Chapter 8

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"Ughhhh" I groaned as I flopped onto my bed. It was my first day at my new job and I already hated it. I had to get a job because its winter break and with Mia gone and Louis working ill be alone all day. I haven't been alone all week and this is the first time I actually have time to myself. Last week was pretty crazy. That night Louis and I went to Bengal Tiger I heard all the boys sing. I also heard Liam sing... He was amazing and all but I wish Louis hadn't asked him to join the band. As soon as Louis heard him sing he ran up to Liam and asked him. He didn't even tell the other boys that he wanted Liam in their band. He just walked up to him and asked him. Of course Liam said yes, I mean who wouldn't? All of them were incredible.

So after that we all went back to Louis's and Zayn's place. We went outside and made a fire, we all sat around it and the boys would randomly sing songs and they tried to get to know Liam. There was still a lot of tension between Liam and I. He cheated on my best friend, of course there was going to be tension. Best friend? Should I even call Mia my best friend? I mean, I haven't even heard from her since that night. Its totally like Mia not to face the music and just run away from her problems, but this? This is getting to be a bit ridiculous. Its been two weeks since she saw Liam with another girl and she hasn't called or texted me. I'm not sure if shes been to our apartment because I've been spending a lot of time with Louis. I assumed she hasn't been at the apartment so I've been spending my nights at Louis's so I wouldn't feel lonely.

I wold always go over to his place and say I would leave after we watched a movie but we always ended up falling asleep. I would purposely fall asleep so I wouldn't have to go home all alone. So much has happened this past week with Louis and I. We've gotten so close these past two weeks, its like were inseparable. I never thought I could feel this way about someone so fast, but I do. I just feel so comfortable around him. He gets me. I feel like I can open up to him about anything and he wont judge me. Hes perfect. Hes my best friend and my boyfriend all in one.

We've only been on one real date so far. He took me to dinner at this real cool place called Bambinos. It was a really fancy restaurant and we had the best time together. We always do. Were always laughing and joking but I love when we talk about serious topics. Hes opened up to me a lot. I'm so happy he can trust me because I'm the only person who talks about his best friends death to and that makes me feel special.


*Come over I miss you:(*



My thoughts were interrupted by a text, I smiled as soon as I saw it. This was the first day where I haven't talked to Louis all day and I found myself thinking about him all day. I really really like him. This is the first relationship that I've ever been in that makes me so happy. I cant help but smile every time he tells me hes so lucky to have me.

*I miss you more:( Ill come over soon*


I quickly sent Louis a text back and got off my bed and walked towards my closet. I threw on a pair of black leggings and my cute, over sized sweater. I paired it with my brown combat boots and let my hair out of its bun and let my dark waves flow down my back. I grabbed my phone and headed out the door.


I soon arrived at Louis's house and we ordered pizza. We ate the pizza on the giant couch bed in the movie room. (AN: pick of couch bed on the side.)

He soon joined me in the movie room and we decided on the movie Catching Fire.  I haven't seen it yet, although I have read the entire Hunger Games series. I've been wanting to see this movie forever. 

Were now at the part where they are entering the arena. It appears to be some tropical arena. Boom the cannon went off an all the tributes jumped into the water. Peta is no where to be seen and I hid my face in Louis chest. He laughedand pulled me in towards him. We spent the rest of the night snuggled up in the room until my breathing slowed down and I entered into a blissful sleep. 


AN: AHHHHH long time no write? That made no sense but whatever. I am so sorry for not updating in a while but I've been really lazy and i promise it wont happen again. I tried to make this chapter longer than the others but I don't think it worked ha ha. Well anyways please vote and comment. It laterally takes 2 seconds to vote and you don't realize how happy it makes me when you vote. It shows me that you appreciate my writing and I'm not just doing this for nothing. So please vote<3 love you all, C.

P.S please go check out some of  1Dsmidnightmemory stories. 

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