Chapter 15. First Dates & Simple Crushes

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Then you'd laugh with me and be asking me if I'm gonna be home next week,

Then you'd lie with me until I fall asleep and flutter your eyelash on my cheek between the sheets

I sing softly by Ray as the credits of Safe Haven roll down the screen, yes I chose the movie. Ray I'm guessing is asleep on my lap and he seems relaxed.

"And you will never know just how beautiful you are to me," Ray sings, scaring me.

"Didn't know you were up." I say.

"Yeah. The movie was good. I had to stay up to the end, but don't force me to watch another love, tragedy, crazy movie right now," He says and I laugh.

"So what have you learnt about me today? Do you feel a smidge bit closer to me," Ray ask, looking up at me.

"I definitely feel closer to ya best friend. I've learned that you love hitting me with go-karts, working out is no game to you, you eat healthy, I love your relationship with your parents but mostly your mom. So many guys act like assholes to their moms. I love your mom. Your dad, he is hilarious. I love photos, with you, racing is a adrenaline rush and you're really good at racing in that race car. You're a gentleman but I already knew that. What else? You're 10% the jealous type, you're caring, the lunch you make is to die for good. Tyler and Joseph, Tyler and Joseph are ridiculously funny and great friends. . . they're good for you, talented musicians too. I love singing with you and playing with them. Your taste in actors, directors and movies. . . I can't even, if I was crazy I'd marry you just for your movie collection. You have to thank your parents for these movies. Also you make me feel comfy, you haven't tried to impress me, get me to like you or make a move on me. I appreciate and respect that. Last thing is I came to terms with the fact that you're an amazing person and one hell of a kisser. Also you're a great ass best-friend. I've never been more entertained or amused, excited in... forever," I say carefully wording what I've learnt about him and he looks at me confused for a second before giving me a warm smile.

"Thank you," He says.

"No problem,"

(Friday Night)

"It's not a date Daya, tell her Ray. Please," I giggle as I put my hair in a pony tail.

"It's two associates bowling together with a group of other that's all Day," Ray backs me up. I have my favorite original vans on, denim shorts and a sheer high low, turquoise top on.

"Well you look very beautiful, so have fun babe," Daya says.

"I will Zen, love you. Talk to you when I get back home," I smile as Lawrence hits the end on our FaceTime.

"Thank you," I say as we look in my full length mirror.

"No problem. You look nice though," He nods and I laugh.

"Yes brother. You look nice too," I say sarcastically and he laughs.

"What? I tell you, you look beautiful all the time. It's nothing new. You're your mother child," He smiles at me, I nudge him.

"I know. My mamas hot," I smirk.

"He coming in to meet your parents," Ray asks and I roll my eyes.

"No Lawrence. We're just hanging out, it's not a date. So there's no need for him to meet my parents," I say.

"Oh, just wondering. I figure since you guys are kind of friends now, that he'd want to meet your parents or you'd want that,"

"Nope. I don't know what Drew and I are going to be after tonight or if I want to introduce my parents to him if I don't hit it off with him tonight that'll be odd,"

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