Speeding into Love

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"Kai!" Mia squealed. "Kaila slow down! We're going to get pulled over!"

"Mia. Chill. No ones on this road, there's no harm going over the speed limit a little."

"A little?! Kaila you're going 50 miles above the speed limit! Stop the car now. I'm getting out. I don't feel like getting killed."

Jeez. Mia needs to loosen up, she never knows how to have fun. Maybe if she drank a little bit at the club she would be having fun on our little "joy ride". But of course she dosent drink because of her boyfriend. Liam never drinks. He has kidney problems and it isn't good for him to drink alcohol. So every time Liam comes to the club with us Mia stays sober because she dosent want him to feel out of place being the only one not drinking. Me on the other hand, I like to let loose, go a little crazy, there's no harm in partying a little. I'm stuck in college all through out the week so I like to loosen up a bit on the weekends. I wasn't drunk. But I had a Little bit of alcohol in my system and wanted to have fun. So I decided to drive down a rode that looked empty and sped down it. I know I'm going over the speed limit but there's no cops around or other cars so no one will get hurt. So it's all good, right?

"Stop this car now!" Mia yelled. But she was interrupted by sirens blaring in the back round. Oh no. I started to slow down as the sirens got louder.

"Stop your vehicle now and pull over!" I heard a loud voice shout through a bull horn. Great. I'm going to get in serious trouble. Why didn't I listen to Mia? I pulled over and rested my head in my hands. Waiting for me to get taken to jail or get a major ticket which I won't be able to pay because my part time job sucks and pays me nothing.

"Please step out of your vehicle." Says a voice on the other side of my door. I quickly stepped out. And saw a figure in uniform standing in front of me. He didn't have the biggest frame, he was kinda short but I couldn't make out his face since it was dark out.

"Miss did you realize you were going 50miles above the speed limit? Do you know what kind of consequences come with speeding? Serious ones. Now I need to see your License and registration."

I took my registration out and Mia handed me my license. Poor Mia. She looks so scared, if only she knew how I felt. I held out my registration and license and my hands were shaking. He came closer to take it out of my hand and the light from my car reflected onto his face. As his face came into view my jaw dropped. I have never seen someone that was so....attractive. His blue eyes mesmerized me. He was breath taking. I looked at his name tag and it read "officer Tomlinson". Kaila Tomlinson, that's a nice sound. Oh god why am I thinking about this he's probably going to arrest me! I quickly shook my self out of those thoughts and focused my attention on the ground. He cleared his throat and gave me my lisecnce and registration back.

"Kaila I'm going to let you off the hook, under one condition" he spoke in his beautiful accent. I think he was from England.

"Yes, anything officer."

"Call me Louis, and I'll let you off the hook if you promise to come over my place sometime." He smirked.

Wait. What? Did I just hear him correctly? He wants ME to come over to his place? Why? I know he won't do anything bad because he's a cop but why would he want me? He could get any other girl in the world by just flashing them a smile. So why would he want to hang out with me?

"Uhm sure, call me whenever." I said still confused.

"Cool, type in your number" he smiled while handing me his phone. I quickly typed it in and handed it back.

"I'll call you, have a good night and please drive carefully, and don't go over the speed limit!" He shouted in a playful tone.

"I promise" I smiled.

"Good. I don't want to see a girl as beautiful as you in jail. I don't even want to think about the things they would do to you" He shuddered. "Goodnight Kaila see you soon" he said flashing me a small smile and walked back to his car. I stood there breathless. What just happened?! I slowly climbed back in the car and just sat there.

"EARTH TO KAILA! What just happened?" Mia screamed.

"Uhm I honestly don't know"

"Well let's just get home and go to sleep I'm tired." Mia said.

"Ok" I started driving still shocked by what had just happened.



Hi guys!!! I'm so excited to start this fan fiction because I have BIG plans for it! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and the other boys and girls will be making there appearance soon! I hope you liked this book and want to continue reading it and I love all of you guys so much! Please comment and VOTE! It only takes two seconds to tap the star and I will update once people start to vote! Love , C

Ig: @curlsandtattooss

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