She is back

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I did the last touch of my makeup which was my highlight, I applied it with the purpose of blinding who ever dared to look at my cheek bones. I took my Mac Fix Plus and I set my flawless makeup. I turned my vanity lights off, took my car keys, sweater and my coach purse.

I drove to school with a little delay, on purpose of course. I've always got a certain appreciation of fashionably late. I parked my car at the front row, closest to the school. I had asked Farkle to wait for me outside.

I saw him standing with a light gray sweater and black jeans, his back laying on the stairs. Everyone was already inside as the teachers. So I could see him very relaxed smoking out there.

"Didn't knew you smoked" I said making him notice my presence.

"I tend to do it sometimes" he said with a smirk on his face as he held the cigarette on his lips" But I always keep it with tabaco, no weed my dear"

I giggled at his dumb answer as my mind went on how hot he looked smoking.

"Want some?" He asked pulling a box out of his backpack.

"Just a taste" I said grabbing the one on his mouth and placing it in mine. Letting the hot smoke fill my throat.

"Though it doesn't taste as good as weed" I said with the cigarette on my hand. He laughed" I'm kidding, weed tastes horrible" I said rolling my eyes" Again kidding, never done weed"

"So you know you always look beautiful, but why the extra extra beautiful today, I mean I might melt of how hot you look" he said looking at my outfit. I was wearing a black long sleeved off the shoulder shirt, paired with a set of chokers, a white "tennis" mini skirt and long fashionable heel boots. The front of my hair in a bun.

Then he quickly grabbed my waist as he took the cigarette of my mouth and pulled me in for a passionate yet short kiss.

"Remember what I said at the party? The  I'm taking that bitch down thing?" He nodded" Well the day is today"

"Riley are you sure about this? What if this backfires on your face?" He asked worried.

"Look, she didn't only cheated, she took my friends even if it wasn't on purpose she made them do a decision and of course they chose her and I was left with nothing. Then she begs for pardon but she insults the only two people who were there for me?" I scoffed.

For a quick moment I could see a piece of guilt on his face. But it went away as fast as it came, that I even made me doubt it ever existed. "You are right" he nodded.

"I got everything planned, let's go in" I said intertwining our fingers.

My popularity never died, that for sure. But it did decreased , when I left the group I created. I wasn't the leas of a squad any longer, I was doing it lone wold style.

We walked in the school, the best moment I could've hoped for. Everyone had already took their books out and now where facing the halls or each other.

I entered, opening the door that was closed instead of the one that was open, making everyone nearby to look at me. I kept greeting some acquaintances in order for even more people to look at me. I created the reaction I wanted shock faces, some jerks drooling, some other jealous looks.

Until I reached my locker and the people I had created this for my "friends" were on the other side of the hall. I grinned at all of them like I did when we used to be close and turned my back to look for my books.

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