Chapter Five

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Jack Frost

Elsa's face lights up with a smile when she saw the snowflakes. She looked happy and quite giddy, like a little child. Its different from the sullen, prim Elsa I know. But its a good kind of different.

She turns to me, smiling happily. Her blue eyes were so full of life that I just had to smile back.

"Oh, Jack! This is wonderful!" she gasps, catching a snowflake in her hand. "Yeah, and its not that hard, too." I answer. Her head shoots up, "Really?"

"Yeah. I can teach you, if you want?" I offer. Literally looking like a child being offered candy, she eagerly nods.

I take a small step closer to her; I didn't want to cause her any kind of discomfort. "Okay. Just concentrate on what you really want to create." I tell her. She obeys, closing her eyes and scrunching up her face. I laugh, she looks real cute when she does that.

"Not that hard. You might create a snowstorm. Just tell yourself what you want to do and let your powers do the rest." I tell her, carefully placing my hand on her shoulder. She flinches, so I remove it.

(AN: I have no idea what I'm talking about, I just made a bunch of stuff up.)

Her face relaxes, looking composed. She takes a deep breath and a soft, blue light appears from her hand, swirling around her room until it bursts into pretty little snowflakes. "You did it!" I tell her.

Her eyes open, looking scared at first... what was she scared of? Of failing? But then she sees the fluttering snowflakes and she gasps happily. "I did it!" she exclaims, looking excited. "Yeah, you did. Told you it was easy." I teased.

Suddenly she looks wistful, "I never thought I could actually create them. I expected a snowstorm too, to be honest."

"That's how bad it is?" I ask.

Her face scrunches up again, this time with confusion, "How bad what is?" she asks.

"Your powers. That's how out of control it is?" I explain. I knew it was hard for her to control her powers but I didn't know it was that bad.

She looks down, a slight pink tinting her cheeks, "Yeah. It gets harder to control them every year. The pressures of being a good girl... hearing Anna's pleas... trying to please my parents..." she trails off, looking embarassed.

"I understand," I really did. It was like when The Man in Moon chose me as guardian. I tried to fit in with all the other guardians, tried so hard to please them and prove to them that I was worthy to be one. Then, using my index finger, I gently lifted her chin, forcing her to look into my eyes.

Her eyes held so much pain and desperation as they stared back into mine. So different from the smiling Elsa who produced the snowflakes earlier.

Unable to help myself, I pulled her into my arms. She stiffens for a moment, before she relaxes and starts crying. She clutches onto me to, grasping my hoodie tight and burying her face in my chest. I tighten my arms around her.

"Always remember," I whisper into her hair, "You're never alone."


I cried and cried. I sobbed into Jack's sweater, my tears turning into tiny little crystalline ice. It was probably from our temperature; we were colder than ice.

I clutch his sweater, burying my face deeper into his chest.

I know I shouldn't do this. I shouldn't trust him so easily and yet, here I am, melting in his embrace.

Something about him makes me feel comfortable. And it's wrong.

I shouldn't feel this way. For all I know, he is making me feel comfortable. Maybe he's the one I need to stay away from.

But he seemed so sincere. He seemed to know exactly how I'm feeling. He taught me how to make the snowflakes.

The snowflakes. They were a sign that I could control my powers. And Jack, maybe, he could help me.

But I didn't want to trust him. I spent so long, so long, being alone. Trying not to give my trust. And then here he comes, making me drop the walls I build around me and people. All in one night.

But something about being in his arms made me feel safe. I admit,it felt good to be able to let it all out.

I'm so confused. It was the last thought that entered my mind before I slipped into darkness.



I rubbed Elsa's back repeatedly. After years of holding it in, after years of being impassive, and after years of hiding her emotions, she has finally decided to let go.

I tighten my arms around her, resting my chin on her head. My hoodie didn't didn't feel wet; which is weird because we've been in this position for a while.

I looked down, and I found out why. Her tears turn to icy droplets the moment they touched her cheeks. It was the first time I noticed the temperature in the room. It dropped to a zero. Huh, I guess having two people who control ice in the same room does that.

Elsa's sobs are now reduced to whimpers and hiccups. She was shaking pretty hard. I didn't think it wa because of the cold; surely she was used to that. I think it was because she's been crying so hard.

I stroke her hair and press a kiss on her temple.

We stayed that way for a while.

I felt her breathing get softer. I looked down and saw that she was fast asleep. I grin and gently picked her up bridal style and tucked her in her bed.

I brush away a stray hair. The crying made her eyelids slightly puffy and her nose red. I smile.

On the outside, Elsa was the perfect epitome of poise, posture and composure. But on the inside, Elsa was frail and broken, but very powerful.

I frown. I'll help her. I'll train her and protect her in every way I can.

I think, then kissing her forehead once more, before flying outside to her balcony.


Ahhh!!! This is my fave chapter so far!!! I wasn't gonna make it this way. I planned a very different thing to happen to this chapter but I did a last minute thing and wrote this. I liked it much better but I might have to tweak the plot a bit... but, Oh what the heck am I talking about? I don't even have a plot.

LOL. Oh, yeah, LONGEST CHAPTER SO FAR!!! Don't you think that deserves a VOTE AND COMMENT!?!?? Thanks for reading guys! Seriously, 400 reads(almost 500) in less than a week? You guys are the best!

I luv ya'll

xx Erica<3

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