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A/N: Thank you all for your reactions/comments on the last chapter! I hope I didn't triggered you too much! Poor Haeyoung surely doesn't have an easy life at the moment. I chose SuJu's D&E's "Growing Pains" while writing this chapter because it is a) such a good song and b) the overall mood fits Haeyoungie a lot. So without further ado


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Haeyoung was falling. 

After she let go of the railing of the bridge she had closed her eyes, hearing Donghyuck yell after her. But Haeyoung ignored him, holding her breath and waiting for the ice cold water that hugged her as soon as her petite body hit the cold surface of the Han river.

Her body was in a state of panic after hitting the river, but Haeyoung forced herself to close her eyes and stay under water. She didn't wanted to get to the surface and breath. She had already given up. And as she opened her eyes for the last time, she felt her lungs ache and her body scream after oxygen.

Her body, heavy from fighting against the cold and the oxygen loss, slowly drifted towards the bottom of the river. Haeyoung slowly lost consciousness, when a diver from a nearby rescue boat got a hold of her wrist and pulled the sixteen year old girl towards the surface.

The diver took off his mouth piece. "I got her!" He yelled and dragged unconscious Haeyoung to the boat. The rescue team checked her pulse and breath and took off for the nearest hospital.

"I called your school Haeyoung." Mr Jung spoke when he found his daughter at the table in the kitchen, eating her cereal quiet and with dark bags under her eyes. It has been three days since Haeyoung got out of the hospital after her attempted suicide and ever since then Mr Jung has been watching his daughter with eagle eyes.

He decided to take her out of class first so Haeyoung could visit a therapist and get back to be the healthy and happy girl she used to was before everything went downhilly. 

"Haeyoung-ah" Mr Jung started, looking at his daughter. "I know this might sound crazy but tommorrow we have to go your school to speak to your principle about Park Haewoo's penalty." Mr Jung saw his daughter nodding and sighed. She was being lethargic again. With a sigh he left the kitchen and went to the living room where his laptop stood as he was working from home as long as Haeyoung wasn't attending school.

"In order to see what penalty Park Haewoo gets you have to come with me, Haeyoung." Mr Jung spoke and looked down at his daughter that was lying in her bed being lethargic and feeling empty. Haeyoung had just come back from a therapy session when her father had bombarded her with the fact that she had to see the principle of her school now.

Mr Jung walked into her room and sat down on the edge of her bed seeing Haeyoung cuddling on to a small yellow doll. "Appa" Haeyoung suddenly hiccuped, "it's not Na Jaemin's fault." She said and her father looked at her, not sure if he heard her right. "Pardon?" He asked and watched Haeyoung sitting up in her bed.

"It's not Jaemin's fault. He wanted to be friends with me so badly and because I was scared of Haewoo I pushed him away so often. I don't want Jaemin to get any penalty because of my problems with Park Haewoo." Haeyoung said and looked at the yellow Kuro in her hands. "I owe him an explanation as well." She said and looked at her dad. 

Mr Jung smiled and patted his daughters head. "Then get ready the appointment is in twenty minutes." 

Twenty minutes later, Haeyoung and her father were sitting in Mr Seo's office, Mr Jung explaining why Haeyoung was abscent and why she attempted suicide. Mr Seo then confessed that two students had already contacted him because of witnessing bullying towards Haeyoung.

"Haeyoung-ah, in order to catch the person who did this to you you have to confess now." Mr Seo said and Haeyoung looked up. She took a deep breath and clutched the hem of her shirt. "It all started when I fell down the stairs a few months ago..."

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Dongyuck held his breath when Mr Seo entered their classroom on a sunday winter morning. He quickly took off his hood and his headphones and sat straight into his chair. "Good Morning class. I know it's weird that I come but I have to make an announcement." Mr Seo started. The class was giving their principle all of their attention and Bongcha caught herself glancing to Jung Haeyoung's empty chair.

"As you may have already noticed your classmate Jung Haeyoung hasn't been attending class for two weeks now. Reason for that is that she attempted suicide due to heavy bullying from a certain someone in this class."

Donghyuck's eyes immediatley drifted towards to Haewoo who was clenching her fists under her table. "We took a look into the case and we have proof that this certain someone bullied Jung Haeyoung to her limits." Mr Seo continued and took a breath. "I give the bully a chance to speak up for himself. But if the person doesn't confess his crime she will face something worse."

While Mr Seo was speaking Haewoo started sweating. Jung Haeyoung had tried to kill herself. Haewoo couldn't believe what she heard. All she wanted was Jaemin and not Jung Haeyoung's death. She sure wanted her to dissapear but she didn't wanted her to kill herself.

Haewoo watched Mr Seo leave the classroom and took a deep breath. She quickly looked at her friends #2 and #3 before sighing and looking over to the vacant seat of Jung Haeyoung. Then she stood up and ran out of the classroom.

Donghyuck lifted and eyebrow and looked over to Haewoo's minions who scrambled up to their feet and ran after their friend. Donghyuck took a deep breath and covered his face with his hood. "Hopefully the horror ends now."

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