Chapter 7

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"Hey yourself."

"Hi" I turn towards him, my face beaming instantly.

He thrusts a package in my hands, I take it and as my eyes trail down to its contents my mouth drops opens as I take out the magazine inside it and spot my face nervously smiling on a box in the corner of the front page.

My smile grows wider, itching to etch if possible beyond my ears.

I flung straight into his arms, my arms sprawling around his back. "I am so proud of you." He whispers right above my ear and tightens his arms around me.

My arms loop around his neck and my eyes shut, if I was dreaming I would wake up now. But, we just stay like that in the comfortable silence, when he pulls me away, just slightly.

My eyes open to his gentle touch, his thumb lightly brushes under my eye, I was crying. "You deserve it, you've worked for this." He tells me his hands holding my shoulders and his stern eyes set on my watery ones.

"If you say so." I say with a small smile. "That's all?" He questions me raising a brow, "Is the sun rising from the West? How can you simply agree with me? Or wait, you are an impersonator. Where is my Alison?" He questions and starts looking behind me.


My fool.

I lightly slap his arm, "We are celebrating tonight." I declare.

"Oh, finally I live to see the day when we will go to a downtown club brimming with drunk dancing people and be one of them!" He says.

"I said we are celebrating, not finding ways to make me uncomfortable." I roll my eyes.

"But, dancing and drinking is fun." He whines.

"Fine, I will just go home with some muffins and celebrate while you can have fun dancing and drinking." I say as I grab the package and turn on my heels to leave, when his fingers lace my wrist in a firm grip and he leans in closer, our nose almost touching, "But first, we go to East End Diner gorge on some burger and fries, take a walk by the beach and then buy some muffins or even better a cake and head home."

He isn't asking or suggesting, he is stating.

I nod my head, but there are fireworks erupting within me.

He just stated the ingredients for a perfect evening, and I couldn't be happier.

His hand still holding my wrist, he pulls me along as we leave.

Every time he did something special for me, I ended up thinking this is the most memorable thing he has done, but then I also realized that any and every moment with him is far from ordinary, I always felt eternally grateful for endless memories and wondered how I would possibly remember them all until I turned old.

Turns out I didn't have to worry about that now.

With him gone, I only had to hold on to what he had left behind.

What felt like a sea of time ahead of us then, now feels like I only had a drop of the ocean in the past.

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