14: Set Free

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I woke up to the sun beating down on my face. Oscar was still sleeping across from me. His eyes were closed moving back and forth under the lids. He was dreaming. The sun reflected off of his hair which tempted me to play with it but I do not dare to wake him up. Seeing him as peaceful as he was at this moment was a treat after seeing him cry like he did last night. In a way, I was glad that he was comfortable enough and cared enough for me to cry in front of me. It proved something.

I turned my head to read the clock. 10:47. by the time I turned back I realized that Oscars hand had moved up my shirt in his sleep, his fingers were placed in my ribs while his thumb rested on my breast. I didn't move it though. I didn't need to; even though he was asleep I could pretend that he did it on purpose.

I leaned my head closer to his until our foreheads and noses were touching and I closed my eyes to relax.

It didn't last long. I could feel his eyelashes batting against the bridge of my nose.

"Good morning." he said, raspy voice and perfect smile.

"Good morning."

He tried to turn on his back to wake up but I refused to let go. He laughed and pulled me up on top of him. Ripping out all my tubes in the process. He then guided my neck down and he kissed me for the first time. His lips molded to mine, every move feeling right and done effortlessly.

The machines in the background quickly flat lined and nurses came rushing again to make sure everything was OK. But everything was more than OK. It was perfect.

"Ehhhem." The nurse said as she entered the room. "OK, Alisha you are being released today! You just have to wait for someone to come who will stay with you for the next 24 hours to arrive and you are healthy enough to leave, just make sure you take it easy."

"It's alright, she’s leaving with me." Oscar told her. He proceeded to sign some papers to allow me to leave the hospital.

"You are going to stay with me all day?"

He smiled at me. "Are we ever really apart?" I agreed with him. After the nurse left and Oscar helped me pack my belongings. I guess I was passed out for the whole week so I had to pack up a lot of things. And bought tickets to board the train.

"We should probably stop at your house; Annelie hasn't had enough time off of work to visit you while you were unconscious."

"Alright, will you come with me?"

"Of course, hey I was just wondering, do you know what happened to Felix? After he came from visiting you he has been acting strange."

"No I have no clue, he was upset with me as well and I don't even know what I did."

"OK, well next time you see him just pretend it never happened and treat him like you did before ok? He will open up eventually.

"Alright."  Our stop came and we hopped off the train and entered my house.

"Hello? Is anyone home?" I looked around the kitchen and Annelie was leaning on the island watching TV with a glass of wine.

"Alisha I have to talk to you." She started; she looked upset which worried me.

"I have called your mother in London and she is requesting that you are sent back home by tonight. I have already booked you a flight it is just up to you to say goodbye and pack all your belongings by tonight."

I stared at Annelie blankly... "You are sending me home?"

"I don't want you to leave!"

"Then why did you call her?! She obviously is going to want me back home if anything happens that is why you aren't supposed to call her! That is for me to decide not you!"

With that I stormed up to my room with Oscar close behind me. I cannot believe she would do this to me. After everything I tried to do to make her life better at the radio station. All the thanks she gave me for that was completely bullshit.

I slammed my door behind Oscar and sat on my bed and broke down.

"Save your tears, don’t waste them on her." He spoke to me holding me in his arms.

I stood up fast, "We can't be doing this anymore."

"Can't be doing what?" His eyes furrowed.

"I am leaving back to London tonight, my plane is already chosen, and so I have to leave. You on the other hand have to stay here. We cannot be together if I am miles and miles away from you."

He avoided my gaze; he started to understand what me moving meant.

"Would you be willing to wait for me?"

"Oscar, you deserve better than to wait for a girl you live this far away from." With that he stood up and left.

I was alone once again.

Trip of a Lifetime - The Fooo Conspiracy (Oscar Enestad)Where stories live. Discover now