24: Deal or No Deal

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I shot up tears streaming down my face.

"What? What happened?" Felix began screaming.

"I can't handle this anymore! He could be fucking dead and we don't even know!" I screamed at him. I knew this was pointless because there was nothing he could do about it.

"Alisha calm down! He's fine you have to stop worrying so much!" Felix's emotions were so intense; a large vein in his forehead pulsed frantically. "I care for him too but I am not worrying that he is dead for god’s sake!"

"I just want to go home; can we please just go back to Sweden?"

"Alisha, this whole operation requires you! If you chicken out on this The Fooo loses its chance in America!"

"You mean 'The Foo'." I protested. "It's not the same without Oscar; If we don't have him we have lost the meaning of this band."

My breaths were fast and short. I could barely control what I was feeling. Looking out the window to an area what was not confined in a small space was my only hope in calming down.

"You are fine." Felix wrapped one of his arms around my stomach and rested his jaw on my shoulder. His other arm rested just below my collar bone as he was trying to regulate my breathing. "Oscar is fine."

"How much longer until we land? I can't stand sitting here." I asked him. He reached for the remote on the arm rest.

"its 10:32 we will land in half an hour."

A half episode of Bolibompa and Spongebob helped pass the time. Eventually I was able to calm down, as we finally exited the plane.

"Welcome to California!" the pilot of the plane waved us off.

"Thank god!" I sighed with relief, I heard him chuckle behind me but I was too desperate to get off the plane to care about his happiness.

Daff and Katia collected all of us and our bags and ordered a taxi cab to take us to our hotel.

By the time we entered out hotel room the boys were all ready to explore Cali.

"Hey, Alisha." Katia called after me.

I turned to look at her and she grabbed my hand to yank me into the washroom.

"Why am I in here with you?" I questioned her.

She reached into her purse to pull out a bottle of pills and placed two in my hand.

"Here take these, they are extra strength."

"What are they?" I stared at the two

blue capsules.

"They are pills to help calm you down, trust me it'll make you feel better. Don't tell Daff, but I can tell you need them. It'll help you in the meeting you have today."

"Thanks Kat." she gave me a hug and we exited the room. Within minutes the pills began to work their magic, my emotions were heightened putting me in an overall happier mood.

"Alright, Alisha we have a meeting at WOD headquarters in 20 minutes, are you ready?" Daff questioned as we walked out of the washroom.

"Yes! of course, is it ok if OG comes along with us?"

OG looked up towards me from unpacking his luggage with a smile.

"I guess so; we have to leave now though let’s go."

"Felix and I are going to take off as well." Omar started. "We already have plans for the day."

"Sounds good to me!" Daff smiled and rubbed his hand together. "Kan få flytta!"

We made our way towards the WOD building. The whole place was a sleek black with a galaxy print covering the bold logo on the front.

We entered into a large lobby where a lady guided us into an office room.

"Hello." Daff began to speak. "I am Daff Kjellström, you called me scheduling a meeting for Alisha Crue? I present her today along with her co-dancer Oscar Molander."

"Hello!" the man greeted, He was a young man, nearly my age, and he couldn't be more than ten years older. "I am Kale Johnston, but please just call me Kale." He smiled stretched ear to ear as he greeted me.

"Hello, Alisha Crue." I held out my hand. OG introduced himself just as I did.

Kale accepted our greeting and turned in his chair bringing up a video from his large computer screen. The video began to play; It was OG and I dancing in an open square.

"Hey, that was in Gothenburg!" OG and I chimed together.

"Where's that?" Kale wondered.

"It's a city in southern Sweden."

"Oh! You are living in Sweden now? I am not surprised! You are always floating around place to place Alisha."

"H-how do you know that?"

"I am the Manager of World Of Dance! I am requires to know these things about my dancers. Remember when you were on tour with us in Chicago?"

I nodded my head understanding.

We continued to watch the screen, OG and I danced really well together, each move was in sync with each other’s and we made it look so effortless. Not to brag, but we were amazing!

The video ended and Kale pulled up one more for us to watch.

"Now this is the important video I wanted to show you."

The clip began, this time OG and I were dancing with the rest if the boys on stage.

"I remember this, where did you get these videos?"

"I have my ways." Kale answered me raising his eyebrows with a smirk.

I continued watching the video and from the corner of my eye, I could vaguely see Kale watching my reactions. He seemed extraordinarily infatuated with me. For whatever reason.

All the boys and I were dancing to kangaroos, we were all amazing dancers and it looked quite professional. Near the end of the song we thanked everyone for coming and we skipped off stage. Just as we were leaving I looked to the camera and blow a kiss before running off. The video paused of my face. My eyes starred back at me from the screen which triggered my memory.

"OG! Remember the girl that recorded us in the square?" I pushed his shoulder to grab his attention. "She was at the front row if our concert as well!"

The video ended and Kale turned back to us.

"You see this is the raw talent that really excites me. So I was thinking, maybe you would like to be signed as an official World Of Dance partner."

"What would that include?" Katia asked, She was very much acting like my lawyer which I didn't mind.

"Well the basics include a dance studio that you will have the option to run; you will also have to opportunity to join us on tours, which take us all over the world. This would also make you a WOD model so you would have to promote the company. All details are included here in the contract."

He handed the four of us separate contracts to read over.

Katia leaned over and whispered into Daff's ear and he nodded in response.

"We may need some time to discuss with our dancers." Daff spoke.

"By all means, take your time." Kale rose from his seat and left the room for us to sort things out."

"Well, Kale is a smart business man." Katia told us as she read the paper. "But he is not in any way unreasonable in this contract."

"Are you guys willing to do this? It is a large market and it will introduce The Fooo to America like never before"

"OG and I looked at each other; the look on his face was enough to assure me that this was the right choice."

"We will take the deal." OG spoke.

Trip of a Lifetime - The Fooo Conspiracy (Oscar Enestad)Where stories live. Discover now