Chapter 4 ~ Truth or Dare

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I'm going to try my best to make chapters longer from now on xxx

"I'll start cause it was my idea." said Tyler excitedly as they all sat around in a circle. 

"Marcus, truth... or dare?" 


"Oh you want to start off 'easy'. Well let me think... If you HAD to kiss one person in this room who would you kiss?" 

Everyone laughed even though they were all kind of curious.

"Well Louise is the only single girl here... So Louise." He replied drunkenly. 

"Wow okay then," said Louise acting hurt, "you'd only kiss me cuz I'm the only option. How rude!" 

"And obviously also cause you're gorgeous." He winked at her and they all burst out laughing. 

"Okay okay my turn. Phil. Truth or dare?" 

Phil thought about it for a minute before replying, "I'll go for truth as well." 

"Hmm.. Okay...oh I know. Are you in love with Dan?" Marcus asked eagerly. 

They all went quiet badly wanting him to say yes and just admit it already.

Phil turned red and muttered something about best friends and being straight. Yeah right. 

"Okay Zoe. Truth or dare?" He asked quickly changing the subject. 

"I'm gonna go for dare." She answered which shocked Joe. 

She wasn't the 'adventurous' type of girl at parties. Phil also seemed surprised and obviously didn't have a dare in mind for Zoe.

"I dare you to...swap clothes with the person on your...left." 

Joe looked over and saw that Alfie was sitting on her left and he laughed so hard he nearly knocked over the bottle of vodka on the floor next to him.

"Hey! This dare was supposed to be for Zoe. How come I'm coming off worse?"

But he still got up and they walked to the bathroom to change clothes. They came out a few minutes later and oh my god what a sight. Zoe looked a bit funny in enormous tracksuit bottoms and hoodie but Alfie..lets just say Zoe's crop top and leggings didn't suit him that well. 

After they all calmed down and stopped laughing, Joe saw an evil smile on his sister's face as she looked over at him. Shit. 

"Caspar," she said which confused Joe.

He could have sworn he saw her grinning at him. Maybe I'm just that drunk.

"Dare." Said Caspar immediately. 

This didn't surprise Joe at all. Caspar always picks dares and he never turns them down. Which is why what Zoe said next really worried him.

"I dare you to kiss Joe. On the mouth. For at least 5 seconds." 

"Zoe..." Joe started only to be cut off by his sister. 

"Shush Joe this isn't your dare." 

"Well it involves me and I think I should have a say in this." He answered. 

Joe didn't want to kiss Caspar. I mean yeah he's good looking but he's Joe's best friend and Joe doesn't like him like that. So he was just hoping that Caspar would have enough control to turn down the dare.

"Well Caspar?" Asked Zoe, "are you gonna do it?"

"Why not?" He smiled. 

Joe's heart skipped a beat. Everyone cheered hearing Caspar's response. 

"No tongue." Said Caspar to Zoe as he walked over to where Joe was sitting.

"Sure whatever just do it already." She hurried him. 

"Joe are you okay with this?" He asked Joe as he sat down next to him on the ground. 

A tiny little kiss. A peck. That's all it is. Why had I panicked so much?

"Yeah. We're best mates and it's only a kiss," Joe said finally, "why not?"

Everyone went quiet as Caspar leaned in and got closer to Joe. Joe instinctively closed his eyes and parted his lips slightly. And then their lips touched. And it was weird but good weird. Wow Caspar is a good kisser. His lips were soft and warm and felt nice against Joe's. I'm not in love with Caspar. It's only a kiss.

They both pulled away after about 5 seconds and everyone was staring at them with anticipation. 

"What?" Joe asked, "were you all expecting us to realise that we're made for each other and start making out?" 

Caspar laughed. 

"Um yeah kinda." Said Marcus and everyone else started laughing as well. 

"Yeah that was kinda anti-climatic." Said Troye and everyone nodded still giggling and smiling. 

"When are you guys ever going to give up on Jaspar?" Joe asked. 

"Never." Tanya and Zoe answered in sync earning even more laughs from the group. 

"But we understand that one little kiss isn't gonna change everything." Said Dan after everyone quietened down. 

Except it had. Okay so maybe the kiss hadn't made Joe realise his undying love for Caspar and didn't make him want to spend the rest of his life with him. But it had made him think. He didn't find it awkward or strange kissing Caspar. It was nice. He enjoyed it a lot. It made him realise that he could be gay. Or bi. Or something. Anyway it made him realise that he maybe sorta kinda definitely liked boys. And that scared him. But it also lifted a weight off his chest. A weight he hadn't realised was there. 

Deep inside he had always known but still admitting it to himself was terrifying yet freeing.

Joe gulped as he realised that he might be slightly attracted to Caspar. A tiny little bit.

•  •  •

Wow. Okay. I just kissed Joe. Caspar didn't know why Joe agreed to it. He didn't know why he agreed to it. But it happened. And it was nice. He didn't  know if it's because he was so drunk or because he hadn't  kissed anyone in a while but it really was a nice kiss. Caspar had to admit - Joe was an amazing kisser.

"Caspar!" Jim snapped him out of his thoughts. 

"Huh?" He asked confused.

"It's your turn." Said Tanya.

"Oh yeah right. Joe truth or dare?" Caspar answered after realising they were still playing.

"Uh...dare.." He muttered uncertainly. 

"I dare finish that bottle of vodka in one go." 

"Are you trying to get me even more drunk than I already am?" He winked at Caspar and they all burst into fits of laughter. 

"Come on Sugg. There's only a few sips left. You're not gonna wimp out? Are you?" Caspar asked innocently knowing there's no way Joe would let anyone call him a wimp.

"If anyone here is a wimp," Joe smirked picking up the bottle, "it's you."

And with that he brought the bottle to his lips and swung his head back swallowing the rest of the vodka in one gulp. 

He winced slightly as it went down his throat. He was definitely gonna regret this tomorrow. Caspar had never seen him this drunk. His own hangovers are never as bad as Joe's. He just needs to take some Advil and he'll be fine. Joe on the other hand? Not so much. Oh well. I guess I'll have to take care of him.

I hope y'all enjoyed that. Please vote and comment on this story and let me know what you think so I can improve xxx

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