reading my story even with the slow updates! So, again HAPPY HOLIDAYS and MERRY CHRISTMAS and remember to....



FAN!!!!!! ;) 

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