Graduation Day

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 The Explanation

Ten weeks without Warren. I had finally accepted it and now I was just angry and confused. He was probably with Gwen now, laughing at how naive I was, actually thinking that someone like him could like me.

"Hey, C! I'm here. Time to get ready to graduate!" Jenna voice broke through my mind.

"Hey. Yeah let's get ready." I said monotone. During all of this I realized just how good of friends I have. Jenna and Adam have put up with weeks of crying and weeks of silence and helped me through it all.


"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to this year's graduation!" Our principal then went to drone on about how we were an amazing class and how the school is going to miss this years seniors.

"Jenna James!" Jenna bounced on stage and accepted her diploma. She smiled widely and waved to Adam and I.

Adam's last name being Prince and mine bring Price we were sitting next to each other, something that Jenna pouted about for an hour when we found out. She was complaining that we got to sit next to our best friend, while she was stuck next to Salami Sam, a boy in our grade who, as the name would dictate, always smells like salami.

"... Adam Prince!" Adam walked up to the stage got his diploma and hurried right back off. I could hear Jenna, her family and Adam's family cheering for him.

"Callie Price!" I stood up and made my feet move. I plastered a smile on my face and got the piece of paper that I had worked for, for most of my life so far. I looked out to the crowd and saw my parents, Adam, Jenna, and their families cheering and waving loudly. As I was walking off the stage my eyes caught the eyes of the boy who broke my heart. Warren.

I ripped my eyes away from him and practically ran over to my seat.

"I saw. Are you okay?" Adam whispered to me, his older brother voice coming out.

"Honestly, I don't know." I admitted. Adam smiles sadly at me and wrapped an arm around me. I made sure that throughout the rest of the ceremony I only looked up at the stage.

Warren was here. The boy who walked out on me after we had sex. Did he want to ruin my graduation? I could not believe that he was that mean, but the only other explanation is that he is here to apologize, and I could not let my hopes up for that.


"Oh! My baby graduated! Oh, I'm so excited!" My mom yelled in my ear. I winced and pulled away from her.

"Ow, mom. You sure you can't say that any louder?"

"I probably can if I tried."

"I know where you get your sassy attitude from now." That voice sent chills down my spine. The worst part was that I could not figure out if they were good or bad.

I turned around to look at Warren. My brown eyes connected with his and I almost forgot what he had put me through. His blue-ish green eyes were filled with regret and misery. I wanted to run up to him and wrap my arms around him and never let go, but I did not. He was the one that left me. Not the other way around. He had no right to be sad over this.

"What are you doing here?" Adam sneered.

"I need to talk to Callie. I have to explain why I did what I did."

"Is this who I think it is, Callie?" My dad said, his fists balling up, like he was about to throw a punch.

"C, what do you want me to do?" Adam turned to me in question, completely ignoring my father's question. Our families stared at us, their eyes flickering between Adam, Jenna, Warren, and I, waiting to see who would do what first and gaging if they would need to step in.

"Nothing, Adam, dad, let me handle this." I hugged Adam. He really was the brother I never had. I looked at Warren and told him to follow me. I walked us outside the gym, where the graduation was held and into a hallway.

"Okay, talk." I said sternly, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I missed you, Cal. So much." Warren sighed.

"I don't think that is what you came all the way from California to tell me."

"I'm sorry. Really I am. The week we had was the best time of my life. I finally had someone that I told everything to. Even things that I wouldn't dare tell Gage. Then the night we had sex, I was holding you after and I realized that I am in love with you. I freaked out and ran away."

"Why? You're not making any sense, Warren. You were in love with me so you left me?"

"No, well yes. I am in love with you. Am, not were. My mom left, and she was supposed to love my dad and me. I knew that you were leaving, that day. I didn't want to tell you that I loved you because that wouldn't change anything you would still be leaving. I didn't want to be hurt again."

"Warren, we could have made it work. It was only a few weeks."

"I honestly know that now, but I was able to justify everything I was doing at the time. Now though, I can't think of one reason why I would walk away from you. I want to make it work." He begged, those eyes that I am desperately in love with staring at me, looking bluer than I've ever seen them.

"That's not how the world works, Warren. You broke my heart. You slept with me. Then you left." I had to hold back from screaming the words in his face.

"I know I am the biggest asshole in the world. But, I love you, and I know that is no consolation for what I did, but if you can forgive me I will spend the rest of our lives together making it up to you and proving how much I love you."

My heart had melted. I told myself that if I ever talked to Warren again, that I would be cursing him out and calling him a few choice words. But now with him standing in front of me and telling me that he loves me all that flied out of my head. He was my soul-mate, and I did also believe that everyone deserves a second chance.

"I will even tell your parents what I did, if you haven't already, and let your father and Adam dish out whatever punishment that they think I deserve. I just need you back, Callie." Warren said, those eyes of his boring into my soul.

"That won't be necessary. I forgive you, Warren. But, next time you have any fears like that and you even try to run away again, I am going to make sure you cannot have children, got it?" A smile so bright that it could give the sun a run for its money broke out across his face.

Warren grabbed me and spun me around. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his face to mine. I connected our lip and pushed all the emotions that I had in the past ten weeks into the kiss. I tried to show him that he does not have to be afraid of me leaving, that I would never be like his mother.

"I love you too, Warren." I said when we broke the kiss.

"Say it again." Warren pleaded.

I giggled and said, "I love you, Warren Francis,"

"I love you so much, Callie Price."

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