Chpt 20

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we were all sitting in the waiting room I couldn't take my eyes off Justin his bitch ass made my son get shot I'f kill his ass if royal and target wasn't here we've been waiting fro hours target brought his new girlfriend Ella along like this was a fucking family reunion 

Ella: I'm so sorry Nate I simply nodded my head not wanting to look at her we all knew she was a hoe and was only using target 

Roya: coughs slut royal shot her a look and she put her hands up in surrender 

Doctor: family of Killo Denzel Carter I walked over to him hoping the anger in my system would go away but it didn't 

Me: I'm his father 

Doctor: well hello I'm doctor Walsh your son was shot in his back and he bullet we were able to remove but i'm afraid killo might never walk again the anger that was inside of me I finally released I turned and punched Justin in the face causing him to try to come at me but target grabbed him and roya grabbed me

Me: YOU BITCH ASS NIGGA THIS ALL YOUR FAULT MY SON NEVER GONNA WALK AGAIN I tried breaking out of roya grip but he held on to me 

Justin: YOU THINK I WANTED THIS MAN ... YOU THINK I PLANNED FROM HIM TO BE IN A WHEELCHAIR I felt my anger growing stronger I pushed royal and walked out of the hospital 


after uncle Nate left it went silent and everyone was looking at uncle Justin people were starring at us in shock like they ain't ever seen a family fight before 

Royal: target and Justin with me Ella watch the kids I looked at her with a evil smile and Myles and Sanjay mugged her

Ella: so ... how old are you guys 

Myles: old enough he said before sipping on his soda I know he was hurting on killo but just didn't wanna show it 

Ella: right ... look I love y'all uncle he's so importa-

Me: cut the shit we all know what you after we might be young but we ain't stupid I simply said not wanting her to talk to me 

Ella: your hair is so beautiful I gave her a fake smile before going thru my Instagram 

Me: so Ella where do you work 

Ella: well I just got a job a- 

Me: are you a hoe? Do you sell your body? Do you have kids?

Ella: no and I do have a son I smelt fish on her and it was getting smelly every time she lied

Me: you know lying isn't a good for the should Ella I mean I lie but only for a good reason your lying for money from my uncle I mean it's okay to shake yo ass up in the club once and a while I understand you got a son but god doesn't like ugly Ella does he tears form in her eyes as she looked at me in shock and uncle Target came back in the room looking at all us 

Ella: fuck you, you don't know shit about me or how I struggle I smiled at her clapping my hands 

Me: Boohoo for the poor black girl grow the fuck up and stop blaming everyone for your mistakes more tears formed on her eyes as she tried to hold strong 

Ella: you got a big mouth that shit gonna get you in trouble one day I smiled at her blowing her kisses 

Me: I'll yell you when the day comes until then get a real job to support you and your son but most importantly your downgraded lifestyle tears let her eyes and Target looked anytime in shock but I didn't care I always will live by the saying that the truth hurts 

Ella: fuck this I'm done target he looked at me before running after her 

Sanjay: remind me to never get on the wrong side of you I smirked and hugged Myles he hugged back 

Me:It's okay to cry I'm always here for you he simply nodded and closed his eyes as I saw a few tears fall 



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