33: Carry You Home

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Katia and I drove back to the Artist House where we would meet with the boys to begin reconstruction of the building. The entire inside was trashed, walls had to be patched up new furniture had to be bought, equipment had to be replaced. There was a lot to do.

"OK so this should cost us about 78,487.47 Kroner to replace everything back to what it was before." Katia sat upon a broken table and calculated all the math.

"Shouldn't you be worrying about Kale?" Omar questioned. He was lifting and pulling around the heavy broken structures out of the room.

"Yes, I have that all under control, we are all going to head back to California next week for our trial date, and he is going to jail."

Katia stood up and began helping the rest of us clean up the studio. Because of Oscar's and my injures, we could not help with the cleanup.

"You guys might as well leave; there is nothing for you to do here." OG noticed as both of us were sitting and staring into open space.

"Are you sure?"

He nodded. "What are you going to do here? Cheer us on?"

Oscar stood up and offered me his hand. "I have an idea for today."

"Oooh, like what?" I took his hand as we walked down the sidewalk.

"I want to take you to my favorite museum; It's not too far from here."

We made our way down the street way to where the docks opened up in the morning sun.

"Have you heard of the Vasa Museum?"

"I've heard of it, never been there though."

"Well it was a large war ship, and it sank in the early 1600's, there is so much history surrounding it, I love to go there and just think."

We made our way down along the water’s edge and crossed a bridge until we reached the building. It shawn a beautiful bright orange as the sun reflected off the exterior of the building, and as you walked along you could see the mast of the ship peeking out of the rooftop reaching high towards the day.

"Ladies first." Oscar held the door opened motioning for me to enter before him.

The museum was basically empty there were only three people that I could see inside the place and no one was in line for tickets.

"Hej, två heldagsbiljetter behaga." Oscar spoke to an old lady behind the counter.

"Utmärkt, för dig och din tjej?"

"Precis." He nodded towards my direction with a smile; I couldn't understand a single word they were speaking. So, I remained silent and smiled.

"Hon ser full, du tar väl hand om henne. Okej ung man?" The old woman shook her wrinkly finger in his direction looking very serious. "Hon är en elegant kvinna som jag kan se det härifrån." She turned to smile at me.

"Jag ska, jag ska vara vid hennes sida för alltid. Tack"

She stamped our hands and we were on our way.

"What did she say to you? That had to be more than just buying tickets."

Oscar smiled as he glanced to the ground in front of him. "She said you were beautiful."

A flattered smile crossed my face. "Lovely old lad isn't she?"

We continued on our way beginning the tour. Oscar had began to explain to me all the pieces of history in front of us. He knew every little detail from which object was used to complete which task to where people belonged on the ship. As he would explain these stories to me his eyes would come alive and his entire body would become active in the stories he told. If waves were crashing against the boat his hands would create a motion of movement to accompany his words. It was really amusing to watch how much he cared about all of this.

Trip of a Lifetime - The Fooo Conspiracy (Oscar Enestad)Where stories live. Discover now