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The plane ride to Brooklyn was seemingly calm, except for the times where T'Challa would argue with Jamal about if they were there yet or not.

"Are we there yet? I'm bored," the prince whined looking out the window. It was dark out, and the stars were shining against the leather of the seats in the private plane. His father insisted they didn't fly on a public plane, but as soon as they hit Brooklyn, everything would be different.

"Just one more hour sir," Jamal replied with an annoyed tone. T'Challa sighed and turned his laptop back on going on his Facebook page. He had a ton of followers, but no one really knew him. He may be an idiot, but he's not stupid. His 'friends' back home didn't really like him for who he is, but for how much money he has.

"Sir, we've arrived," Jamal said and T'Challa sighed and looked out the window seeing they made it to JFK airport and saw how different New York is from South Africa already. For starters, more white people. He's no racist, fuck Donald Trump, it's just an observation.

Jamal grabbed their things and let them to a car that was ready to drive them to their new home.

"Jamal, what is this?" T'Challa asked pointing to the red Honda Civic.

"Low profile, we're just people now,"

With that, they drove off to Brooklyn. T'Challa was missing home already.

The house was big, but the palace was bigger. T'Challa definitely wasn't liking this already, and the smell of the neighborhood was one he didn't like at all. It reeked of teenage hormones and homeless men.

"Sir, are you coming in?" Jamal asked his 'son', and T'Challa snapped out of his thoughts and went inside without another word.

The house was two bedroom, with a simple kitchen, living room, and a bathroom.

One bathroom.

"You've got to be kidding me," T'Challa whispered under his breath as he went upstairs to his room. He cringed seeing the walls all white, as if he was in a psych ward.

"Once you unpack, we go and greet the neighbors," Jamal said and T'Challa waved him off. His father made it clear that Jamal is not his butler during their 'visit', so now he had to do everything himself, except cook. He didn't want his son to burn down Brooklyn.

After placing his shoes on the floor of his small closet, he went downstairs to get this 'meet the neighbors' thing over with. Him and Jamal walked to the house next door and knocked.


There were a few voices said behind the door along the lines of 'if it's Steve' and 'I'm not properly dressed'

The door soon opened revealing a boy around T'Challa's age and his father.

"Hi! I'm Howard Stark and this is my son Tony. You must be our new neighbors," Howard greeted and Jamal shook his hand.

"I'm Jamal, and this is my son T'Challa," Jamal said and T'Challa gave his best convincing smile, which worked because Howard smiled back at him.

"Wakanda yes? I own a few factories there," Howard said and he and Jamal then started discussing business stuff, and T'Challa was left to 'make friends' with Tony.

"Have you ever been to New York?"

"No, but we're just visiting," T'Challa replied annoyed. Tony noticed his change in attitude and decided to not ask anything else. The guy seemed nice, just not happy where he is.

"T'Challa, let's go and have dinner. I'm sure the boys will be in school together," Jamal said and saw Tony nod in agreement.

"Yeah, I'd be happy to show him around," Tony offered and Jamal thought it was a great idea. T'Challa not so much.

That night, he didn't sleep at all thinking about what school would be like tomorrow. He wasn't planning on making friends, but he would at least try and see if anyone was as nice as Tony was. The prince made a mental note to apologize for his attitude, something he's never done before. The Starks seemed like good people.


Bucky hated Tuesdays. He hated every day for that matter, his life was pretty boring. His routine hasn't changed since he came out, and he thought he'd go out on more dates. But he was wrong, the only gay people he knew was Tony, his friend Bruce, and Steve. Steve isn't exactly out, but he's as straight as protractor.

"Buck, did you see my red jacket? Mom washed it but she never told me where she put it," Natasha asked from his doorway.

"It's in the hall closet," he replied and she thanked him and rushed to the closet. The brunette continued fixing his shoulder length hair in the mirror, and noticed his usual steel blue eyes were grey from it being so early. Once he gets his coffee he'll be alright.

Bucky decided not to be late today, shockingly, and he told Nat he'd walk with her today. It wasn't an 'I'm your brother and I want to spend time with you' kind of walk, more like an 'I'll walk with you so Clint doesn't have to' kind of walk. Clint Barton was a junior, and he had an obsessive crush on his sister, and he thought the kid was harmless. Natasha on the other hand thought he was a creep and was just using Bucky's 'I'll kill you' stare to her advantage. Plus, his metal prosthetic added to it.

It was a car accident and he unfortunately lost a limb trying to protect Nat. He was 13, and his dad didn't see a truck coming on his left. His dad blamed himself for years, causing him to leave in utter shame and he hasn't seen his kids since then. Bucky's mom wasn't upset, but she missed her husband every day.

"Bucky! Quite daydreaming and let's go!" Natasha yelled and he rolled his eyes. Sometimes he thought as Nat as his mother, but he'd never tell her that.

"I'm coming! Jesus..."

When he shut the door behind him, they started the 5 minute walk to the school.

"So, I heard Tony met the new kid already. Apparently their neighbors"

Bucky looked at her in amusement. "Yeah? Well maybe he'll join our group, it'd be nice to add another member since Rumlow decided to ditch us,"

Before Nat could reply, she sighed and saw Clint walking towards them. She nudged Bucky's arm, and he looked to see the kid already sweating from seeing his sister. He didn't want to laugh, but he did anyway.

"Bucky you're not helping!" she whispered and before she knew it Clint was in her face grinning.

"Morning guys, lovely weather we're having," the spikey haired blonde said as if he practiced it in the mirror. Wouldn't be a shock either way.

"Sure is Barton, the birds are chirping, the leaves are falling, guys have their shirts on backwards. It's a great day," Bucky replied smirking and Clint looked down and saw he in fact had his shirt on backwards. The V-neck was on his back instead.

"Oh my god!" he left in a hurry and Natasha chuckled and looked to see her brothers friends looking rather amused by the lockers.

"I owe you bro, I'll see you later," the redhead said before walking over to her friend Wanda Maximoff and her brother waved her off and went over to his friends.

"Wow Barnes, it's not even 8 yet and you're already being an ass," Tony said and Bucky shrugged.

"Hey, I'm just helping my sister. By the way, shouldn't you be helping the new kid? Nat told me your neighbors,"

Tony sighed. "He needed to go to the office to get his schedule, I told him to meet us at lunch,"

"Isn't he from Africa or whatever?" Steve asked finally speaking up. Kid never talks.

"Finally another black guy in the group!" Sam added.

"Yeah, his accent is pretty heavy but not too hard to understand. He had a bit of an attitude when we met, but he apologized afterwards. Must be hard for him being here," Tony said and Bucky frowned already feeling bad for the guy. Hopefully they could be good friends.

"Must be, but I'm sure once he joins us it'll be easy for him. Now let's get to Ms. Hill's class, I want to see the look on her face when she sees me early,"

They all laughed at Bucky's comment.

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