8: Adrenaline

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I couldn't believe my eyes. I ran towards him and finished the hug that was so rudely interrupted at our last meeting.

"You are OK now oh my goodness!" I was on the verge of tears.

"Ya haha, don't worry about me." He laughed in the cutest way. I don't know how anyone could resist his laugh.

"Now go get changed so we can dance!" He finished and left the room. So I did what I was told.

Felix gave me a slim fitting Urban Dance Company shirt and I had my Chachi pants with my blue snapback hat. I had to say I had never felt as beautiful as I did in that moment. I walked out and they boys were already dancing together in unison.

"You guys practice a lot hey?" they didn't respond, they kept dancing in front of me until the song was over.

"We have been dancing since we were in kindergarten." Felix started bragging.

"Wow that's impressive." I said, Omar walked over to the music stereo and pulled out his phone.

"What song should we do next?"

"How about one of our songs?" OG suggested.

"Wait, you guys write music too?" Not only were they hot. They were amazing dancers. And they wrote music?!

"Yes haha, we have a record deal with The Artisan House here in Stockholm." Felix answered. "We have a manager and everything."

"We're The Fooo!" Omar shouted and hopped off his chair. One of their songs was playing in the background and they all started dancing in unison again.

"-Captain on the ship, I think you feel a little sea sick. Stormy couples at adrift, heavy weather on the voyage."

The boys were all dancing freestyle. It was amazing to watch, every single one of them were smiling and having a blast. I even found myself swaying to the music because it was so good.

"Broken vessels on the open sea, I'm taking over 'for you hit the shore. Call it love or call it mutiny I can wait no more." Felix sang and danced over to me to kiss my hand and left again to join the other boys.

I stood there watching them and decided that I would do what I knew best. I started dancing my own style to the beat of their music.

"There's a man over board, a man over board, there's a man over board. Mayday Mayday."

They all stood in a circle singing while I was in the middle dancing. It was such a heartwarming experience. I felt like I belonged, like I was wanted.

We all suddenly stopped at the same time, hearts pounding and short of breath but the same amazing feeling within ourselves.

"You are an amazing dancer!" Omar complimented.

"You are too, I love your swag!"

I now noticed the sun was starting to go down and we didn't even have supper yet.

"Are you guy's hungry? There is a pizza shop across the street." Oscar asked everyone.

"Yes! Food!" Omar shot up scaring everyone.

So we all headed out to get some pizza and drinks. Food here was much different than it was in London.

"Have you ever even had pizza?" Felix asked clearly seeing my inability to make a choice on my meal.

"Yes, I have had cheese pizza before."

He raised both eyebrows in disbelief. "Wow, OK well you should try the Rocket pizza!" Felix told me.

"You should try the Venetian pizza. Omar explained.

"No try the pizza roles, they are amazing." OG suggested. I looked at Oscar who was sitting beside me. He started laughing to himself understanding that I thought they were all insane asking me to eat pizza that I have never heard of.

"If you want we can share one?"

"Sure, what's your favorite?"

"Well I usually close my eyes and pick one at random, that way I get a different one every time and it is a surprise. Why don't you try it and we can share it?"

We closed our eyes together and I ran my index finger over the menu and stopped about half way down the paper.

"Hahaha!" Oscar and I were laughing together. The pizza was ironically called Oskar.

"Nice choice Ali." He closed the book and smiled at me. I guess he had a nickname for me now. How cute.

"So, what is London like?" Felix asked me folding his hands under his chin enthusiastically as we finished ordering our meals.

"Well, it rains a lot there, it's also really busy all the time, people are constantly moving. No one ever slows down." I paused to take a sip of my mineral water.

"I always have wanted to go. I want to see the heights from the London Eye."

"Well maybe you can come back with me then?" His face lit up in seconds.

"Hey don't talk about leaving you just got here! We have to show you around Stockholm you haven't seen anything!" this was very true I haven't seen much other than a school and a train station.

Within no time our food had arrived and we all sat quietly enjoying our food, way to hungry to speak. Oscar had cut up our pizza and kindly offered me the first piece. After, he cut a piece for himself holding his slice in one hand and holding my hand under the table with the other.

Once we were all done eating we talked for an extra hour before all the boys started to leave.

Felix was the last to leave until it was just Oscar and I left at the table.

"You are going to have to show me how to get home from here." I told him. "I have no idea where we are."

"Don't worry I can take you."

"Yea, as long as the train doesn't crash again."

"If it does I will protect you." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and rested his head on mine and closed his eyes. I could feel his warm steady breaths hitting my face. It was the only thing keeping me somewhat calm in this situation.

Oscar lifted his hand to my chin and positioned my face towards his. He leaned in and brushed the tip of his nose to mine and stood up getting his jacket on.

"I'll race you to the train stop." He dared with the biggest grin on his face. That bastard, he must have thought that he won my heart but I intend to make him work for it.

"You're on!" I answered with a smile; I knew what he was up to. He quickly paid for our meal and we rushed out of the restaurant into the night.



In case you were wondering this is the link to chichi mommas; Felix actually has a pair of these pants. I ordered some too and they are amazing defiantly worth the money.

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