Chapter One

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sōsēōpaTH/ NOUN
1. a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.

10 years later

Clarissa had never really been the shy type so when she made the cheer squad she wasn't that surprised. She was more surprised that she had waited till her senior year to try out. Her best friend Mark had made her try out, well he suggested it. Clarissa would do anything for Mark, she loved him.

Clarissa had always been the pretty girl and she knew it. She didn't flaunt it like Molly did, her slutty 'friend'. Molly was pretty but her fake tan and brunette hair was nothing compared to the blonde haired beauty who's fair skin looked like porcelain compared to the orange glow of Molly. But for some reason Mark was attracted to the head cheerleader; Molly.

He would talk about her endlessly and that upset her more anything. Her love for him was inexplicable.

Smiling to herself Clarissa's arms wrapped around her books tighter as she looked over the list of new cheerleaders, she was pleased to see that she had gotten the highest scores. She ran down the hall to the math department, she had to tell Mark, he would be so happy for her. As she slowed and turned in the corner she stopped in her tracks. Her books fell from her hands as she stared wide eyed. At the end of the hall was Molly wrapped up in her Mark's arms, Molly's lipstick was all over his lips.

Her heart broke as she watched them, not being able to speak she just cried silently. Kneeling to the ground to pick up her books, she moved as slow as possible hoping it was just a figment of her imagination, but every time she looked up nothing changed. She cringed one final time as she gave up and let her books fall to the floor one more time.

"Are you okay?" A male voice rang in her ears.

Clarissa's head snapped up and looked at the boy, well man, James Herman knelt next her, his face full of worry.

"Oh? Yeah I just," Clarissa started and looked around the hallway to see an open locker to her right, "I just hit my knee on the locker over there," she lied smoothly.

"Oh wow, sorry, I'll help you with your books," James said while picking up her books.

James was the total opposite of Mark. His hazel eyes were not as mysterious as Marks deep chocolate ones, his dark hair was dull compared to Marks light golden locks. James had the typical jock look while Mark had his own. James was the quarterback while Mark was the running back on the school team, coincidentally they were the best of friends.

Clarissa smiled at the boy, he wasn't ugly, and he was really sweet. But her heart belonged to one man, whether he knew it or not.

"Hey buddy!" Mark called to James catching the two of them off guard.

Clarissa smiled and ran to her best friend, she had almost forgot the news she had for him.

"Mark! I made the team!" She beamed at him, almost like a lost puppy. Her doe like eyes seemed to be filled with amazement.

Mark smiled at his bubbly friend and looked at Molly.

"I know Molly told me, I'm happy for you!" He said with the same amusement as the blonde.

She tried to hide her anger, how dare that bitch steal her thunder, it was her right to tell her best friend, not some skank.

Clarissa smiled at Molly.

'I hope you fall off the top of the pyramid and break your neck' Clarissa thought, making her smile turn into a grin.

"You did?" Clarissa asked the brunette with smeared lipstick on her lips.

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