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Waking Up Alone

I woke up and reached over to the side of the bed where Warren was supposed to be. Keyword: supposed. The sheets were cold and so was my blood. My eyes shot up. Where my soulmate was supposed to be was a piece of paper. The pristine white paper crinkled as I unfolded it.


I'm sorry. I can't do this anymore.


I was naked, alone, and cold. Warren had left me after I gave him something I had never given anyone else. The clothes thrown haphazardly around the room only severed as a reminded of what happened last night.

"Hey,C. Are you awake? We have to leave soon." Jenna said, walking into my room. She stopped short when she saw me. "Callie, what happened?"

A sob erupted from my throat. Jenna rushed over and wrapped her arms around me. She did not say anything, but she didn't have to. We both knew what had happened. Jenna had to have seen that my clothes were on the floor and Warren was not in the bed.


A couple of hours later we were home. My parents ran out of the house and hugged me as soon as I got out of the car. Their arms did little to comfort me, but I kept my mouth closed and smiled and tightened my hands around them.

My parents had a big dinner for my family, Jen's family, and Adam's family. The dinner so exhausting. Jen and Adam kept looking at me with worry, while the adults asked us about the trip and what we did.

"So, Callie, were there any cute boys in California?" My whole body tensed as the words spilled from Jenna's mom's mouth.

"Yeah, there was, but none that were really worth Callie. Right, Adam?" Jenna answered.

"Yeah. All the guys there were pretty much scumbags." I sighed at Adam's words. Warren's eyes flashed in my head. I couldn't even feel sad anymore, I couldn't feel anything.

And for the millionth time since I woke up alone, I wondered about what Warren was doing and who he was with. How ironic is it, that the one person that I wanted to hold me was the same person that left me as this shell?


That night I woke up at around three crying from a Warren filled dream and my dad had rushed in after hearing me. My favorite thing about my dad is that he lets me get all my feelings out, in this case with crying, before he asks for an explanation. And I told him everything when he did, from my necklace heating up on the plane to California to waking up without Warren and getting on the plane home.

"Oh sweetie. I swear if I ever see that child..." My dad trailed off, probably lost in this thoughts of what he would do to Warren, if Warren ever had the misfortune of running into my father.

My dad broke away from his violent thoughts and tightened the arm that was around my shoulders, "Do you need anything right now?"

I shook my head and my dad laid with me until I fell back to sleep.

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