Chapter Four

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I woke with a start and looked out the window. The Sun was just beginning to peak out from behind the large snowy mountain range just outside of the town. The cold dew was on the flowers in the small pot and the small shimmering droplets began to fall from the rose. I got up and began to cook a small breakfast and just as I was setting the food one the table, Natsu sat up from the couch with Happy in his lap. His salmon spiky hair was ruffled up and his brown hazelnut eyes blinked with a look of awareness inside his eyes. "Morning Natsu. I cooked us some breakfast before we head off to our job." I say as he yawns. He came and sat down at the table and began to scarf down the plate of food. "Ah that hit the spot. I'm going get a few things together for us to go on our job." Natsu stated as he wiped his mouth clean for crumbs. I nod in response and begin to do the same. After a few minutes we were on our way to the small but beautiful mountain range. As our rode became rough and steep, we took small breaks to catch our breath. Soon we reached the cave where this dark guild they were calling their base. "Looks like we're here." I whisper. Natsu shakes his head and makes a motion to the trees nearby. I sat down on a small Boulder and laid my stuff by my leg. "I'm going to set up camp." Natsu said. "I'll go get some wood!!!" Happy whispered but with a hint of excitement in his voice. "I'll go look for some water." I reply. I went left of where we were setting camp up at and soon heard a water. There in an opening was a small spring with a waterfall going off the small hang off. What a pretty place to be up here ok this mountain near wanted criminals. I set the canteens in the water and let them fill up with the crystal clear water. That should do it. I close the kids on the canteens and head back to the camp. The sun was beginning to set as I reached the camp. Natsu had set up the sleeping bags and was laying out all of our provisions. By the time we had ate, the sun has set leaving us no choice but to call it a night. "Night." I say. "Night Kai. If you need me, I'll be here." Natsu replied. I lay down and look up into the lit up starry sky and began to doze off.
I saw myself, like I was out of my body...
My mind was puzzled as I watched from above me running around aimlessly
Suddenly, I feel like I'm being watched. By someone.
I turn around from myself to him.
The mans who's presence has been a nightmare for me for as long as I can remember.
"Well hello there. Be been meaning to meet up with you, Kai." The man said.
"Why do follow me?" I ask the mysterious man. He began to chuckle and his rich green eyes stabbed me in the chest. "What do you mean? You are simply the one who is coming to me." He replied. I ran towards him to get a chance to see up close but he vanished in front of my eyes. I looked around in search of him but nothing was there.
I walked around and see odd things. Like geometrical shapes, people with five arms, and I came to a hall of mirrors. I go inside and instead of mirrors, there are dolls. Each one of them had on frilly dresses with tight curly hair. As I walked in, their faces began to turn to my direction. "Hi there." Says one of the dolls. "Hi there. Where am I? I ask. "The hall of dolls kiddo." I turn around and see a brown headed man with eyes the color of the sky. "Who are you?" I questioned. "I don't have time for that but I came here to tell something, and you have to do it." He replies. He grabs my hand and we run out of the hall of dolls. "Ok now that we're out of there, lemmi get this straight. What do you need to tell me?" I ask again. "You ask too many questions! Don't go in that cave." The man whispered. "What do you mean?" "I mean you need to get out of here!!! This place isn't your average dark guild. This is something you and your friends don't need a part in, especially you Kai." I look at him with a puzzled look and suddenly his body began to waver. "I must leave you now but don't get involved." He says. I reach out to him as he get farther away and cry,"Wait!" and just like that everything was dark.
I woke up as the Sun was shining in my face as it began to peak over the mountains. I got my things together and fixed up a small but filling breakfast of eggs and the left over meat from last night. Natsu and I ate without saying anything to one another and we got our things together and were on our way. Something felt off to me as we walked side by side up to the mountain. As we got to the tip of the mountain, there was a small cave. "Natsu, somethings not right. Lets find another way in." I whisper in his ear. "You're not backing out on me, are you?" Natsu states boldly. He grabs my hand and we run into the cave. "Natsu. We shouldn't be in here." I mutter. I feel my way behind Natsu as he holds the light in his hands. We make our way though the cave and I trip over something and fall. "Kai, are you okay?" Natsu asks as he reaches down to help me up. " Yea I'm ok. I think I scrapped my knee but I should be good." I reply. We continued onwards to the center of the cave, when I felt like we were being followed. I turn around to look for any signs but instead, my eyes meet a hand that snatches me into the depths of the cave.

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