Chapter 22 ~ First Dates

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I hope y'all enjoy this chapter. It's probably my favourite one so far. 

Joe woke up feeling disoriented. He was in his bed but had no recollection of getting there. And strong arms were wrapped around his waist. He turned his head slightly and smiled at Caspar, who's eyes were already open watching him. 

"You creep," Joe laughed, "stop watching me while I'm sleeping."

Caspar grinned. 

"But you look so peaceful. I can't help it. You're very beautiful." 

Joe blushed and turned away. He smiled to himself and shifted in Caspar's arms to face him. He nuzzled his face into Caspar's neck. Caspar's grip on him tightened. 

"It's taking all my self control to not kiss you right now." Caspar said. 

"Then why don't you just do it already?"

"I told you - our next kiss is going to be perfect." Caspar smiled.

"This feels pretty perfect to me." Joe responded, snuggling further into Caspar's chest. 

"It is." 

"So kiss me." 

Caspar laughed and shook his head.

"I will. On our date today. Are you ready?" Caspar asked.

Joe looked up.


Caspar nodded. 

"But I want to stay in bed and cuddle all day." Joe giggled.

"We can do that every day. You'll like it, I promise." Caspar said.

"Are you going to tell me what it is?" Joe batted his eyelashes.

"No. I told you it's a surprise," Caspar said firmly, "and stop looking at me like that." 

Joe laughed and pulled Caspar impossibly closer.

•  •  • 

Caspar told him to dress casual and Joe was glad, he's really not the fancy dinner type. He was a bit nervous, of course, who doesn't get nervous before a first date? But the excitement was stronger than the nerves because it's Caspar and Joe has waited for this for so long. 

At first he tried to guess what it could be, but he gave up because Caspar was keeping his mouth shut to make sure it was a surprise. And it was.

•  •  •

"We're going on a bike ride?" Joe asked, looking at the two bikes standing behind Caspar.


Joe struggled to hide his smile. 

"Do you even know how to ride a bike?" He teased.

"Shut up," Caspar laughed and gently shoved Joe, "come on."

They climbed onto the bikes and began cycling in an unknown direction. Well, it was unknown to Joe anyway. 

"Where are we going?" He asked again as they made their way across London.

"You'll see. Stop being such a control freak."

"Me? A control freak? How dare you?" Joe laughed. 

They were cycling rather slowly, side by side. Caspar slightly in front, leading the way. They drove over a bridge, laughing and just enjoying life. Caspar turned back slightly to look at Joe and he couldn't help but smile at Joe's carefree grin. Joe looked so beautiful and happy. And Caspar wanted him to always be this happy. 

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