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     "Wait! My headband isn't right!" Oh Bongcha complained, while she dragged her best friend Jung Haeyoung towards the girls restroom. "Bongcha-ah why do I have to go with you?" The fifteen year old Highschool student asked, sighing while pushing her chocolote brown fringe out of her face. Bongcha sighed. "Because you are my best friend and best friends do things like that. And now stop complaining and hold my bag."

     Bongcha threw her bagpack, which was decorated with pins and super cute keychains into Haeyoung's arms and Haeyoung huffed when she caught the overly heavy bagpack. The thing with Bongcha's bagpack was that it was heavy without having any school supplies in it.

     Haeyoung watched her best friend intensly, while the other girl brushed her hair carefully, making sure it was falling nicely over her shoulders before adding the headband back into her hair, making her look cute as always. Bongcha quickly retouched her lipgloss and looked at the dull lips of her best friend. Bongcha sighed.

     "Haeyongee how often do I have to tell you to take care for your lips? You are always dreaming of your Prince Charming but how are you supposed to give him the kiss of true love if your lips are drier than the desert!" Bongcha said, getting louder with each word until it sounded as if she was being cross with Haeyoung.

     Haeyoung sighed. "Bongcha you know how Oppa is. He doesn't like it if I put on make-up." Haeyoung pouted and Bongcha rolled her eyes. "You are turning sixteen next month. How long will Jaehyun-sshi act like he is your father. Shouldn't he care for college and getting a girlfriend or something?" Bongcha rolled her eyes before pushing Haeyoung against a bathroom stall. "And now be a good girl and pucker your lips!" She demanded and Haeyoung sighed and did as she was told.

     Bongcha grinned when she finished adding some blush, lipgloss and a light coat of mascara on Haeyoung. "Wow!" Bongcha cheered. "A few brushes and you look like a princess!" She grinned and Haeyoung walked out of her best friends shadow and walked towards the mirror looking at her apple cheeks, and her glossy lips.

     Her brown eyes popped up because of the jet black mascara but there was a whine that left the fifteen year old girl. "Oppa is going to kill me." She whispered when her phone rang at the same time. Haeyoung held her breath when she read her older brothers name. "I'm doomed." She wimpered while she left the girls restroom with Bongcha and started walking towards the canteen, where their friend and Sunbae Mark Lee was patiently waiting for them.

     The two girls were starting to walk down the stairs, while Haeyoung answered the call and gulped. "Oppa?", she said in the sweetest voice she could do without vomiting right on the spot. "When are you coming home today?" Jaehyun immediatley asked, which made Haeyoung roll her eyes. "Oppa I am meeting my club after school today. I am going to take the train home—"

     "No! No, no, no! Your club activities end up way too late. I am going to pick you up. Don't talk to strangers and don't leave the school grounds. Understood?" He said and Haeyoung sighed and closed her eyes for a brief second. "Understood, Oppa." She answered, when she heard Bongcha's loud shriek.

     "Haeyoungee, watch out!"

     And there she went. Her brand new smartphone that she got only a month ago, flew out of her grasp as she widened her eyes, feeling her body move forwards. This is the end!, her mind yelled, while the student closed her eyes and felt parts of her body colliding with the cold steps of the staircase. 

     She fell down the stairs, her limbs tumbling over one another, her body bruised and battered. Haeyoung pressed her lips together, waiting for the final crash; waiting for her head to get smashed on the cold marble floor. But there was nothing.

     No loud crash, not a sound of a bone breaking. All Haeyoung could hear was a hiss and a thud. "Omo, Haeyoungee!" Bongcha yelled from the top of the stairs before carefully going to pick up Haeyoung's cellphone seeing that Jaehyun was still calling.

     The college student was shouting for his sister and Bongcha couldn't deal with his overprotectivness right now, so she picked up the phone and yelled into the phone. "Can you shut up for just a freaking second, Jaehyun-sshi!" She yelled before hanging up, throwing the phone in her blazer pocket and rushing down to her best friend.

     Haeyoung was lucky that, exactly the moment she tumbled down the stairs, two of her classmates decided to walk towards the staircase. Huang Renjun was sitting on his bottom and holding Haeyoung's legs, while Na Jaemin had managed to keep standing, while holding Haeyoung's upper body.

     "Is she okay?" Bongcha asked and rushed towards her classmates, she bowed before she took Haeyoung out of Jaemin's embrace. "Ouch..." Haeyoung mumbled and finally opened her eyes only to widen them in surprise, seeing Na Jaemin's face so close to hers.

     Her nose suddenly started to bleed and to make this awkward situation even more horrible, Jaemin took a paper tissue out of the pockets of his grey trousers and handed it to Haeyoung who carefully placed it on her bleeding nose.

     "Oh, you're okay. I'm so glad!" Bongcha ranted and Haeyoung sighed before bowing ninety degress. "Thank you for catching me Na Jaemin-ah and Huang Renjun-ah." Haeyoung said, when a pain went through her left knee. "Omo, omo, omo." She gasped and let herself fall on the stairs. She looked at her knee and sighed when she saw the little cut on her pale legs. "Oppa is so going to kill me!" Haeyoung cried out when she remembered that Jaemin and Renjun were still there.

     "Thank you for catching me." She said again. "I'm fine. No need to worry about me." The clumsy girl grinned and let Bongcha help her up. "Before your brother kills you there will be Mark-sunbae who is going to roast you for your stupidness." Bongcha said and the two boys watched the girls limp away.

     As soon as they were out of reach Jaemin's hand went up to his neck to massage it. "That hurted." He sighed and checked his elbow, which was bleeding as well. Renjun laughed. "You're too much of a gentleman to tell the girl that you got hurt, hm?" 

     Jaemin nodded at his Chinese friends words and sighed again. "That looked dangerous though. She could've hurted herself really bad if it weren't for us." Jaemin smiled and Renjun laughed. "What's her name though?" He asked and Jaemin looked bitter. "For all we know is that she is in our class. But I have never talked to her." Renjun said and Jaemin's sunshine smile faded. "You're right Renjunee." He chuckled before tugging on Renjun's arm and walking towards their lockers.

— • —

A/N: I haven't had this much fun in writing a chapter as I just had. I really hope you got a tiny look into the characters and you are a witness of the main event of this story~ This is actually the first time I wrote a scene where someone falls down the stairs. I hope it was okay-ish.

I would be really happy about comments and votes. 

— Inês, 2016.10.05

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