Chapter 10

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Kaila's P O V

I watched all of Lou's band mates barge through the door and I couldn't help but smile. They're all just one big happy family and I can already tell they're starting to become part of mine too. Zayn and Ashley came into the living room and started talking to everyone. My smile faded instantly as soon as I saw Liam and his new girlfriend. I don't remember her name, nor do I care. I just can't believe Liam would cheat on Mia like that. They were perfect for each other and this girl had to ruin it all. I shook my head and went back to icing a cake. I haven't heard from Mia in a really long time and I found myself getting more and more worried day by day. She's never gone this long without contacting me and it's scaring me. What if something happened? I would kill Liam. I jumped as I felt a hand tap my shoulder and I turned around and was met by two brown eyes. The brown eyes of Liam's girl friend to be exact.

"Hi, uhm, Kaila? Can we talk?" She nervously said. I really do not want to talk to her. I don't do good in awkward situations and this is definitely and awkward situation.

"Yea,sure." I said quickly as I motioned towards the sliding glass doors. We quickly walked out to the back patio and sat down by the fire that Louis started a few moments ago.

"Ok, so first a I just wanted to say, I had absolutely no idea that Liam had a girlfriend. Liam and I were best friends when we were younger and we dated for a good portion of high school. we broke up when I moved to California. My parents needed to leave New York and I was dragged along with them. Liam and I promised that one day we would come back to each other. We lost touch over the past two years and I guess he moved on and found Mia. I never moved on because Liam was always a big part of my life and I just couldn't forget about him. He helped me threw a very dark time in my life and saw me for me. I moved back to New York about a month ago to start college, my room mate was going out and I decided to tag along. We went to Bengal Tiger next thing I know I ran into Liam on the dance floor. He was alone so I assumed he didn't have a girl friend. We started dancing and one thing led to another and we kissed. I'm so sorry I didn't know he had a girl friend and if I did I wouldn't have kissed him. But please don't hate me because I really want to try to get to know everyone." She finished and took in a deep breath. I felt myself let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"You don't need to apologize to me" I chuckled softly. "I wasn't the one dating Liam, my best friend was. I'm sorry if you thought I hated you I was just under the impression that you knew Liam and Mia were together. But it's fine, I guess. It's not my relationship. I haven't even heard from Mia and you and Liam really do seem like you were meant for Each other" I smiled softly.

"Thanks" she smiled. "Oh by the way, I'm Alissa"

"Well Alissa, let's go join the other girls? " I smiled while standing up. We walked back into Louis' place and started talking to the other girls.


We were now seated all around the fire pit and we finished all the cake. Alissa is a really nice girl. I'm glad I talked to her because I could definitely see her being a good friend. Same as for Nicole and Vanessa. Ashley on the other hand was a little bit distant the entire night.

"How about we play a song?" Niall spoke

"Ya lets show our ladies what we got" Harry cheekily said and sent a wink over to Nicole.

The boys played countless songs over and over and we were all laughing our heads off. Liam was cracking jokes after jokes and as much as I hated to admit it, I liked having him around. Him and Alissa were hilarious.

"How about we play truth or dare!" Louis shouted causing all of us to jump.

"Jeez mate calm down" Zayn whined.

"I'm in" Ashley said talking for the first time all night. Soon everyone else chorused in and next thing I know were playing truth or dare.

"Alright Haz..." Louis said with a smirk growing on his face. "Truth or Dare"

"Dare" Harry spoke hesitantly.

"I dare you to jump in the pool fully clothed" Louis said

"Lou are you crazy? Its 40 degrees out!" Harry said shooting Louis a look.

"The heaters on chill out"

"Okay..." Harry spoke wearily. He then ran towards the pool and did a cannonball.

"Louis you arsehole! The heater is not on you idiot!" Harry screamed trying to get out of the pool. Louis was cackling and I couldn't help but laugh at Harry's face.

"Truth or dare?" Harry screamed after jumping out of the pool and getting into the hot tub.

"Dare!" Louis said smirking.

"I dare you too jump off the roof into the pool with Kaila on your back!" Harry smirked. What? Is he insane? There is no way I'm jumping off the roof. And there's no way I'm going into that pool. Louis looked at me as if asking asking "You up for it?" I shot him a look. No way. Louis jumped up and grabbed me.

"Ahhhhhhhh! Louis put me down!" I shrieked. He ran up the outside staircase till we were on the roof.

"Get on my back Kai."

"No way, sorry Lou but there is no way I'm jumping off this roof."

"I've done this a thousands times babe, come onnnnn" Louis pleaded. I shook my head no and backed away from the ledge of the roof.

"You don't trust me?" Louis said a little offensively. He can not pull that line on me. Of course I trust him. I'm just not stupid. I scoffed. Oh come on Kaila. It's just jumping your not gonna die, I reminded myself. What the hell? I jumped on his back. I'm kinda mad he pulled that line on me but whatever. I just wanna have fun. Louis smiled so big and it made me forget any negative emotions I had towards him.

"Ready?" Louis asked excitedley. I nodded feeling the nervous pit of my stomach flutter.

"Ready" I nodded. He jumped off and it felt like we were suspended in air forever. Suddenly everything went dark as Louis and I were plunged under water, me clutching onto his back for dear life. I heard him chuckle from under water and he swam to the top.

"Wasn't so bad was it?" Louis whispered while holding me. I shook my head no and pressed my forehead to his. He started walking back till he hit some sort of ledge in the pool. He smiled and leaned down towards my lips. So many butterfly's erupted as soon as our lips came in contact with each other.

"Damn!" I heard one of the boys scream and the air was surrounded by whistles and hoots as I remembered we had an audience. I felt a deep blush spread across my cheeks and hid my face in louis' neck. He laughed and pulled me underwater, where he connected our lips again. I've never had an underwater kiss. Well theres a first for everything.

We came up for air and soon everyone joined us in the pool. Zayn and Ashley jumping off the roof. Niall carrying Vannessa bridal style and jumping in with her, and Harry dragging Nicole towards the pool in a laughing fit. Liam and Alissa were swimming towards us and in that moment everything was perfect. Like we were one big happy family.

A/N: this was probably one of my favorite chapters to write! It was just a filler because some big things are about to happen. Sorry that this story is moving a bit slow but stuff is about to go down within the next couple of chapters! I tried you to upload a picture but I don't know if it worked... But anyways, please comment, vote and add to your library's! Thank you so much<3

Love, C


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