Chpt 14

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Today everyone is so chilled out we all decided we going tot the movies later Royal is outta town with Target and Rachel is in New Zealand for a month so its me, Nate and the kids speaking of Nate ass he hasn't replied to any of my messages nigga probably high somewhere so me and Sanjay are on the soft playing 2k and roya was painting her toes when the door knocked.

Me: roya go get the door I side eyed her as she didn't look up once 

Sanjay: roya get off your ass and get the door she looked at us before walking out the room 

Roya: who is it i could tell she was pissed by her attitude 

Nate: saw muffin it's me she opened the door and come back in doing what she was doing when two boys walked in arguing and one bumped into her crashing her toes into the wall. Me and Sanjay covered our ears as roya screamed

???: Damn you ain't gotta scream man your toes ugly anyways roya mugged him looking him up  and down shit i was wondering who he was 

Roya: nigga you must not know who I am bitch better recognize the boy started laughing at her so she jumped on him swinging punches until Nate took her off him 

Nate: Myles apologies for what you said Myles if that was his names gave Nate a blank look 

Myles: apologies for what 

Nate: for what you said 

Myles: what i said what 

Nate: for what you said about roya feet he looked at Nate before bursting out laughing tears and everything 

Myles: damn my bad shawty roya rolled her eyes sitting down on the sofa on her phone 

Nate: sorry I'm late man Teresa ass telling me I gotta watch em for a couple of da-

Roya: wow wow wow they can't stay here Mr.Crabs looking ass nigga made sure of that Myles looked at her with that really nigga look 

Nate: swag muffin come on just a couple of days I promise roya rolled her eyes and agreed to let them stay 

???: well where are my manners I'm kilo and let me just say you looking all cute and doll face roya rolled her eyes walking out to get ready Killo licking his nasty ass lips 

Me: nigga you best back up ... you know who her dad is he rolled his eyes and played on his phone 

After an hour it was eight o' clock so we decided to leave for the movies, we got into two different cars. I got in my range rover and Nate drove the Mercedes when we pulled up I helped roya out and we walked into the entrance 

Me:yea can I get two adults and four kids to see inside out  I got the tickets and we got food walking into the cinema i was on my phone the hole time shit was boring 


Inside out was so damn boring and roya ass was smiling at this shit I motivated for Killo and Myles to follow me once we were out I pointed at the room to the Poltergeist and they high fived each other before we walked in 

Roya: where yall going we all turned to look at her 

Killo: damn baby we just gonna watch the Polter-

Myles: fuck all dat she's a pussy okay and don't be telling her ass our plans let's go I looked at roya before following them inside it was half way in the movie and I felt a light tap on my back I turned at roya 

Roya: your gonna get in trouble Sanjay let's just go I rolled my eyes at her 

Me: you go I'll catch yo- 

???: SHHH I looked at this old ass nigga telling me to shut up tf wrong with him 

Roya: come on Sanjay i don't wanna we you get in trouble I looked at her I was about to say something when Myles pushed her to the ground 

Myles: whipers get tf outta here nobody wants you here bitch I looked down at my hands before looking at roya 

Roya: Sanjay you gonna let him talk to me like that I looked away from her

Killo: baby maybe yo-

Roya: I'm not your god damn baby wow Sanjay so much for my big broth-

???: shhhh

Roya: shut tf up nigga telling me to shh I pay my money to be in here too bitch 

???: you best back up you little bitch 

Roya: excuse me you best turn your ass around before I stuck my size two up your old ass he turned around ignoring the conversation 

Justin: what yall doing I'm here the guy roya just cussed out came up to Justin 

???: dued really shut tf u- before he could finish his sentence Justin punched him in the neck and he fell to the floor crying like a little bitch 

Justin: let's go yall the movie done anyways I nodded and walked out only to be mugged by roya yep she's mad 

After we left and got in the car roya didn't say anything to me I felt bad about not sticking up for her but sometimes she's too much and I can't control it oh well



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