Chpt 25 (roya day)

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today is my day I'm eight and I'm so excited about my day all morning me and aunty Rachel have been in the salon and later is the biggest surprise of all I'm having my birthday party 

Rachel: okay you ready roya I nodded as she paid for out bills 

Me: yea let's go she nodded taking my hand we went shopping the got into her car driving home

Rachel: okay let's get you ready she helped me fix my hair and put on my jumpsuit with my gladiator sandals I put on my purple lipstick and my hair crown walking downstairs 

Me: how I look Sanjay smiled and kissed my head

Sanjay: you look beautiful Roy happy birthday I smiled and high five him when aunty Rachel was ready we made our way to royalty house where the party would be held there was red carpet and all my friends were here 

Camilla: happy birthday roya she said giving me a fake smile it's not my fault me and Sanjay had to move away fake af

Me: listen Camilla today's my day not yours and I will smack a bitch if I got to you feel what I'm saying cuz I don't get why you being disrespectful at my birthday party bitch! she looked at me shocked yes I'm seven but I will put a bitch in her place 

Camilla: you think you so bad huh keep talking to people like that and you won't have any friends left I smirked at her knowing I wanted to stomp her in her face 

Me: laughs honey friend best friend shut don't mean nothing to me and oh and bad is in my DNA I poured my coke all over her before walking away to the kitchen 

Killo: enjoying yourself I see I turned around holding my chest 

Me: remind me we need to get a bell around your neck mf I was about to cut your ass I simply said eating some skittles as he laughed 

Killo: great party I nodded rocking to ghetto from August Alsina 

Me: any words from you dead beat brother he shook his head no not showing any remorse I sat on his lap eating my skittles 

Killo: I hope we still like this when we older and we stick together you know me you Sanjay aliyah corbin and daquan and cam-

Me: no she's  a hoe and don't ask what happened either cuz he looked at me smiling 

Killo: you wanna be my girl I looked at him shocked I never knew he liked me I always thought he was playing 

Me: am ... I dunno ... I jus 

Killo: listen I can't tell you I won't get it wrong sometimes but I wanna be there for you be someone you can rely on I promise and if I fail you can cut my dick off deal I simply nodded and shook his hand I thought about it for a second before looking at him 

have you ever kissed someone he smiled before moving my head close to him and kissing my lips gently I looked at him 

Killo: now you have I blushed looking away 

Royalty:What's going on here I got off killo and looked at him shocked 

Rachel: time for cake guys I looked at aunty Rachel and then daddy before running behind her and standing behind the table with a big birthday cake with my picture on their with Arial on it with purple I looked at everyone with happy faces and smiled looking up and the sunset in the beautiful sky I knew my mom had to be watching over and smiling at me 

Rachel: ONE ...  TWO ... THR- there was a loud book at the door and police busted in hand cuffing my dad and uncles Nate and target 

Dad: Justin look after roya they slammed his face in  my birthday cake and it went all over me I looked at my dad with tears in my eyes this would have been the first birthday party I've had with friends and my real family but he had to ruin everything 

Royalty: roya I'm sorry I'll make it up to you 

Me: and to think I was gonna give you a chance 

Royalty: baby I promise I'll make it up to you I let tears fall I was trying my hardest not to let them fall 

Me: HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY MAKE IT UP TO ME HOPE THEY LOCK YOU UP AND THROW AWAY THE KEY YOU ARE A MONSTER AND YOUR NOT MY FATHER FROM THIS DAY ON!! I ran with all the anger in me out the house I could hear them calling after me but I didn't stop I ran and ran with tears blurring my vision until I got to my mom's grave I started crying letting my anger get the best of me 

Me: WHY DID YOU HAVE TO LEAVE WAS IT ME I'M SORRY MOM I'M SO SORRY I curled myself in a ball laying close to her grave closing my eyes 



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