Chapter 2. Comas and Weird Spirits (Revised)

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'They label you, but not a single word is true.

Who cares what the what the world is saying about you
They don't know, they just assume
They're not with you, when you're lonely up in your room,

They're not with you, when you're begging to up above, 

They're not there when you need a little love'- MikeIWJ Please don't cut.

Dead. Pain. Agony. Misery. More pain. Anguish. Pain.  Really, that's all I felt like at this second.

My head hurt so much, and it felt as if I even tried to make the slightest movement, my bones would break. I let out a scream of pain when I tried to move my arms. 

My vision was still blurry as I looked into the darkness. Darkness? 

What happened? I wondered. 

And then, like a video camera, the memories flashed through my throbbing head. School, the snickers and whispers, Jaden's hurtful words, me jumping off the bridge, and then.... nothing. Nothing at all. 

I look at my surroundings, but all there is, is darkness. Is this death? Just.... darkness, pain, and misery? Is there really a God? A heaven? A hell? An after-life?

Just than, I see a... face. Well  the outline of a face. It's the only little thing visible I can see in this darkness. 

"No..." I heard a voice whisper. 

I winced a little, scared of the sudden, raspy, voice. I looked around me. But, all I found were the cold, grey eyes staring back at me in the darkness. 

"W-Who, are you"? I stuttered out. I was scared and in pain. Why do I still feel pain? I thought I was dead. 

"No, Alyssa. You are dead". The voice called out. I winced again. My legs beginning to shake. 

"W-whose there"? I ask, trying to turn my head so I can look around for a figure. But, I still couldn't see any figure besides the eyes. 

"Not yet Alyssa. You're not getting let go that easily. You,  have a task". The voice told me calmy. 

Task? What am I? Dreaming? Yeah.... I have to be dreaming. This can't be real. This is all just a- 

"Alyssa"! The voice boomed! "This. Is. Real", The voice boomed angrily. "But after you complete this task, you'll get to go on to the other side". The voice was stern and hard. 

I stared into the cold, grey eyes, still not quite believing what I was hearing. 

"You're still alive. But, in a coma  right now. You have two options. One: Refuse to do the task, and go to hell. Two: Take and complete the task, and go on the other side". The loud voice said. 

"What's- what's the task"? I found myself asking. 

"You'll find that out soon enough". The loud voice answered. 

A tear escaped down my cheeks from the brutal pain that was coursing all throughout my body. "W-what'll happen now"? I trailed off, afraid of my answer. 

"You're in a coma right now. When you close your eyes and open them after three seconds, you'll see yourself in the hospital, on the bed. You might freak out, but it'll be real". The strange voice continued. "You're lucky your getting a choice. Now, your task: Find someone with the same problems, and help them". The voice said sternly. 

I winced at the sudden pain that shot up in my lungs. I was shocked I could even speak. "B-but. What"? I was so confused. What in the hell was going on? 

"I will not, repeat myself Alyssa. Now, close your eyes". He demanded firmly. 

"H-how am I supposed to help someone"? I yelled into the darkness. 

I heard a dark chuckle. "Alyssa, this will simply show how much of a fool you were. To even commit something as dangerous as suicide". The voice spat out. "Now, close your eyes". He commanded again. This time, his voice was fierce, and a bit angry. 

I still wanted answers, but complied and closed my eyes anyways. 

After three seconds I opened my eyes, and screamed at the sight in front of me. 

I walked over to the hospital bed. I was laying there. My lifeless body was filled with so many bruises and scars. My skin was paler then Snow White herself. I looked so sick, so very sick. There was an IV in my arm. The only thing keeping me alive was the machines I was hooked up to. 

My heart beat was going so slow. Almost as if it wold just stop and give out at any moment. I stared around the room. Several cases of flowers were placed on tables, but no one was here. Figures. No one really cares for me. The flowers are just for pity. 

Suddenly, I gasped at the sudden realization. Someone. I have to find someone, and help them. But, what'll happen if I don't? Will I just go straight to hell? Well, that voice clearly answered that question a few moments ago. 

Gawd... I was so stupid- 

No! I was not! I had a good ass reason for my suicide. I don't care about the guilt I left other people. They never cared about me. Ever! Jaden was the only one who really showed 'something' towards me, and look where that led. That was the last straw to cause my suicidal thoughts to turn to reality!.

But, how much time do I have? Do I really wanna help someone, with the same problems as me? Will I even find a person to help? 

No! It doesn't matter.  I want to go to heaven. I've already been through hell and back. There's no way I'm going to hell for eternity. 

With those determined thoughts in my head I turned around, and walked straight through the door. It felt weird as the cold wood went through my body- well, soul I guess. 

Wait a minute, soul, ghost. I'm- I'm a ghost. I looked down at myself. I was in the same outfit I had 'died' in. My light purple shirt with a black jacket and dark blue, skinny jeans, with my black boots. I looked at my once tan skin. It was now nearly transparent. Out of curiosity, I stuck my hand through the wall and pulled it back. 

I'm gonna have to get used to this ghostly stuff. I looked ahead of me. Nurses and doctors were walking and talking. Some even walked through me. A couple of them shivered as they walked through my cold soul. 

Why cold? Because I know it is. I've been born with hate and anger in my life. It's what made me this way anyways. 

I just shook my head and walked through the hospital doors, and out into the blinding light. Finding someone with suicidal problems and help them. This should be fun..... 


I know it was short and not that great. I don't have much time. But i still wanted to get a chapter in. So enjoy and please remember to....



FAN!!!!!!!!!! (IF YOU LIKED IT) ;) 

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